1866-10-29: Letter to Evae Arkanin
Letter to Evae Arkanin
Summary: Good news for a change, from a vassal to her liege.
Date: Octobre 29th, 1866 (the date of its receipt)
Related: Everything to do with the Arkanin-d'Armaz Contention; in particular this log and memoirs one and two.
NPCs: {$npc}
Gisela  Evae  

A message carried by courier from the northeast of Wayston all the way south to the balmier climes of Firen, in such haste that numerous horses are left half-dead in its wake.

Your Grace,

The hostages lately held at Castle Rogers are unharmed and safe in Murias.

Their release having been secured I led your army several hours past against the d'Armaz forces in Buckvale and our victory was decisive.

Our enemies were unprepared to face us, broke quickly, and fled to the border: those who remained were slaughtered almost to a man. We hold the castle, we hold Buckvale, we hold also the son and heir of Lord d'Cremani as an additional pawn for your use in the present negotiations.

I write in haste for I ride to Murias myself, to escort your hostage to the security of Bellmoore's walls and to confer with your father.

The hopes and the trust of all your people rest with you. Be assured you will return to your lands to find them free of the northern taint, and to enjoy a welcome such as your courage and steadfastness through the present crisis deserves. I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Gisela Quinn

It is written in Baroness Quinn's by now familiar bold and legible hand, sealed with her signet ring and marked after her house's tradition with her own blood, as befits such glad and important tidings.

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