1865-11-20: You Are Royalty
You Are Royalty
Summary: Fed up with the rumours about her flying around court, Clara finally takes a stand
Date: 1865-11-20
Related: General Clara stuff, in particular http://eternalcrusade.wikidot.com/log:1865-11-12-prattles-and-proclamations
NPCs: {$npc}

“You are Romante. You are Royalty.”

Kira’s words have echoed in Clara’s mind for days. She has heard them before, but they never really seem to mean much to Clara. She just didn’t think she mattered much at all. It was a result of being raised outside of that expectation. When you are raised to believe you are a bastard daughter of a lesser noble, then the idea of being royalty is almost laughable. But…then her cousin told her exactly what Clara’s place is. And didn’t pull any verbal punches doing so.

And…just like that, things clicked. The rumours. The sidelong glances. The muffled whispers behind obfuscating hands. How could that girl possibly be who she claims to be? She grew up in Aequor! It must all be some sort of cruel joke, a trick being played at the expense of those that are true supporters of the kingdom. The people were not seeing Clara for who she is now. No…they were judging her on circumstances that she had no control over.

It wasn’t fair. All too common for a young adult to think…but it was true. It wasn’t fair to place judgement on circumstances that were about as controllable as the weather, at least in Clara’s mind.

Kira was right. Clara is Romante. Letholdus himself stated as such. And, Clara was in Firen, in the Palace, no less. It was about time to learn what exactly it meant to be a Romante.

There were many visits to the Romante libraries. To consult the genealogies, to learn about who she was, to better understand who Clara is supposed to be. It…was simple enough. Letholdus was the starting point. From there, it wasn’t difficult. She learned of her father, her true father, Lord Ulfhain Romante. She read accounts on her mother, the Lady Angelina…and how she was before the ill-fated flight back to Aequor to save Clara from the Thorns.

It was becoming increasingly clear. With information comes acceptance. Clara /is/ a Romante. She was finally able to accept that and, with that acceptance of identity, accept the responsibility that came with that identity.

Now, it was just a matter of getting others to accept that identity.

The palace was always an uncomfortable place for Clara. It is where the rumours were always most prevalent. It seems that the members of court always had nothing better to do than to whisper and point fingers at the young lady whenever she passed by. And today was no exception. On her way back from the library to the room she was staying at, Clara had to pass near a particularly loud bunch of ‘courtly’ ladies. And…as expected, when Clara was seen, the topic of conversation quickly shifted to that foreign girl with the audacity to call herself Romante.

“Oh look, there goes the false sister. You know what I heard? I heard that she’s really a bastard daughter and she is just claiming she’s the Viscount’s sister for the fame.”

“Really? Well…I heard that her mother is behind it all. She got caught in her lies and the Viscount is holding her at Almeria City, while her daughter is being watched by the Viscount and his new bride directly. Poor confused soul, perhaps she really believes the lies she was told of herself.”

“Nonsense! That girl knows full well what she is doing. She’s an Aequorian spy! It’s plain to see that! Why, disaster follows her wherever she goes! I just bet it was that little whelp that planned that attack that almost took the life of her so-called brother. She has designs for the throne!”

“Well…there is something not right with that one, that’s for sure.”

Normally, the reaction from Clara garner one of two results. Either Clara would be able to successfully ignore such slander and walk on without incident….or she will blush furiously and become agitated and walk on without confrontation. Both responses delighted the busybodies, for they saw it as both amusing and affirming. No response means that it all had to be true. Clara’s silence was damning. And this time…this time Clara was almost beyond earshot of the gossip when Kira’s words once again echoed in her mind.

“You are Romante. You are Royalty. You have two choices in life… be Royal or carve your own path."

Be Royal.

And, once more, Clara’s mind cleared. The cacophony of a thousand unspoken thoughts parted, focusing on those two little words. Be royal. It is undeniable that the magpies did not believe who she was. It was time that they were educated, in the matter that they would grasp.

Enough had finally become enough.

As the older ladies chorkled and guffawed with their commentary, Clara stopped and pivoted on her foot, turning to face the motley crew of naysayers. The laughing lowered to a low murmur when the ladies realized that /she/ was facing them. And…and not blushing scarlet with embarrassment. On the contrary, the little urchin is actually smiling?! As footfalls carried Clara, with that cool, calm smile, over towards the gathering of gossipmonger, even the murmurs ceased, as each woman in turn regarded the young girl with thinly veiled shock. Clara’s eyes shifted, regarding each woman in turn before she finally speaks.

Clara’s voice was soft, but clear and certainly loud enough for the throng she chose to face. “Forgive my intrusion. I could not help but overhear your discussion of the particulars of my presence here and I thought I would be considerate and provide some insight directly.” There was no fluctuation in the young Romante’s voice. No anger…no fear. Just a light pleasantness in her inflection. But, there was certainly no love in the words she speaks. “First of all, there is the matter of my upbringing. It is certainly true that I spent the last 12 years in Aequor. However, it was not due by choice, but rather through deceit and manipulation. I was held there since I was only four years of age, made to believe I belonged there.” The smile slipped, just slightly, as Clara looked directly at the woman that accused her of being a spy. “If you can find fault in a toddler, who knew not of the land her mother took her from, to save her life…then, by all means, feel free.”

Before any of the other women could speak, Clara continued. “I care not if you do not respect me as a person. However, you will respect those that came before me…those that I receive my name and heritage from. I am the daughter of Ulfhain Romante, younger brother of King Arturo Romante. I am the daughter of he that gave his life for this kingdom, so that you have the freedom to spread slander and false truths as you will. I am the daughter of Angelina Romante, who herself was raised in Aequor and married my father so that the two kingdoms might find peace. I am the daughter of a lady so brave and selfless that she took her only living daughter and fled without support so that Thorns would not find them both and kill them, as they had killed my father and almost all of my siblings.” There was a pause…thick and heavy, as Clara waited to see if there is any response. When none was given, Clara broke the silence. “I am the daughter of nobility, sister of viscounts, and cousin to royalty. All the proof you could possibly want is sitting in the archives of this palace, waiting to be read.”

Young Clara took a step back. She stood taller. She presented herself with pride. She offered one final remark before turning to depart. “I am Lady Clara Romante. You may not respect me. But, you will respect my family, for I am proud to be a part of it.”

The Romante turned, leaving the women behind her speechless as she walked away. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her hands, so still before, trembled before her. However, what done is done. She had stood up and face her detractors, and in the process claimed a portion of herself back.

Clara finally believed it. She is Romante.

She is Royalty.

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