1875-03-04: Summoned East
Summoned East
Summary: Ludovic responds to Darius' request for him to join him at Paras
Date: 1875-03-04
Related: Firestorm
NPCs: None
Darius  Ludovic  

The answer to Darius' request for a thousand men to join the army mustering at Paras is answered not with a moongazer, nor a messenger, but rather by the sight of Ludovic d'Korbina riding through the city gates in the company of the heavy dragoon force known as "Ludovics Raiders".
Even before he's dismounted from his buckskin heavy charger, the plate-armored horn-helmed-knight claims the attention of an appropriate looking legionnaire and tells him.

"Tell the Princeps that the second and fourth cohorts are marching for Paras as we speak. And tell the quartermaster we'll be needing grain and stabling for our horses and quarters for the men."

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