1875-12-13: Broken Horns
Broken Horns
Summary: Elisha is expelled from the horned knights
Date: 1875-12-13
Related: (1875-12-11) Dust And Ashes
NPCs: nah
Ludovic  Elisha  

Ludovic has Elisha brought to him in the great hall to declare his decision after her arrest in Four Corners recently.

"Twice now." He starts. "I've given Elisha an opportunity to rethink her oaths. Both times she assured me she meant them whole heartedly. Yet, when she came to me and said she planned to serve Prince Sylvain instead, I agreed to release her. That should have been the end of things."

"But the moment we gave her what she wanted she started adding demands. Then when both the Princepsa and I declared she had no right to demand anything she forgot every last lesson of hospitality and etiquette. In the end her behavior caused the Princepsa to order her arrest."

"And so here we are."

"She has made it clear to me that there is only one choice to be made. Material goods and defiance meaning far more to her than those who loved her, her honor or her reputation ever will."

"So this is my decision. Elisha is from this point expelled from the Horned Knights. She is never to set foot in Hellsmouth again and should think twice about even speaking to me again. Nor will Hellsmouth ever acknowledge her claim to knighthood."

"Break her horns and take her to the Fiorello border. Hellsmouth is done with her."

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