1875-02-25: The snakes coil
The Snakes Coil
Summary: Sonya gives marching orders to her vassals concerning the safety of Kaedon County, and sends a letter to Jarret.
Date: Feb 1876
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NPCs: Fuchs, Raleigh
Sonya  Vladimar  Helena  Jarret  

Sonya sat in her Study with her Vassals gathered around. She had a grave look on her face as she looks at each of them in turn. 'So, the Inquisition has decided to become much more bolder up north, this has sparked a new found hatred for us." She says as she takes a sip of her tea. "Vladimar, I want every bit of information you can gather on any suspicious persons within our county." She says to Baron Willough

"Fuchs, I want your infantry to make parade marches around the county, I'll bolster it with cobra fangs."

"Raleigh, I want your boats up and down the river to keep an ear on every port within the county, anything odd is to be brought to me."

Finally she turns to Helena. "Helena, I want you to come out of retirement, I need someone very skilled to handle the battleborn, I want you to sniff out these inquisitors, arrest them, and deliver them to dalcen. You are the sword of the Many Are you not? As High priestess, I'm drawing you."

Sonya looks to each of her vassals in turn. "You have your orders, I'll have shadow snakes roaming about, I don't want a sneeze to happen without me knowing about it… go."

Helena walks out of the meeting and out to the courtyard, she stops as Boris looks at her. "You are hereby relieved of command, I'll grant you a homestead, and you are to be commended with honors."

The many knight commander smiles as he takes out Triumph and hands it to her. "Good luck."

Putting the sword on her belt, she sighs as she runs a hand over the pommel. "Every time I think I'm out…. they pull me back in."

A letter addressed to Jarret:

Your Grace, I have reason to believe that the inquisition will start putting their nose within my county, I have the battleborn tasked with finding them and delivering them to dalcen for you to mete out justice should they do so, this is further helped by all of my vassal families.

Your Faithful Vassal,
Viscountess Sonya Kaedon.

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