1868-04-25: A mild rebuke
A mild rebuke
Summary: Mattias sends his regards to both the High Priest in Rikton, and the Prince of Kentaire.
Date: 1868-04-25
Related: Upon the roof, Shirlyn and Mattias, together again!, & Well. Fred's Dead.
NPCs: {$npc}
Alejander  Mattias  Mikel  

And so, a sealed missive wings its way towards both Rikton and Kentaire.

Your Excellency, and Your Highness,

Having recently taken the Office of Chancellor, due to the unfortunate and untimely death of the hedonistic glutton that was Frederick Tyres, I feel that the most neutral and Free City of Four Corners should send its regards during such ominous times. The Free City of Four Corners has a great host to protect its borders, and a great many methods with which to protect its citizens, and protect our lands and our citizens we shall. I raise this as a matter of course, given that the d'Kemp family, who I believe are now aligned to Kentaire, are quite responsible for the deaths of several of my personal guard. Good men and women, each leaving a family. In conjunction with the needless deaths of my city's servants, d'Kemp agents also saw fit to set fire to a building, which saw a good many citizens displaced and injured. I have all the proof I require, so do not deny this. It would be an insult to all of us. I could go on. But there is only so much parchment I can write upon, before my hand aches.

The City of Four Corners is not your playground, it is not the playground of Aequor and Galenthia, though I don't seem to find it necessary to remind them of this as yet. Yet since this war began, liberties have been taken. Liberties that the previous Chancellor was indeed too weak to deal with. So I shall state this. For each future liberty that is taken, there will be consequences. On my streets, in my city, upon my lands, your men shall adhere to our laws. Our customs. Our ways. It is perhaps for the best if any enemy agents retire from our borders, until cooler heads can be found. Till then, I shall continue with the removal of undesirables, since they have proved themselves to be little else. I shan't abide the spilt blood of any of my people.

Know that Four Corners remains intent on ensuring balance, and when the time comes, I truly hope that the four warring nations will gather in our great and Free City and bring peace to the ravaged lands that surround us, for we remain hopeful that peace shall be sought.

I do hope peace prevails, though I should mention of course, that if any ally of Kentaire, or any other warring party for that matter, deems it necessary to send assassins into my city again, there'll be repercussions. I don't believe you would wish for that.

My warmest regards,

Chancellor Sir Mattias Thynne.
Guildmaster of the Honourable Guild of Bankers.
Senator of the Senate of the West.

Of course, by now. The flow of gold from Frederick Tyres' trading efforts to Kentaire and Rikton will have ceased.

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