1866-09-27: A letter to the Archbishop
Summary: Recent losses have left Sir Bess Cassomir with almost nowhere to turn for certain answers to very dark questions.
Date: 27th Septebre 1866
Related: http://eternalcrusade.wikidot.com/log:1865-10-23-the-order
NPCs: {$npc}
Bess  Sirrah  

A letter sent by Sir Bess Cassomir to Archbishop Sirrah Cantire, delivered by the usual secure means the Royal Lancers have access to.

Your Excellency,

I hope this missive finds you in good health and spirits.

Since last we met under the hospitality of the Duke James al'Sylenthar, in the month of Octobre in the year 1865, we have had to face great loss and much personal sorrow. It is keenly felt for all whom we have lost, but the death of my cousins is perhaps naturally most aggravating. Yet I have not written to Your Excellency simply out of sentimentality, though I know you cared personally for my cousins too, but i tis Jaren's death that has left me wanting in a certain important matter.

When we met, our business was related to the rescue of Lord Tristan Romante and the lady Alina from danger. You had things to tell us about what we saw and had us swear to silence on the matter. We agreed that should such matters ever arise again, I would coordinate with my cousin, Jaren, and follow his lead on the matter. Now in addition to the great personal loss I feel, his death has also removed this necessary possibility and all my instincts as a Royal Lancer tell me to be well prepared for the day when I uncover and face similar threats in my work to protect the Queen and the Romante family, as well as all the good people of Galenthia. I told you then that I would do my duty, in regards to this thing, actively, so others would not have to. I meant every word.

I am left with concerns and questions, but no answers and no one else to turn to now save you, Your Excellency. If there are others in Galenthia I could approach, I would do so, but I neither know of them or am able to look for them. I swore secrecy on the matter and always take my oaths seriously.

A knight ill-prepared for her duty is a burden to her liege and a danger to those she would protect. My only wish is to be of service.

Your humble servant,
Sir Bess of the House of Cassomir and the Galenthian Royal Lancers

Moongazer brings news to Sir Bess, the missive is short and without follow up.

"Duly noted."

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