(1874-03-22) Of Ships and Hellsmouth
Of Ships and Hellsmouth
Summary: Hraelfmir sails Ludovic and his knights back to Hellsmouth and there they meet Cervantes, and also Mercy. She offers Hraelfmir a proposition.
Date: March 22, 2018
Related: TBA
NPCs: NPCs (If there are any NPCs that don't have icons (they are not special/reoccurring enough to warrant such attention), list them here. Otherwise, you can say 'None'.)
Ludovic  Hraelfmir  Cervantes  Mercy  

Aequor - Hellsmouth County - Hellsmouth City
Hellsmouth City, after which the province was named, is a bustling trade city that sits on the confluence of three major vir-sidus built roads and provides the best river port available this far south. From this spot you can easily, and quickly, take roads north or south or set sail upon the rivers that open up the entirety of Aequor. A city that relies heavily upon trade it has stout walls and a remarkable number of inns and taverns.
22nd of Marse, 1874

After Murias Ludovic went to Lyionesse by ship. He attended court and then got Hraelfmir to sail him back home by the most irritating route possible (not quite but near enough) Finally the end is in sight and Hraelfmir's ship has reached the end destination. Hellsmouth city, the most significant town in Hellsmouth county, is a significant trade port with substantial trade links with Murias. It's just a few days ride, when the passes are clear, and the Qatunax border has still not touched the place. It remains off to the east. Bandits have caused there to be an unusual number of horned knights on the road and the cities militia is highly visible as it goes about defending the city in place of the professionals who have been called away, but none of those will have treated Cervantes with anything but respect. Ludovic will even have offered to leave half his escort behind to bring Cervantes up here, when he's ready, before he left for Court, should he wish. The county's seat "daemon's hall" is further inland in far less hospitable terrain. At this time of year the cattle are still in winter pastures, dotting the areas close to the river. Preparations for the move to the spring pastures are well underway and every day it seems like there are more and more villagers around with their nimble ponies.

It's been an interesting voyage to say the least - for the Captain. The sloop has no particular problem going along hugging the coast, nor up river, but the larger and somewhat deeper drafting Singulaire has had to go most cautiously at points. So it is with glad heart that the Captain, passengers, and crew safely make it into their port destination.

Hraelfmir himself comes down from his ship, dressed smartly for business but as usual - still armed with long blade and twin hand cannons. Wide brimmed hat with feather plume and long dark blue velvet coat as before. Though while sailing his attire had been less fancy and practical for working the ship. Now his slightly Southern face takes in the site, people in the streets, horses, the bustle of this place taht is foreign to the Privateer.

A look back to Ludovic, "Here I was half expecting to see you drop and kiss the dirt, my Lord." Hraelfmir bares his teeth in a feral grin, "Glad to be on dry land again, aye?"

The only thing stopping Ludovic from dropping onto his knees and kissing the stone of the wharf's is the fact that he's insisted on being so close to land throughout the entire trip that he's not quite reached that level of desperation. "Hah!" He responds to Hraelfmir in good humour. "I nearly did! Wait until we get to Daemon's Hall. Then you will see me kiss some rocks." Despite his natural grace he stumbles as he leaves the ship, having difficulty with the fact that the land doesn't move, before stretching out his arms with a beam of pleasure. "Home!" he exclaims in a way that makes two of his five knights chuckle. "Hraelfmir grab my luggage!" That being his kit bag full of rocks. "I need to show you my home. First though we need to go to the market. I need to make sure the merchants didnt all abandon me whilst I was gone, check if Viscount Cervantes has brought the supplies yet /and/ find a horse for you."

And on his way to Hellmouth? One Viscount Cervantes Arkanin. With him are about 50 of his best of the elite spearmen of Arkanin. Tall shields on their backs and spears in hand, they ride with an armored Cervantes as if to serve as his escort. his armor is sleek and brilliant. Clearly of the finest craftsmanship. a dark, tattered green cloak hangs from his shoulders and a greatsword rests on his back. Alas, the Viscount arrives in short order after displaying that despite how he looks, he comes in peace. the wild can be a dangerous place after all.

However you put it, He arrives on his warhorse to find Ludovic and Hraelfmir just arrive! what timing! With a smile on his face, he chuckles. "Ah, Viscount Ludovic. I see I caught you in proper time." he dismounts and offers to greet the man with a knights handshake.

