1865-09-15: Message to Melisande
Message to Melisande
Summary: An IC letter that may take some time to reach Melisande for it is sent by riders, not moongazers. Letholdus has departed Four Corners and is beginning to meet back up with his scattered military units he's calling back from along the Galenthian border. One such unit with knights, Dragoon infantry, and scouts is sent to Firen to bear his letter for the Queen, trusting more to well armed and slow than by moongazer.
Date: 1865-09-15
Related: Four Corners GreatRaid stuff
NPCs: {$npc}
Letholdus  Melisande  

Your Majesty, Melisande;

Greetings. I fear that communications since I departed Firen are suspect, for I have no confirmation that any of my messages to you, or any messages from you, have gotten through, cousin. White Hall raiders shooting moongazers aside, there is too much afoot to trust this letter to birds. So I am sending an entire armed unit south to Firen to bear this letter. You may send a reply in kind for they will return then to Alicante, unless you bid them otherwise.

As you are surely aware by now, Four Corners was attacked by the largest raiding force of White Hall we have ever seen. They looted the city and burned a great deal, taking many slaves ere we drove them out. Sirs Jaren and Gauvain have done their part most gallantly and both live. If Lord Tristan has gotten through to Firen, I trust he has appraised you on what he suspects. If he has not, I need to come to Firen and speak with you myself. There are grave possibilities afoot, cousin, and they bode very ill if true.

Currently I seek the whereabouts of Sir Henric, Sirs Oberyn and Kylier, and our cousin, the lady Kaicee. Otherwise I am collecting my scattered Alicante forces to return them south via Ironhold, then onto Almeria. If you desire that I bring them north again, I will swap them out for those who were left behind so that they may be as fresh as possible for further effort. Until then, I currently have no lead to follow and must wait though I will speak with Viscount Cassomir to bring him to date.

My mother and sister have been given over to me by the Duke of House al'Sylenthar. Tristan will fill you in on the details if he made it Firen. I bring them south, judging for the moment that Four Corners is not safe and it will do them well, I think, to see Alicante. I may yet instill them in the Romante Manor at Four Corners if I have your blessing to do so but for now I believe it better to keep them close. If you have further orders for me, return them via this unit and they will bring them to me in Alicante, cousin. Meanwhile House Cassomir, House Tarris to some degree, and presumably House Arkanin military forces yet reside in the northern half of the kingdom to respond to threats.

~ Sir Letholdus Ulfhain Romante

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