1867-10-18: Letter to Ramius
Letter to Ramius
Summary: Myrana sends a moongazer toward Gendiel- whether it gets there or is shot down by the forces laying siege to Castle Armaz isn't possible for her to know.
Date: 1867-10-18
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Sent northeast from Castle Armaz-

4 merchant ships- Galenthian mercs- hidden swivvel guns- long handcannon- Fiorello-town taken. I'm not hurt, but had to retreat. Just in time. Holding Castle Armaz with Havelock + Others, some townsPeople. Most forces with Father + Nicolo, engaging WH- don't know how 4 ships got past them. I suspect betrayal. Will hold castle as long as I can. Help me, Ramius.

It isn't stamped, but Myrana's hand is very recognizable, and looks very hurried. There's half a red thumbprint on the edge of the paper where she held it.

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