1866-01-27: Of Thorns, Wives and Sisters
Summary: Aidric pens a letter to Thaddeus to ask a favor.
Date: 1866-01-27
Related: http://eternalcrusade.wikidot.com/log:1866-01-24-a-former-princess-arrives
NPCs: {$npc}
Aidric  Thaddeus  

It was quiet the night before terms were to be discussed and Aidric, who had been acting as the Rose's herald in the matter was tired and enjoying a cup of wine while he composed a letter to his commander.


Sir Thaddeus,

Thank you for the wine, both what you sent with the courier and the bottle your wife brought me. At this rate I will be too drunk to seek glory on the field of honour.

Anyhow your wife has been given such luxuries as can be afforded in these circumstances but has echewed them to get about the business of healing. Whatever you might think of that you should know she's done her job well by all acounts and has eased pains and saved lives. As to her own life, I've set ten of my men to watch over her and acquired a fast horse for her to ride should there be trouble, if the town falls, which at this point seems unlikely, she will be fortunate if her feet touch the ground before she is whisked far away from this place.


Aidric pauses chewing on the end of the quill. Did he bring up Shirlyn. She was gone from camp, he knew that much, but had not spoken to anyone about it because of the embarassment it would cause him personally and the family as a whole. Ill mannered wench he thought bitterly, No wonder father sent her away.

While he could not send his own men pleting down the south road to look for her Thaddeus could send men to look for her more discreetly, if he consented to do so. He puts his pen back ont he page and continues.


There is another matter which I wish to discuss. My sister who was briefly in the camp and had a part to play in taking the gate has vanished, left down the south road from what I've been able to determine. She has a small party, two guards and her maid, which is unsafe in these troubled times, so I was hoping you might be able to spare some men to search for her, so long as they do so discreetly.

I don't know her destination, but it is most likely Firen or back home to Holymount all things being equal. If she is headed to Firen your men should find her easily enough. If she is for Holymount then we're close enough to the Wayston border as it is for her to have reached the safety of my Uncle's domains. Anyhow, whatever efforts you can take on my behalf would be appreciated.


Aidric paused then. Did he send this tonight, or did he wait until tomorrow's negotiation's were done for a full report. He decided on the former as he put pen back with paper writing


There will be negotiations to take place tomorrow and hopefully the keep will surrender. Though I shall write you a separate letter on that matter and send this now given the urgency of finding my wayward sister.

Yours in service,

Sir Aidric Charing


When the letter is done, Aidric sets his seal to it and having a final sip of wine sees it sent out for the first messenger to ride in the morning.

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