1875-04-26: Small Favors
Small Favors
Summary: Bodies of a group of the Inquisition are found outside of Foxhollow near the boarder of Bitralund
Date: 1875-04-26e
Related: Inquisition Related
NPCs: None

Flaming posts line the road, thirty six in all, at their feet are the habitual robes of the Inquisition, five knightly suits of armor, and the robes of a head inquisitor. The bodies, so disrobed, had been stripped of their dignity before being burned alive. Clearly so, as the rictus set of their miens can attest to, they did not go easily. On the posts deeply and intricately carved in the way of White Hall, and in that vein the newly formed Bitralund, are the words “Bigots. Zealots. Falsely Faithful. Scum,” and so on.

It is devastatingly obvious that the Bitralundians have cleared out what some would see as a blight on the faithful in Aequor, the Inquisition. Though not an overwhelming majority would wish they’d disappear, it would seem that those island heathens have no love for that particular arm of the faith. A local farmer, no doubt scared to have found that the heathens from Bitralund crossed over into his lands and done such a heinous act, ran to the local house of worship to alert the priest there.

Quickly, the faith removed the bodies to try to save them from more shame, but by then the damage had already been done and what would seem like the entirety of a local township arrived to look at the spectacle. Some armor even went missing in the mean time and all the weapons were spirited away. Quite the embarrassment for the Faith of the One, and a warning to the inquisition to stay away from heathen lands. Those that live in the d’Geroux lands on the road to d’Rynelle are not soon to forget it either.

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