(1875-04-27) An Evening In
An Evening In
Summary: Alia and Darius spend a night in. A rare vintage clearly makes the impossible possible.
Date: 2019-04-27
Related: None Specifically. TBA
NPCs: None
Alia  Darius  

The Firebrand Home, Imperial Paras
A well fortified, but modest home. Sitting room, kitchen, a few bedrooms.

It had been a fair few days of highs, punctuated by a few lows, and Alia had had hardly a moment to rest, nor even to see the inside of the small house into which she had moved only a month ago. But she had clearly been bound and determined today, having heard word of the return of the Princeps to the city. Despite her position, trying to keep track of where Darius went and when was like trying to capture an eel coated in grease. He was needed everywhere and so he went everywhere. But her scouts had reported that he had returned to the city, and so Alia had made sure to arrange her schedule, and brought all of the necessary arrangements. And it was nearly time for the dinner meal. With the supplies now coming in at a fair clip, she could afford to offer him something beyond the short rations on which they had been subsisting these last few months. She was, at the moment, rummaging in one of the rooms just outside of the house into which she had stored her things, carrying a small decanter of wine back with her towards the main house.


Darius wandered through the city as he was want to do when he arrived. For some reason, he enjoyed the streets of Paras, it was a far cry from the streets he grew up with back in the Empire, or any of the great cities he had been stationed in, but he had, for all intents and purposes rebuilt Paras. To him it was a sense of pride and joy to walk through these streets, to be greeted by the citizens or his soldiers. (He had long ago forbade soldiers from saluting him when he was walking. On a horse was official. When he walked to his home, he was off duty.) He even enjoyed the steely looks of those who resented him. Every ruler had those, but it meant he was Human. While he will attempt to win them over, it meant the people were not afraid of him, and in his mind, that meant he was doing a good job.

And of course as the trade agreements had begun to bear fruit, literally in some cases, the smells of cooking filled the air once again. To him, this was a major victory. It was mostly the Princepsa's, but he was quite happy with it.

He arrived at his house around evening meal time, contemplating if he should attempt to cook again, or send one of the servants that hung out incase their Princeps needed anything to find him some form of meat. Chicken, beef, fish, he didn't care so long as it was animal and was prepared properly. Ad of course wine. Darius loved his wine and was looking forward to a book, by a hearth, with a meal and some wine. And to get out of his One Blasted Armor. So, as he walked into the door, and closed it he began to undo the laces to his Leather Lorrica, hanging his helm on the pole by the door and carefully hanging the Sidhe Steel Glaive in its stand. As he usually did he called out, "Good evening!" To the house, incase anybody was there. Like he, Alia was busy running Cotswald, but she had permission to be here (Given to the guards), as in his mind, this was her home as well.


The door to the rear of the house had only just closed, when Alia heard the sound of Darius' voice in the entry to the house. A soft curse escaped her lips. He was early! How the man managed to find ways to catch her unawares was the One's own mystery. Still, she straightened, making her way through the house which was not a long distance, and into the sitting room, setting the decanter down, before she stepped forward to assist Darius with his armor. "Darius, here, it will be easier if I help." As with any soldier, they were trained to do for themselves, but it was a small thing she could offer, "How fairs the city? The news is good, the Chancellor has sent the entirety of the Honourable Free City Company of Ordnance and Artillerists and they have only arrived in the last day or so, but have brought both their soldiers as well as craftsmen and instructors to assist us in learning their weapons."


Darius doesn't even bother to try and stop Alia form helping. He's tried before and she always wins that argument. So he instead just goes through the motions of getting out of the Armor. Between the two of them it doesn't take long and once the armor is on its stand he smiles to Alia. "They have these things called CANNON. They gave me a demonstration. They're … amazing. And the hand held ones? I think they were called Muskets? Powder is amazing, but is far slower than the repeating crossbow. They are also less accurate but their armor penetration is simply frightening." he shakes his head. "Despite the West's problems, I'm amazed at the ingenuity and technology these people hold, so different from the East. For instance, have you ever used a MOONGAZER? These birds are simply … wonderful."