Ludovic gets a raised brow from the Privateer Captain. Seeing that none of Dovi's own companions have fetched Ludovic's baggage, Hraelf looks back to the Kraken, "You, Skivy. Pick up the Viscount's things and bring them along." And so, a couple of Hraelfmir's armed crew who look very able bodied (though no match for knights on land), take up Dovi's baggage filled with … rocks. They probably don't look thrilled about it but they keep their jests quietly between themselves. The rest of the crew will stay with the ships and make things secure.

Hraelfmir comes along with Dovi but eyes the mass of armed horseman as Cervantes and his group draw up.

Ludovic shakes Cervantes' arm heartily as he comes over and greets him. "We were just about to come looking for you. Are you going to stop for the cattle drive? I promise it is quite the event." He glances back to the ship. "Hraelfmir is just finishing up and I want to swing by the market." He points out a tower along the wall. "Your men should go there for billets. We'll sort out something better after we've got to Daemon's Hall. Must say they look fine. What do you think of my men?" He waves a hand to point out one of the cities militia. "One of the finest militia's in the west and of course my knights. My Knights are second to none. I miss having d'Mollari's legionairres to call on but, what can you do? What can you do?" He finds an excuse to brush his fingers across the wall of a cut stone building. A wide grin on his face as his fingers slide off surface of the stained stones.

When his luggage turns up he takes it from the skivy's and slings it across his shoulders, giving them a warm smile and some coins. "Thank you. Thank you. Its been one of the better voyages i've had in years." Again he waves for Hraelfmir to come along, heading along a path that takes him through the cities market before drifting towards the stables. "Have you two ever met?" He asks of his two main companions. "Viscount Cervantes Arkanin this is Captain Hraelfmir." A few paces later and he muses. "I wonder if they brought my sandstorm down."

Cervantes smiles to Ludovic as he shakes his arm. he chuckles though. "Oh, no need whatsoever. as for staying for cattle drive, I can't see any harm in it." he agrees subtly with a chuckle. He turns his head along with Ludovics point to Hraelfmir, giving the man a nod. "Hm…certainly by the looks of them they look skilled and well-trained. a fine militia indeed." he nods in approval. But now he smiles mischievously. "Oh ho ho…now I would put that to the test, Viscount. I would say that my Knights are second to none, unless you assume that they be tied." he winks at the man before his eyes fall on Hraelfmir. "A pleasure, sir." he says then. "Sadly, I have not. but now I am happy that I have."

They weren't expecting that. Lodovic takes his baggage but they had been prepared to carry it through the city to where ever the Viscount will be staying. The sailors are happy enough to give it over and accept the coins, "Thank you, m'lord!" They head back to the Kraken, more animated.

Hraelfmir merely looks amused. He then studies Cervantes and starts to walk along with Ludovic once they are moving again. Nope, he doesn't know much about knights or miltia men, except for avoid them when they are looking for him. "No, I do not believe we have." The Captain inclines his head politely to Cervantes, "I am of Four Corners, a Privateer. How many Viscounts does your country boast?" Two at least, in one place!

Ludovic scoffs a little at Cervantes' declaration about his knights being the equal of Ludovic's. "Host a tourney and we'll prove it!" he declares. "When I hosted mine one of my own knights even placed."

Hearing Hraelfmir's question he laughs. "Not counting Spouses there are eight viscounts in Aequor but this man here." he slaps Cervantes on the back. "Is a Galenthian."

Cervantes laughs aloud then at Ludovic's words then. "Hah! It seems we have ourselves a tournament! I would gladly put my best against yours." he chuckles then a moment before he looks to Hraelfmir, about to answer the man's question before Ludovic does that himself. "Correct." he smiles to the fellow. "I pray that doesn't become an issue." he says then lightheartedly.

Alas, he smiles then. "ah, I've not yet met a privateer from Four corners before. a happy day indeed." he says cheerfully and honestly.

Hraelfmir listens to Ludovic, then gives a negative movement of his head, his hands lightly clasped behind his back as they walk. "No, I have no issue with Galenthians, nor anyone else who isn't trying to skin my hide or sink my ships." Yet the Privateer twists his mouth and eyes Cervantes, "Unless of course I'm being paid to do otherwise. I do take on some small side work, upon occassion." Yes, let's just leave that there, all vague. Hraelfmir smiles like a rogue before he looks back to Ludovic, "You mentioned a market? I trust you have good pubs as well?"

The Captain adds, "In fact, I have helped to defend the city of Firen in a great sea battle in one of the wars, at the battle of Red Seas."

