1866-08-24: A Letter of Apology
Summary: Shirlyn plays a prank on Thomas, Left makes her apologize.
Date: 1866-08-24
Related: Anything to do with Thomas and Shirlyn's trip on the merchant boat.
NPCs: {$npc}
Shirlyn  Thomas  

<FS3> Shirlyn rolls Stealth: Amazing Success.

Shirlyn had a glorious time playing a prank on Thomas before they pulled into their next port, with the sight of the docks in the distance she snuck up behind the Baron and shouted a loud "BOOOOO!” Oh yes the deckhands got a good enough laugh, even her guards too but she left splitting at the seams before she see’s the Baron’s response besides the obvious reaction to a fright. Left had pulled her into the Captain’s cabin and hands her a piece of paper, ink pot and quill.

“Oh. Damn it, Left, do I really…” Shirlyn asks a bit of whine to the tone.

He nods at his lady, crosses his arms and does his best to look stern even if there is still a hint of amusement at the lady’s trick on the Baron.

“Lefford, I swear, ever since getting rid of Becca you’ve been worse than a nursemaid,” the comment slides off of Left’s back like a water on a duck. He simply raises his brow at her, points to the desk and walks back out.

“Fine!” She shouts after the burly twin of her trusty yet more stealthy Right.

Dear Baron Chandus,

It was cruel of me to frighten you so, while however extremely humorous, it is never nice to scare a fellow whilst he is so close to the rail— as Left has so kindly reminded me.

With that, I would offer my sincerest apologies for said intrusion on ones contemplations and nearly scaring the breeches off of you. Though, you really should be a bit more observant, I mean honestly… you didn’t even hear the chuckles of the crew? What were you thinking about that… I digress, I got off my mark. Please accept my apology for I would never truly wish for you to be cross with me. Well, not for a silly trick, anyway.

Walk with the one,


She begrudgingly sands the page, folds it up, replaces the captain’s belongings with a copper or two for the use of his writing utensils, and heads outside to show it to Left. The guard reads it and sighs, but he hands it back to her without another word. Shirlyn walks and places the letter on his belongings where they were all sleeping in the hold. With a huff she heads back up the steps to the salty sea air above.

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