There was no expression of victory on Alia's face, as Darius allowed her to assist him. She remembered too well the years she had done so for her own brothers, though not her father, for he had been a man far too tall to indulge a daughter's desire to seem useful. She does, however, offer a smile in return, as she waves him towards the sitting area, "A glass of wine, perhaps, before we cook dinner? I had hoped to have all prepared for you before you returned, but you, as always, find a way to surprise me." She waited for Darius to make his way, even to pour the wine, before she continued, "They are amazing in their innovations in some ways and less in others. I have never used their muskets, nor did I learn the secret of making their flashpowder while I was at the Guild. However, they have promised to teach us the way of making their powder as well as their weapons, so that we will not always be reliant on the ones we have bought from them." A soft peal of laughter, "We often used moongazers. I wondered that the Empire had not done the same. I always imagined that that was where they learned it from."


Moving to the table he picks up the bottle of wine and begins to pour two glasses. "We used riders. It was a mess of logistics waiting for information to get from one point to another, if we had Moongazers we might have been better at defeating the Quatunaz when they first invaded." He takes a seat and leans back, relishing being free of the armor and just enjoying the cooler air for it. He snaps a finger with a touch of will, and the Hearth ignites, slowly coming to life and shedding its light on the sitting area. "If Moongazers were around before the Empire left, for whatever reason my ancestors didn't take them with them when they left the West for the Civil Wars." He shrugs. "Might be an interesting research topic to do one day, when I can turn my mind to other subjects." He sighs and looks over his shoulder at Alia. "I suppose you heard of Aequor's Civil War? And has word reached you of what Jasmina has asked?"


Alia gave Darius' armor a final withering glance. If it attempted to set itself on his shoulders again, she would burn it to ash. But none of that showed in her expression, as she made her way towards the sitting area. "Thank you," she offered for the wine, though she understood it was a courtesy, only, for Alia never drank anything which was alcoholic unless she could not avoid it. And tonight, for whatever the reason, she clearly wished to avoid it. "Perhaps, as we work to reclaim the passes to the Empire, we might look into the training of them to reach beyond the old lands of Aequor and introduce them to the Empire as well. But as you say, we must turn our attention to other things first." The slightly twist of her lips preceded the nod, "Yes, I have heard. I questioned Ludovic on whether or not he would break faith with us and swear his allegiance to her. He claimed he would not, but was unsure of the response from his forces."


"Civil Wars." Darius says with a frown, "Nasty business. The Empire has had several. Usually over some petty trite." He shrugs a shoulder and then sips the wine. "But the empire - " Then the flavor rushes through him, The red's texture, the scent, everything. His eyebrow shoots up and he looks down into the glass. "One's ballsack. Alia. Is this…." he dare not say the name. He sips the drink again. Bigger than sip, but still conserved. His eyes are wide and look from the cup to Alia's in gleeful surprise and excitement.


"A civil war begun for no good reason, when it might have been possible to find a way to victory without bloodshed. As she said, she did not even think to confront the King at all, to seek for other means to protect those she claimed to have rebelled for. Especially when she swore such fealty to the self-same King when she refused to assist Ludovic in his own rebellion." Alia's voice was withering, but she flashed from disapproving to unexpectedly delighted, her face warming with one of her rare smiles, as Darius sipped the wine. "A gift from the Chancellor on the occasion of our…marriage. I had sought to buy a bottle for you, as my own gift, if one could be found in Four Corners, but he would not hear of it, and sent it only just, with his blessings and good wishes."


Savoring the flavor for another long pull on the glass, Darius simply leans back in the chair. "Dear One in the Kingdom of the Sun," He states in bliss. "I will miss this when the last bottle has been drunk." He sighs. "Remind me, as first act as Emperor to reclaim the Ricoshan Valley and immediately see to the production of more wine." He smiles at Alia. "Thank you."


Alia settled into her seat, turning and tucked her legs beneath her, after taking a moment to arrange her dress, studying Darius' face as he settled back into his chair. "You are welcome. It was a small thing, but I would have paid any price for it, to see you have a moment of joy and not of pain." Mention of the valley brought a softer smile, "I think I will look forward to a day when you might be only Emperor Darius, the vintner, and not Emperor Darius, the former soldier." But as he relaxed, she settled into other less hopeful topics, "And do you plan to assist her in this fool's gambit, Darius? I know you once offered to aid her in Aequor's fight against the forces of White Hall."


