1875-10-01: Demonic Notice
Demonic Notice
Summary: Ivo sends out notice about his encounter with Calenzarius
Date: 1875/10/01
Related: The Could Have Gone Better
NPCs: None
Ivo  Adriono  Ramius  Jasmina  Ludovic  Alia  Brennart  

Ivo wasn't entirely sure how long they'd ridden for. The horse had struggled with the pair of them on it's back, but they'd been relucatant to stop, lest the demon catch up. Another horse was acquired from a small village, which might not have been the thoroughbred he was used to, but it was certainly a damnsight better than nothing. Once they reached somewhere civiliased to allow them to send moongazers their progressed stopped long enough for him to fire off a set of messages;


To Adriono

I will be blunt for I have no other words to say this. Myrana is posessed by some form of supernatural creature, I'll call it a demon as that seems to fit, but there might be a more correct term. I do not think she is headed for Fiorello, but should she appear before I get back to brief you fully, then … I have no idea what to advise. It's linked to a longsword she wears at her hip but do not let anyone touch that without gloves or other protection. I do not know what removing it from her will do, but I know the creature inside her will try to resist, and it has shown itself very capable of resisting.
I will return as soon as I can to tell you all I know on the matter.

Your faithful nephew


To Ramius

Zmeyark Zmeierch Zemiarc King
I do not know if the Hunter lent to me by Sir Tavi has arrived in Unterfjel with his prisoner yet, but if he hasn't he will soon. As an update to that you should know that Myrana has been found, but not before she was possessed by a demon. She is headed for Herensurge to take your sword but I should arrive ahead of here to brief you properly.
I furvently hope to see you soon, but if I do not arrive, then beware the longsword she now wears, it contains a chaos stone in it's hilt.

Ivo d'Armaz

PS. If I turn up with a longsword with such a stone in the hilt, then I too will be after the sword but she might not be. This however, is not the plan.


To Jasmina

Your Grace
You asked if there was anything you could do to aid in my search for Myrana. I do not have time to put all the details down in this note, but if any of the sorcerers that have taken up your offer of sanctuary have any information on pink stones known by some as 'chaos stones' then that information could prove to be invaluable. Also, anything about the name 'Calenzarius'
I will tell you more when I get the chance, but I do not yet know when that will be.

Lord Ivo d'Armaz


One copy each to Ludovic and Alia

I can only be brief, but I will say more when I next see you face to face.
Myrana has touched a chaos stone and is possessed by a demon calling itself Calenzarius. Sometimes it seems dormant, but it seems that anything she knows, it knows, so take appropriate precautions.
If either of you know how to get rid of such a creature then please, bring that the bear now.
Also, if the Imperial libraries have anything on how the Firebrand sealed away magic all those centuries ago, then finding that information and anything on the wars before hand might just be the only thing that can save Tirth. That is not hyperbole.



To Brennart

Sir Brennart
I am afraid I do not have time for pleasantries, but instead have an urgent need to discuss with you matters related to the loss of Duke Gauvain.
I am headed for Herensurge to try and stop a sword falling into the wrong hands. If you can join me there then it may be advantagious to the cause, but if not, I will seek you out as soon as I am able.

Sir Ivo d'Armaz

Response from Ludovic

As far as I know theres only one way to get rid of them and its the same way that works on just about everything else - Just keep hitting it till it stops moving. That said. All the stories I've read and heard seem to suggest that magic, silver and fire will help.
Have you tried destroying the chaos stone? I seem to recall someone telling me that had been done before.
(Instead of a signature theres a little doodle of a bull under a stormcloud)

A Letter from Alia


I have received your letter and the news you have imparted worries me more than a little. You should have no worry yourself, that I would not believe you, and I will offer what assistance I can.

I have taken the time, first, to speak to our clerics. As is so often the case, it is those of the Faith that hold so much of our history. Though they, of course, have their own biases, theirs are different from the ones of your own Western Faith. What they did impart to me was this: The One took magic from the world because, while the Empire under the rule of Darius made the world safe for magic, there were those who were intent on using it for Dark purpose. And so, to save mankind from its own folly, the One Sealed magic on Winter Moon. I know not how magic was returned to the world once again, but perhaps she is at the heart of it, for she is both the thing that we see in the night sky and one of the great gods of the Many. Its keeper and perhaps its jailer.

My exploration of the texts and knowledge that we have currently available is so far thin, as I am still gathering my resources and reaching out to those who might be able to assist us. What I have been able to discover on the Sealing of Magic itself, is that it was not the Firebrand, Darius, who was responsible for that great Working, as the legends say, but the Third Emperor, Nikandros Firebrand. I have, thus far, been unable to find out anything about how he accomplished that great Working.

Of demons, there is no mention thus far in what I have found, but I will continue to research and will impart to you all that I find.

Do not forget that should Aequor and now Gendiel prove unsafe for you, you will always have a safe harbor within the Empire.


Lord Ivo,

While I was unable to find anyone who could give me the information you are seeking, I was able to piece enough of what I remember, and have read, to be of some help, hopefully.

Chaos stones are, from what I can tell, are left over pieces of Old Things that corrupts the souls of living creatures. They can alway be used to imprison celestial beings as well, such as angels, as well as those of a more demonic nature.

As for the name you asked about, Calenzarius is the demon of murder and is an agent of the Horned King in the Abyss.

All in all, I fear all of this bodes very poorly for us. Please keep me informed as to what transpires.

Queen Jasmina Mordran

After the Battle of Falrane River Ivo sends out a trio of updates;

To Jasmina

Your Grace

Again, apologies for the shortness of my reply, but I hope at some point to be able to fill you in more thoroughly.
Myrana is safe, and the demon Calenzarious destroyed, or banished, or.. I'm not sure exactly, but the stone that had been binding it is destroyed and it is gone from Tirth. If it still lives in the Abyss I can not say, such things are beyond my knowledge.

Thank you for all your help

Lord Ivo d'Armaz


To Ludovic

Just hit the demon possessing Myrana… thanks for that advice old friend. I called it Plan B.
You'll be pleased to know though that the stone is destroyed and the demon gone. I'll fill you in over a bottle or several when we next meet. It's been an interesting few days.



To Alia


The immediate threat is dealt with, the stone destroyed, and the demon gone.
I, or others, will likely need to talk with you about the information you found though as it pertains to a larger threat to the whole of Tirth. Once I am able I will seek you out and explain in person, as I fear trying to put it all into words on paper would be an impossible task. I hope this will be soon.
Thank you again for your hard work, and your kind offer, but I have little doubt in the welcome and protection I will continue to receive with my own family.



It gladdens the heart to know that your cousin is safe and that at least this one threat to the world has been dealt with, at least for the moment. If you wish to meet, I can easily manage to travel to you, either in Four Corners, in Gendiel, or in another location of your choosing, as it seems you are less able to travel without interference than I.

My offer was not given as any indication that I put no faith in your family's ability to protect and keep you. But we are at war, seemingly from forces both mortal and immortal, and we must all seek for places where we can go to ground when needs require until it is safe to do otherwise. As I once extended that offer of sanctuary to your cousin, so I do it to you and all who might be with you.



I did say hit the demon. I'd no idea how to get it out of someone first. Glad you worked it out. Don't let her know but I'd miss her.
Is this something new or from back when you visited with that scroll she couldn't put down? Because she's been acting odd ever since then although I always figured that one was just an old ghost. It was too nice to be a demon.
How did she end up holding a chaos stone? I thought she knew better.
How does she always manage to get mixed up in these things?

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