1874-05-01: Terms Of Peace
Terms Of Peace
Summary: Bethany sends a missive to her father and brother both, the messages bearing the Lord Tarrin's terms of peace.
Date: 05=01-1874
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NPCs: Lord Tallin
Bethany  Corwin  Gauvain  

NPC-Name1  NPC-Name2  

A matching missive is sent to Gauvain and Corwin. They read as follows:

Lord Tallin has agreed to peace. His terms is that he and his people be pardoned from all past crime, as well as future (although I do hope that they will refrain from committing any future crimes). He also asks to be returned to their former status, although Lord Tallin wlil understand if the Queen will not give him the same lands they once claimed. Do not attack, or else Captain Halfblood and I will be killed. Do not dally, I do not know how long Lord Tallin will be willing to have me as his guest.


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