There is a deep sigh as Darius looks into the glass of wonderful and beautiful Ricoshan Red. "For a price." He fishes into a pants pocket and holds out the missives from Jasmina and himself back and forth. "I imagine you are about to be upset at me." He shrugs a shoulder. "We have to think long term for the Colonies. Once we leave to reclaim the Empire it will go a long way if Aequor is significantly weakened. They won't immediately go to attacking Paras, and Cotswald and Hellsmouth. If we throw in with Easphora, or however in the Abyss you pronounce what she called her little Kingdom, and can at least wound Aequor significantly, we can sue for peace for the Colonies and with Terms that will benefit the Colonies." He sips the drink again as he collects his thoughts. "It's a terrible time though. We need to secure the pass, take back the Paras Farmland while helping our Galenthian Allies take Rogers. It means the Legions as strong as they are might be stretched thin." He gestures with a hand, "And. One alone knows what the fuck is on the other side of the mountain."


Alia lifted a hand, reaching across the distance that separated them to accept the missives, saying not a word until she had made sure to read each at least twice, before she set them down on the table, the pile now bearing the slightly browned and burned in impression of her fingertips. That, more than her expression, was the clear indication of how angry she actually was, "Darius, I understand that times are desperate for us. And that we have only just begun to gain some relief from the alliances we have been able to manage with Four Corners and with Wayston, but it is not your place to fight a war that has nothing at all to do with you or the Empire. I know those lands and they are well within the boundaries of this new kingdom. If, and I say if we can take this barony, Jasmina might well turn on us as she did on her own sworn king, and send her forces to rout us from the very lands we will be spilling the Empire's blood to take. For this barony is entirely cut off from the colonias."

"You might have been better served in allowing her folly to fail, and then taking the land after, but I swore to to stand beside you, to make your causes my causes, and to do everything in my power to ensure your success and the success of the Legion. You were wise to send Ludovic and d'Bartone's forces, though I beg you, Darius, if for no other reason than to honor the love I bear you, as husband and Praetor, do not go yourself. If you can, do everything that you can to avoid it. You are simply too precious to risk losing. Should you fall, the Legion will fall with you, and so will any hope we might have to reclaim the lands of the Empire and see it rebuilt." Alia closed her eyes a moment, some echo of the strain she suddenly felt on her shoulders mirrored on her face, before she drew a breath and reopened her eyes, "Before this, we were divided in two. The forces to reclaim the farmlands and the force to reopen the pass. Now we must manage a three-pronged war. And we cannot fight on three fronts at once. If you will take my advice, see to the Paras farmlands and Rogers first. Cement the alliance that exists between Arkanin and the Empire. See if, in so doing, we can win a commitment of their forces to assist us in reopening the passes. For the Archduchess wishes for the full eradication of the Qatunax, and they are rife beyond the mountains, no doubt only awaiting their moment to flood back into these lands."


"That last is sound advice." Darius says with a nod and a sip of the Red. "If Arkanin can help us take the pass, it leads to the potential of more Imperial Troops. At the least Imperial supplies, which would help … well really it would help this entire Abyss blasted region." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Very well. Set up a meeting between us, Evae and Cervantes, and maybe that Brennart fellow. The Tarris Knight from the refugee camp. We can discuss the attack there and then allowing them the honor of assisting us to the Imperial Territory. They can be the first to see the Empire in a century."


Alia settled back into her chair, hands folded deliberately in her lap, as she studied her husband, and the effects of his duties and these new circumstances on him, "Darius. When was the last time that you rested? Really rested? Did something other than command a soldier or stare at a map until your eyes began to cross?" She shook her head, unfolding her legs and rising from her chair. She held out a hand, palm up, as if expecting him to take it. "Come. I will speak with Evae and make the arrangements. But not tonight. Tonight the Legion and the Empire can wait."


Taking the hand he stands up and finishes his wine, setting the glass down. "Alia. I'm not sure if that counts as Rest." He gives a slight lopsided grin. "But I take your meaning." He shrugs a shoulder. "Lead on," he says with a grin. "I'll take a day or two to myself. I haven't since we held the games, what? Almost a year ago?"


There was something unexpectedly bright and merry in Alia's voice, and in the laughter that accompanied it, as she slipped her hand into Darius', drawing him on through the sitting room and back towards the kitchen, taking the time to retrieve her untasted glass on the way. "Though I have missed your company, Darius, I think I will not put you to such hard work again so soon after you have just finished a day at your other duties." Once they arrived at the kitchen, she allowed him to slip his hands free, "I will remember that you have said so. Two days. With no duties save to me. And now, you have a choice. You can cook with me, or you can take your ease while I cook for you, and we speak of happier things."


