1868-09-15: Golden Thanks
Golden Thanks
Summary: Belladona returns some healed Rikton soldiers to their compound and gets a rose golden reward.
Date: 1868-09-15
Related: This and other Goldhollow scenes.
NPCs: {$npc}


The battles had left a mass of wounded on both sides. Lady Belladona Ulsen did not discriminate, Rikton soliders were given the same gentle and careful treatment as her own countrymen. Now she has managed to heal all of those who fought for Rikton that were under her care. Having assured them they are not prisoners she rides out with a wagon filled with the newly healed soliders. There has yet to be an offical parley that worked but the Lady won't let that stop her she slowly approches the Rikton camp. She pulls the cart to a stop and lifts a hand. "I mean no harm. I am Lady Belladona Ulsen, I wish to return some of your comrades who were injured in the fighting." She hops down out of the wagon and goes to start gently herding the mentioned soliders out ofthe wagon. She allowed them to keep thier armor but she has insisted thier weapons remain peace-bound. So far they have been respectful of her wishes, some of them surprised but none of them have been troublesome. She smiles to them as they climb out of the wagon. "There. I promised didn't I? May the One bless each of you and guard you from further harm."

Since the last battle and the crash of ice shards, the bombardment of the city that had gone on for nearly two weeks had stopped cold. No contact had been made between opposing armies since then, though evidently the Galenthian scouts had been keeping an eye on their opponents, and passed the information of their location onto Lady Ulsen.

Rikton has made its main camp near the west gate of the city of Goldhollow by stringing together a series of buildings into one overarching compound. It is orderly and organised, but oddly enough, only the standards of the Order Templar and House Tusca are flying above, the Holy City's own flag conspicuously absent. The defences, though, are still formidable. Along the ramparts and walls of the compound stand men with crossbows and even a pair of scorpions, covered mostly by hand made brickwork. The gate of their compound opens up and out pours a half platoon of spearmen packed in a tight formation. They look on Belladona suspiciously, expressions sullen. "Who goes there?" Calls one man out in a clipped Riktonian accent. Unlike the spearmen in their mail byrnies, this man wears a plate cuirass and helm, either an officer or a knight.

As the gates to the compound open Belladona guides the wounded men towards it. She pauses and lifts her hands in a gesture of peace as the spearmen pour out. The clipped question is met with a calm reply as Bella holds herself up to her full height carrying herself with digity. "Lady Belladona Ulsen. I am a healer and alchemist, I come in peace to return those of your wounded that I tended. The Baron Chandus was kind enough to let me treat those from both sides." She stands there calmly, touching the silver holy symbol that rests over the top of her dark blue dress lightly. She offers the officer a soft smile. "I mean no harm, I merely wished to return your fellows, they should all be quite fine once they get a bit more rest."

The word 'Ulsen' provokes a disdainful sneer on the officer's face, which only relents when his eyes are drawn to the holy symbol on Belladona's chest. His eyebrows edge upwards and he crosses his arms over his armoured chest. "You cleave to the Faith, my lady? Truly?"

Belladona meets the mans eyes and smiles softly nodding once. "Yes. I converted to the One true faith before the first of the fighting began here. Might I ask your name good officer?" She studies him curiously her gaze gentle.

The man seems genuinely touched by her statement, and dips his head. "One be praised. Sir Raiph Balaban, my lady, a Spear Sergeant. This is not a Sergeant as you in Galenthia and Aequor misuse them." He smiles wanly. "I am an officer, not a ranker. In any case. You have the Order's solemn and true thanks in your service to our men. Your compassion is brought on by the One Almighty, and it has obviously saved many whom we thought fallen." Sir Raiph turns around to yell at one of his spearmen. "Go, fetch my small chest. The one on the table."

Belladona smiles brightly and inclines her head. "A pleasure to meet you Sir Balaban, you honor me with such kind words. I merely wished to follow the will of the One, and save as many of the good men who follow him as I could. To me life is precious, a gift from the One and life should be respected and preserved where possible. I know we are on opposite sides of this war but you are obviously a good man, as are those I've treated. I know you do what you feel you must, I hold no ill will against you. I will continue to try and save as many of your people as I can." As he calls to one of his men she blinks in surprise titling her head and looking faintly curious.

"Yes, life is indeed a gift of the One. I… yes, we will see. With hope, the war ends soon." Sir Raiph doesn't elaborate on that, looking awkwardly up to the two standards over the camp. The men under his command maintain their tight formation, but keep their spears pointed at the sky. Eventually, the troop sent away to fetch Sir Raiph's chest returns, bearing the small container beneath the crook of his arm. The knight opens it up and removes a ring from inside, beckoning Belladona forward. "It's not much, my lady… but it is rose gold. Passed on through my family. I wanted you to have it, for saving our men. It's a bit big, but should fit on your thumb or middle finger."

Belladona steps forward blinking in awe at the beautiful ring. She looks to the man in disbelief. "You would entrust me with something so precious? You bless and honor me Sir. I will wear it with great pride." Gently she takes the ring placing it on the thumb of her right hand. She smiles softly. "Thank you Sir Balaban. I will remember you fondly." She curtseys low in respect to the man her smile bright.

The knight-sergeant dips his head to Belladona. "One keep you and protect you, my lady." The soldiers turn about, some helping the carriage back into their camp and others simply marching.

"May the One bless you." Belladona replies before she will make her way back to her own encampment.

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