1865-09-04: Report for Melisande
Report for Melisande
Summary: A short moongazer message to be sent to Melisande in Firen from Letholdus.
Date: 1865-09-04
Related: Other Melisande communications.
NPCs: {$npc}
Letholdus  Melisande  

Dear Cousin;

So much has transpired these past week I hardly know where to begin, nor what is safe to put into a moongazer message. Let me begin by assuring you that rumors concerning myself are not true, except that I did get a message from the Duke of Alasce and he did deliver unto me two women and a large measure of gold coin. They are some of my family, Melisande, thought long lost to me. I am outraged to learn of their very ill treatment at the hands of House D'Myrin whom have kept them captive these past 12 years. The woman has been tortured and abused sorely, though lady of our House she is and she has been left damaged. The girl, Clara, is innocent enough in all of this that I have hope she will recover in time. (Dus assumes Melisande can read between the lines here and will know who Clara is likely to be.)

I request permission to open the House Romante Manor in Four Corners. I will need full staff and security so that these two may be safely housed. It would also be a good place for our cousins who have come together to ride with me in recent times, as we continue to need to opporate in the more northern reaches of our Kingdom. I would put some of the funds given over by the Duke to this end to see to their needs.

In other matters, cousin Tristan's actions /in public/ do concern me greatly. Usually he is discreet, but he hasn't been of late and has fallen strongly into public scandal. Everyone here is talking about him and this Lady al'Sylenthar. I bring it to your attention that you may get to the root of it.

I hoped to see Sir Robar at Tournament. I had plans for him but he has not shown himself.

~ Sir Letholdus Ulfhain Romante

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