Darius blinked as he was led into the kitchen. He chuckles at the kitchen. "I'll help. Though fair warning, a Praetor and a Princeps are terrible cooks, so I'd keep an eye on what I'm doing." He moves to inspect the ingredients and frowns. Usually he just fries some form of dead animal and sprinkles some pepper on top. Maybe salt if he's feeling decadent. "Yeah. I have no idea what you're doing here. What are we making?"


Alia, too, approached the board where she had had the servants assist her in gathering and setting out the ingredients. Meat, which looked to be pork, but cut into bite sized pieces, easy enough to fry. Or to roast over the kitchen's fire on skewers, a few spring apples, potatoes, no doubt brought in with the supplies, and such small bit of greens and edible flowers as had been gathered in the land around Hellsmouth. For even though their arable crops were still either a struggle or a dream within the lands beyond the pass, there was much that was tasteful which grew wild in the lands and did not deplete the stores of the Gens. There was, not far from the board, but in a basket on the table, small, fresh rounds of bread and a selection of cheese, "Nothing fancy, just something perhaps a bit better than the rations we have had of late. If you'd prefer not to ruin anything, you are free to tend to the meat. Or simply enjoy that second glass of wine."


Shaking his head with a chuckle Darius moves to the meat. "I can do both." He states simply and begins to to make the preparations at the oven. "I take it the trade stock has arrived and is well received?" He asks simply as he begins to move things around, but not before taking that all important sip of wine. He pauses as he lets the feeling of it run through him. "It will certainly be better than eating the dried field jerky reserved for the Legions."


"Indeed," Alia offered, as she set to work cleaning and washing the greens, which she seemed to have decided to use to make a small salad of sorts. Meat was all well and good, but the body needed other foods as well for health. She had not been profligate in what she had taken from the gathering, thinking ever of the needs of others, and there was only enough for a serving for herself and a double serving for Darius. "It has been, yes. The stewards have been working in day-around shifts to see the food distributed out to the citizenry as well as the soldiers. It goes out as quickly as it comes in, save for the small amount they are setting away in stores. While we cannot yet promise everyone an abundance, we are slowing becoming able to see that fewer and fewer must go without. Neither the Chancellor nor the Archduchess have been reticent in seeing to fulfilling those portions of our agreements."


"Excellent." Darius says taking another sip. He adds a little butter to a cast iron pan and with an effort of will heats up the pan to melt the butter. With the oven on and heating up and the pan made hot through his sorcery the butter melts quickly. He then puts the pork into the cast iron and begins to fry it. He sprinkles some seasoning on top and begins to fry it up.


Having completed the salad, Alia turned her attention to the vegetables, slicing them thin, so that they would cook quickly. Perhaps she had had too much boiled well..everything, for she reached for a pan wide enough to roast the vegetables in the oven. And perhaps it was she who was feeling decadent, for she added both salt and pepper, before she set the vegetables into a pan and sprinkled a small reserve of dried herbs, just enough to add a bit of interest, before they could go into the oven. "Darius, you speak so rarely of the Empire, the place that it was, before the war came. What was it like there?" For Alia had never see it, and perhaps would never see it as it once was, even though they might rebuild it.


"Beautiful." Darius says softly over the crackling of meat being grilled. For a long while the sound of the crackling meat is the only sound as he moves a fork to stir the meat and flip it in some cases. Distributing the heat where he can. "As you have guessed I loved the Ricoshan Valley. The forests were … wonderful. The river that ran through the middle had a small town. I would go there and simply enjoy the sun in the summer. Then there was the Pentarchy. They were, possibly still are the most beautiful cities in the East. Philosophers and art in one place." He takes a deep breath. "The Cities. The average city was nice. They weren't all clean and beautiful, but they were maintained. Everybody had a job and those who didn't have an occupation were to clean the city for their bread. It meant nobody went hungry. The Government saw to that."


With her hands now free, and the pan in the oven, Alia turned the cleaning up the area where they had been working. Perhaps, as a noble woman, it was an odd thing, both for her to do it, and for her to know how to do it, but she had spent most of her life in Four Corners, and the guild did not give anyone special treatment. She did not press Darius to speak, only waited until he was ready to. "It sounds so very much like the stories we imagine in books, here, where we have only the idea of what the Empire was in its day. I wish, more than anything, that you will see it so again. And that, if I am very lucky, I will have the chance to see it with you. Particularly the Pentarchy, which I had never heard of before now."


