(1875-05-16) The Snake in Riverton
The Snake in Riverton
Summary: Valeria meets with Elian when reinforcements come to Riverton.
Date: 2019-05-16
Related: Anything Vengeance, Orders for Duke's Armies specifically.
NPCs: Kazmir d'Currie, Tribune of the 9th Infantry Cohort.
Elian  Valeria  

Outside Riverton, Aequor
Fortifications, a gate, lots of soldiers.

Riverton had seen a great deal of prosperity, since the knight of Coalscore had taken command. Fortifications had been built and the existing structures fortified, troops had been raised as needed, duties had been set, and sentries posted. It was a pair of those sentries that sounded an alarm; troops incoming. The alarm lasted only for a few anxious moments, however, before the banners of al'Morena and the various companies were raised, and word was passed along the walls. A force was incoming from the north, but friendly. It seemed to be the entirety of the 9th Cohort of the Argent legion, as well as as many again spearmen, crossbowmen, and a clutch of heavy cavalry.


The gates open and Elian rides out to meet the Tribune, and his companions. "Well met!" he calls, lifting a hand in greeting. Valeria is noticed a little afterwards and he dips his head in a nod just before dismounting to speak with them properly. "What brings you this way today?"


Valeria nodded, looking behind her as she saw Elian exit the small holding, a small cluster of the Duke's guards made their way out from the center of the mounted forces, though it was Valeria and the Tribune who approached Elian, in his stead. The tribune a man perhaps half a score older than Elian, and a jovial enough sort, reached out to offer Elian a clasp of arm to forearm, "We are here to win the battle, and perhaps the war, Sir." Valeria gave the men time to greet each other, before she spoke up, "May I speak to you privately, Elian?" The Tribune, Kazmir by name, did not seem at all put out by this, but soon turned to seeing to getting the troops who had come down from d'Picot into better formation.


The greeting doesn't go beyond the handshake and a "You're joining us in the assault on Water Steep then? Good. There's not a man I'd rather have by my side."

Valeria's question makes him nod "Of course Valeria." He steps away from Kazmir to walk with Valeria off to one side. "Of course." and once they are a little distance away he asks. "Am I going to like this Valeria?"


Valeria waited until they had some distance between themselves and the rest of the folk milling about before she spoke again. "I don't think it much matters whether either of us likes it or not. But it must be done." Valeria tipped her head in the other Tribune's direction, "The plan of battle is not a secret from him, so you need not worry about that." She looked back at Elian, "I will assume you read the orders that came down for you. You are to have all of these men, 900 to support the 500 you already have, in order to take Water Steep." She glanced back towards Jordan, but did not indicate him with a gesture of her hand "The Duke will be here, commanding from a safe distance, with you." If Elian did look towards the duke, he might note that it was not quite the Duke. A decoy, but a well-chosen one, who both wore Jordan's clothing and had some of his mannerisms. From a distance, and if he was well-kept back from the line of battle, it would be a good ruse. "Nico has been briefed on what he is meant to do. He will issue the orders you set for him to order, so that, if necessary, he will act as well as look the part, but the command is yours, and the charge to make this as believable as possible."


Elian looks over at this Nico and then back to Valeria. "I see." There's no trace of distaste at the deception. If anything he looks mildly impressed. "Anything else?"


"Don't worry, if worse comes to worse, he is a fair archer. But the key is to make them believe that Jordan is here, so that they will focus on this engagement, while the Duke leads his own attack from another quarter. His hope, is that, knowing the enmity that exists between himself and Reist, that he will send his forces in greater number towards you and leave himself a better opening for his own attack." At Elian's question, she nodded, "Yes. And for the love of the One, do not act like a noble who will not take an order from a commoner." Valeria's expression was entirely serious, "For this is an order, Elian a'Callenta." A brief silence, "Come back in one piece from this." Valeria did not offer a smile, but there was warmth in her expression, and no small amount of concern for the man.


"It sounds as if Nico dying wont hurt the plan Valeria so I wont worry about him any more, or less, than any other of my men." He glances at the fake-duke again only to look back at Valeria with a small smile. "What makes you think I have any intention of dying?"


Valeria nodded, at Elian's words, "Yes, I know. So does he." War was a bloody and brutal business, "The guards will remain, as they add to the believability of the ruse, but I am returning north as quietly as I can." As for intentions, "I do not think you do. But the fastest way to blunt the fangs of a snake is to cut off its head. And you…and he are the heads of this particular snake."


"Nonsense. Jordan is the head of this particular snake." Elian retorts before pursing his lips. "How long is there before this other attack goes ahead and how long are you anticipating you will need to achieve it?"


"Not here in Riverton. When you move to Water Steep, you and Nico will be the ones drawing attention to yourselves." Valeria took some time to consider, "The two attacks will be occurring nearly simultaneously. Your attack will begin first, to draw them out, and once you have engaged, the Duke will move his own troops. As for how long, hopefully not so long that we lose the remaining force we have before the objective is achieved."


"Thank you. I don't want to know more than that. There is always a risk one of us will talk." Elian gestures towards the village. "You are welcome to make use of my room before you ride home Valeria. I need to speak to Jordan and Kazmir."


"Thank you for the consideration, Elian. I will only abuse your hospitality for long enough to refresh myself and take a bit of water. The more quickly we can begin, the more likely we are to find success." Or so she hoped. Valeria offered a swift smile to the Coalscore knight, before she stepped away, to leave him to his discussions.

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