House Teleko (Defunct)
Faith Binds Us
House Overview
Head of House: None
Spouse: -
Vassals: -
Heir: -
Liege: -
Succession: Eldest Child
Military Strength: Organized and strong
Goods: Wheat, Wine, Spices
Wealth: Wealthy
Motto: Faith Binds Us


House Teleko was Rikton's oldest house, and at one time before the rule of the High Priest were the ruling family of the lands awarded them by the Emperor Marius. Though the lands were intended for the use of the Faith after a climatic battle, House Teleko was given command of building the infrastructure and keeping the vassals of the land in check and dutiful to the One True Faith.

Following the end of the War of the West in which their scion and leader Cardinal Varyth Teleko was unmasked as an ancient vampire who had embroiled the West in conflict, the house was stripped of all its lands and its nobles of their titles and rights. Cardinal Teleko fled to parts unknown.

Their lands were subsequently awarded to the newly crowned King Rollo of Rikton and his House Tusca. Some of those who had formerly been Teleko nobles continued to serve the new Kingdom of Rikton and their Tusca overlords. Most, though, moved to the Holy City of Rikton itself, which continues to operate as an affiliated city state of the Kingdom. Here, they are treated as gentry, and serve the Church.


House Relations

MushName Head of House : Relationship
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