1865-10-27: A Quiet Moment
A Quiet Moment
Summary: Emilia has a conversation and writes a letter (Warning : It may deemed creepy by some people - it is an Emilia memoir after all - since she is conversating with the Voices in her head. You've been warned.)
Date: 1865-10-27
Related: All things Emilia, most recently To Make A Point
NPCs: {$npc}

with a letter to


It has certainly not gone how she expected…But then perhaps that shouldn't have surprised her. Things seemed to never go right when she tried with him they hadn't. Not since…Emilia sighed. Not since she became broken. He couldn't see past that, he didn't actually listen to her any more. He…

..only wants the chamber maids. He wants sex. Warm bodies to help him forget. To forget about you. Not to help you. You saw that. He told you that himself. We told you.

Emilia just sighed,"Oh just be of shutting up. I don't want to be of hearing it tonight." Really she didn't.

We can't be…

"Silenced. I am of knowing. You are of reminding me of that of all of the time. Are you of thinking I am really of forgetting? Just…I am not of…Gah..just be of….taking it of down of a notch…I am of going to write of a letter."

To him? It is a waste. He will read but not see the words. It is a waste. You waste your time on him. Let us go find that sweet Brother.

"I have to be of trying. He is of mine-brother, he is of lost and needs of me. I need of him. We need of being as of before. He says I am of his purpose, yet he is of still of failing to of see. I have to be of trying, even if it if of beyond of me to make him of see. Perhaps because it is of me. "

He will never see. He is beyond help. You should keep from him. He is not good for you.

Now that made Emilia smirk just a bit,"You would not be of so insisting if that were of true. He is not good for /you/." She canted her head a little. Ah, now there was the quiet she was after. Or least as much as she ever got out of Them as They dropped into a murmur. Looking smug for just a moment, before reaching for her quill. Emilia had learned a few things over the years in dealing with Them. Even in this state he was a danger to Them. He had robbed Them of Their victory in the beginning, and had been what had still pulled her from Them when she was weakest, when Their chances were best. Well save that thing with Bryad, that was still troubling. For to many reasons. But now was not the time to dwell upon that….She could do that later. There was time yet before Jaren and Sirrah arrived. Surely. She dipped the quill to ink and began to write.

my Henry,

I find myself again staring at a piece of parchment even though you are yet here in Ironhold. Yet it seems that it is the better course to write you then to try and speak with you again, especially after this last time. I do not know if my words ever reach you any more, spoken or written, but I would hope at least to write them that you may chance to read them once more and thus there is chance you may take some measure of them in. Though I imagine you will be well near Firen before you even find this letter, or perhaps the festivities have even come to pass.
My thoughts continue to linger upon our talk, of what was said and what was unsaid. So much does and has gone unsaid between us these past years, a thing I do not think is any more lost upon you than it has been upon me. Though I think it may be a thing you try to hide from, just like you speak of hiding from not knowing how to help me.
You spoke of being just a fighter, of being just your sword and shield. Yet you spoke of being my big brother, of how you shall always be so and how you love me. /That/ is how you help me. By being my brother, by remembering to be my brother. You seem to keep forgetting that you were that long before you ever took up that shield and sword, that you were that long before you became a fighter. You were the one to help me when I skinned my knee, to lift my mood, to chase away the nightmares, and the one to show me so many wonders of the world. And even when you were not here to be by my side, you sent me news of yours days, of the world beyond, you yet brought smiles and light to my world. For you were yet my brother and within my life in what ways you could be even as yours duties and mine took us upon different paths, as they shall continue to do so for we are children no longer and our duties shall only ever continue to grow. Especially if war is again upon us as you have spoken of.
If you wish to continue to help me, aye, I say continue, for you have helped me more then you know, Henry, quit sulking behind your shield and be my brother. Do not worry about knowing what to do, just do what you have always done in those times before. Write me about the festivities of the wedding and the news of the land, for you know our brother and sister shall keep much from me. And do see about finding me a new token perhaps, for while the flamed touches from the fire that was so carelessly set gives my cherished doll quite a bit of character it is perhaps time you found me something to allow it to retire from its duties.

With love,

Emilia set the quill aside and lightly arranged that scorched little doll as she waited for the ink to dry. Just maybe a little of that would seep into his thick skull and give him something to consider. And hopefully it was not to late, her own time was limited and if war was truly upon them, his own was no less limited. All their times would be, that lesson was one Emilia had learned well early. War took lives upon either side of it. And Cassomirs tended to be amongst those lost…it always made for great tales for the bards.

A sigh slipped as Emilia tried not to dwell upon that. Least this time Henric had promised not to slip off before saying good bye. It would allow her to slip the letter into his bags without having to again sneak along again, not that it wasn't do able, but rightly she did not want to risk seeing….him seducing a chamber maid….again. That was really a side of her brother she could do without witnessing time and again. While she could not deny she wished for him to remain, didn't she always? There was need for him to get to Firen for the wedding, the promises he had made for the party for the Viscount. It likely was for the best he was not here when they arrived, it really was a thing likely best for her to do alone.

Though perhaps if Jaren and Sirrah arrived soon enough, there would be time for her to make the wedding as well….Emilia just shook her head, she should not get ahead of herself and hope for such things. After all to hope for that it meant she hoped they would actually let her leave the castle. She needed a measure of hope, but to much hope would be a dangerous thing. And by the One, she knew she needed to first worry about just what dreams They were going to put upon her this evening for that earlier retort. Emilia sighed. One thing at a time.

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