"Of course we have inns." Ludovic says with the same bouyant cheer he's had since they arrived at the docks. "But you are my guest." He doesn't actually stop in the market. It seems he just wanted to look at it. In fact the minute he sees the place he changes route, heading for a place near the eastern gate. "And I am putting you both up in Daemon's Hall." This doesnt seem to be negotiable. "Even i've heard about the red sails." he says with that same cheer. "Back when I was a young man i even tried my hand at a little sailing. Admiral d'Juliano is my cousin you know." he chuckles. "She's quite a memorable woman." He nods to Hraelfmir "I bet she'd like you." He looks back to Cervantes and grins. "I'd love to pit my men against yours. Perhaps we shall compete against each other in a day or two? I can have the tilt field setup again special."

Cervantes smiles then a moment to to Ludovic with a bright warmth, a chuckle then. Though it appears they are headed straight for the Hall and he sends his soldiers to their quarters while he remains a guest here. However way you look at it, he does't seem troubled by Hraelfmir's privateering ways. "ah…a man of many flags." he says then, but not discriminantly or in a manner that is meant to insult. Alas, he turns his head back to Ludovic as he offers to spar him. "Heh, I'd love to. Been awhile since I've knocked you on your ass." he says fearlessly in playful competetive humor.

The market /does/ interest him but if he's here for a little while, there will be time to have a good look at it and take on some fresh provisions for his ships. Hraelfmir listens and gives a nod about the accomidations offered to him, then lifts a brow, "I have heard of the Admiral d'Juliano but I can't say that I have met her. Not yet. I'd certainly like to, if ever the opportunity presents itself." Like a scoundrel like him? That could be amusing. Hraelfmir just smiles.

Aye, Cevantes gets a smile out of the Captain as well! "Indeed. So long as either my own govenment doesn't object, or doesn't … notice." Oh ho! Might Hraelfmir get to see these two sparring later? That might be entertaining, yes.

"The lists have tended to keep us apart havent they?" Ludovic replies in turn. "Well I don't mind taking you on fairly. We can make an event of it." He looks to Hraelfmir "Do you wish to compete as well? I can lend you a horse." He eyes him thoughtfully. "Finding armor that actually fits well might be a challenge though." He grins at Hraelfmir "If you are lucky she will still be visiting." The market is what you would expect from a major trade city although it does lack the vir sidus goods that initially made it special. Mostly its the main trade settlement for trade between eastern aequor and both arkanin and taris.. without going via the great salt of course. "I'd love to work with your horse. He seems a fine beast."

Cervantes laughs a moment as Hraelfmir speaks of his more..frowned upon activities by some places. Either way, it causes Cervantes such a great deal of amusement that his smile is definitely there. "What a guy." he compliments the sea captain before his eyes fall upon Ludovic once more. "Hah! Fair enough. then we will fight each other with choice of weapon. Sadly, I am not too much of a horseman." he admits then, but his smile is bright and wide nonetheless.

Hraelfmir is looking around as they make their way through the city. Yet his head turns around to pay attention to what Ludovic says until the mention of … horses. "Oh, heavens no! Horses and I do not get along. Nasty creatures, though horse flesh steaks are outstanding, my Lord." A flash of that grin, "I have armor of my own, but it's nothing like what knights wear. I would drown at sea if I wore any such getup." A nod about the Admiral, "I hope then that I shall get to meet her, Dovi. One can never have too many useful contacts."

Cervantes is earning his place on Hraelfmir's good side himself as they walk together. "Choice of weapons? Pick fruit. No one will expect you to throw things at each other, now would they?" Wait, what?

"Well, isn't it yer lucky day matey." A tall woman says as she walks up to the trio of assorted gentlemen. Tall, dressed like a naval officer with the flaire of a pirate, or privateer as she continualy insists. "Admiral Countess Mercedes D'Juliano, at yer services. Sorry Dove, that I didnt make it to court.. I ah.. have to stretch quite a few necks this week." She says with a smirk. "Got betty cornered like a bildge rat."

-<OOC>- Mercy says, "by the way, for any of you sea folk, Blackwatter betty is one of the scariest pirates around, think blackbeard with tits and ya got the gist of it."

Ludovic chuckles at Cervantes. "My weapon of choice is the joust. So I hope you are a good enough horseman to follow up on that boast." The stables see him reunited with a young buckskin warhorse that he seems delightened to see again. "Sandstorm!" His companions are forgotten as he goes over to pamper the slightly overwright and definitely bored warhorse. When Hraelfmir is making his argument he just waves a hand and says "We'll find you something old and sweet. Don't worry." He nods to Hraelfmir "Jousting plate is its own thing."

And then Mercy is there and Ludovic beams across at her "Mercy. I was worried you would have left. It took Hraelfmir forever to navigate his way down here." He grins. "Managed to corner her? Well thats great."

