1875-09-07: News of Crick's End
News of Crick's End
Summary: Alia sends a letter to Duke Lethodus Romante
Date: 1875-09-07
Related: One Save The Cheese and A Good Clearing Out.
NPCs: None
Alia  Letholdus  

Alia had promised she would send the letter, and it was only right that she do so. And so, in the early afternoon, while she left the steward to handle the removal of the rest of the goods and sundry from the manor, she sat in the coolness of what had once been the dining hall.

Soon enough, a letter, penned in a light, feminine hand, and sealed with the Firebrand's distinctive Imperial eagle, was winging its way away from Four Corners, returning to a roost in Alicante.

To Duke Letholdus Romante

Your Grace,

I write to you in the hopes that this missive finds you well, and I wish to assure you that I mean no insult in writing to you, rather than Her Majesty, but I feel it is not my right or place to write to your Queen, and so, I write in the hopes that you will intercede on my behalf and pass the news this letter carries on to Her Majesty. I write to you with news of unrest in your lands. As I took ship to return to my own lands from Avanthor and the tourney there by way of the rivers that ply their routes through the Fallow Lands, the ship on which I journeyed had occasion to wish to stop at a small town along the river, Crick's End, to take rest and partake of their wares. A cheese of surpassing quality. We departed the ship onto to discover the town ablaze and under attack by what we believed to be bandits. The ship's captain launched his marines, and we took our small boats to the shore to save the town and its people if we could. When we engaged the bandits we discovered them much too well armed, bearings the arms and armor of soldiery and the heraldry of Ironhold. We were blessed with the One's own grace and were able to defeat the enemy as well as their knightly Commander. The town we salvaged as best we could, and saw to the healing of the injured townsfolk. What remained of the soldiers were delivered to the Officers of your Royal Navy at Coastmire, as the lands were not ours and thus the prisoners were not ours to hold or ransom. As well, a report of all that we encountered there was dictated. I do not doubt that they have already made you aware, but I felt I would be remiss in not writing to you myself. Should you have questions for me, or wish any assistance I might be able to provide, do not hesitate to send word to Paras. All letter will find me there.

Yours in Grace,

Princepsa Alia d'Meloni, Tribune, Legio XIII Asterrea

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