Cervantes smiles to Hraelfmir once more then, laughing a moment. "Well, unless Ludovic is quite the Thespian, I believe my true skill lies with the sword." he reveals about himself then before he looks at Ludovic and chuckles. "Very well, very well." he says then a moment until they appear to come across Ludovics horse. "A fine creature indeed." Then Mercy arrives!! "Hello there. I don't believe I've met you yet." he offers a hand. "Viscount Cervantes Arkanin. Nice to meet you." he smiles warmly.

Whoa, the woman that steps out to greet them is taller than he is! Hraelfmir checks his forward progress at once, wary enough to look her over before he gets too close. Then he smiles, draws off his wide brimmed hat and bows, "Admiral Countess Mercedes D'Juliano, Dovi was just telling me that you and he were kin. I am so pleased to make your aquaintence." He resettles his hat upon his dark head, "Please be allow'n me to introduce myself. I am Captain Hraelfmir 'Halfblood', a Privateer of Four Corners."

Dovi gets a look from the Captain. "Forever? I was being careful, since you insisted to hug so closely to land, along a coastline I am not intimately familiar. Not to mention the river. One must take care not to run aground, m'Lord." Slipping just a touch from his finer speech. It's probably Mercy's fault. Hraelfmir glances to Cervantes, "There's time yet to learn a little acting. Useful, that." Of course he pays no attention to Dovi's horse except to stay out of it's reach.

"A southern Viscount and a Privateer, My dovi, you do make the round,s might be hope fer you yet." She says with a warm slap to the back of her cousin. Of course, Manners being what they are, and she is still a lady of the court, she does give a very respectful bow to the both of them. "Captain Halfblood is it? Only a privateer? Might you be interested in a naval contract? I can grant clemency for any wrong doings, The Sea court would love to have you." She says as she gets her own mare, it's a middled aged horse who doesnt fuss at all. "I'll be makin my way back to new kashmir on the morrow, so Captain, if you'd like to join me there, we can talk business if yer interested."

"He's still green." Ludovic says to Cervantes. "I'd not usually work him this young but my last warhorse died during the fight against Teleko." He rubs his warhorses nose. "And I lost the one before that just a year before. It has been quite a trying spell." He sighs, finally giving up his heavy kit bag to a stablehand. It looks like it will be stopping here. "But then that is why I wanted those new fillies." He gives his horse's shoulder a firm pat. "Will you be staying with us in Daemon's Hall as well Admiral?" before he grins at Hraelfmir. "I can't deny that the slow time was my fault! You did a fine job." He grins at Mercy. "Someone had to bring me home from Lyionesse Mercy. I thought about riding back but I was persuaded it really wasn't possible." A frown. "You're leaving tomorrow?"

Cervantes chuckles a moment then, smiling then to Hralfmir. "Hah! I'm not much of an actor, but I suppose there's always time to learn." says he with a big smile. Then his attention is on Ludovic as the man speaks. "Oh? Will we all be dining tomorrow? Wwhat a pleasant surprise." he says then. However way you put it, Cervantes looks to be smiling wide and looking friendly. "Man…Perhaps I should come down to Hellsmouth more often, no?"

One of those militia men that Ludovic was speaking so good of comes in at a near trot. He bows, glancing between each of the nobles with the air of someone thats a little starstruck by being in a room with three viscount level nobles. "Your Excellence!" he says, bowing a bit too deeply, but getting Ludovic's attention. "The Lord Steward asks for your immediate attention. He states that it cannot wait." Ludovic sighs, passing the reins to his horse back across to the groom as he turns and nods. "Tell him i'll be right there." He turns again, muttering a mournful "I wish Augustin had lived" under his breath before more loudly saying "I have to go deal with this. Please go ahead to the hall without me and I will join you at the first convenient moment." Once that is said he strides off, grumbling.

"Aye, only a Privateer. In Four Corners, we do not have titles of nobility." Though he is dressed as nicely as most any man of noble blood. Wealthy enough at least for one set of nice clothes. Hraelfmir continues, "I am indeed interested in hearing your proposal, Admiral. If Dovi is content to allow me to come to New Kashmir to do so, for I think we have completed our agreement?" A look to Ludovic, "Though I can return should my company be desired." A slight smile changes his mouth, "As for the contract, that would of course depend upon how much it might infringe upon my other responsibilties. But I assure you, you have my attention, Your Grace." Hopefully that's the correct form of address.

A smile and a nod to Cervantes, in agreement. It looks like at least one of the Viscounts is being drawn away.

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