Darius continues cooking as he smiles into the pan. "They're independent, but might as well be apart of the Empire." He states simply. "There are several of them, each with their own traditions and pseudo rulers. But the Empire has advisers and they pay Imperial Taxes. I think they wanted to be apart of the Empire but remain with their own rulers." He shrugs a shoulder and gestures. "I think the meat is done?"


"Was that an unusual thing, for the Empire? To have such vassal states that retained some good deal of their independence?" The picture Darius had painted of what they were like was clearly fascinating. Alia looked up from where she was setting aside the cutting board to drain, picking up a towel and drying her hands as she looked over, "That looks wonderful, thank you. Could you set it aside in a dish to rest? We might be able to make a gravy to go with it, unless you prefer your meat as it is." She was, still, after all, learning him as she went.


"There is only two types of food Alia," Darius says with a slight grin. "Edible food and bad food." He winks at her. "If you want some Gravy we can make it. I'm fine either way." He sips the wine again and moves to a chair. "We can certainly eat it as it is though." He shrugs.


Alia dipped her head, as though conceding the point. "As you say, Darius, but you cannot expect me to get it right every time. You are still very much a puzzle to me." She moves to claim the pan that Darius had used, reserving the flavourful fat there, as she reached into the oven to remove the vegetables which were nearly soft. She transferred them carefully back to the cast iron pan, to use the rendered fat to add flavour as a final step in frying. It would be the work of only a few minutes, as she, taking instruction from Darius, warmed the pan to sizzling. Indeed, she was soon setting everything out into the dishes she had already arranged, the final step only the making of a light dressing of vinegar and oil for the greens, "Is there anything of the West that you have come to like, Darius? Aside from cannons, muskets, and moongazers?"


Shaking his head Darius leans in the chair and sips the wine once more. "The rivers." He says simply. "Aequor is full of them and each one is beautiful. Also your ships. They are vastly different from the Empire's. I'm not a sailor, and I can count on my hand the number of times I've been on one, but the West's are fantastic." He smiles. "And Four Corners. It is simply massive. I've never seen a city of canals so damn big. Very impressive."


Alia was entirely content to allow Darius to take his ease, as she set out the meal and then drew a glass of water for herself, setting the pitcher on the table as well as a second glass, if he wished some as well. "I remember the first time I saw a large river. I was very young, and we have none in Cotswold. They are beautiful, though, I admit a fondness for the smell of the Salt Sea. Though I admit I am a poor swimmer." Her expression softened, as she considered the words, "I wish we were free to visit Four Corners more often. There are such wonders there. Like all cities it is both ugly and beautiful, so I will not call it perfect, but it was and in some part of me is, I suppose, still my home." She considered for a moment, before she offered, as though she were telling a secret, "I have another surprise for you, Darius. But eat, while I go to get it."


Darius raises an eyebrow but doesn't argue with Alia. He dishes some food up for himself and then begins to eat slowly. He sips the wine and is quiet as he waits for Alia to return. He does stare at the salad confused slightly. He'd heard of these things. Salads. He tries a bite and raises an eyebrow. "Women are weird." He says in a whisper, but continues to eat the salad with quiet crunches of vegetables.


Alia, perhaps thankfully, did not hear Darius' disparaging comment about her fairer gender, as she had already hopped off of the chair and headed back into the house proper, back towards the room where she stored most of her supplies. After a bit of scraping and the sound of items being moved about, Alia returned, carrying a small rectangle of lacquered leather, small enough that it would only cover the length of both of Darius' palms, if he held it like a book. It was wrapped in a bit of clean linen and she set it down on the table with obvious care. Only then did she turn to her own meal, tucking into the salad with a fair bit more enthusiasm than he.


Raising an eyebrow Darius looks at the leather and then to Alia. He picks it up and examines it, going over it carefully before he opens it and sees exactly what this is.


Alia waited until Darius had unfolded the cloth to speak, having moved on to the meat and vegetables. "This is delicious, thank you, Darius." And then, she turned to the actual surprise, "It is not exactly what you wanted, Darius, I know, and I am still trying to perfect the formula, but…it is the lacquer we spoke of. It is not completely fire-proof, but…it is strong enough, as the formula stands now, to withstand two strikes of sorcerous flame."


Darius blinks and looks over the lacquer in utter surprise. "By One. You did it." He smiles genuinely. "It's better than anything people have done up until now. So it's a fantastic leap forward regardless. Can we outfit enough frontline soldiers for it to be useful?" He asks excitedly. "With the campaign for the pass and Farmlands coming this would be amazing."


Alia's expression warmed into a smile at the praise. Despite that she had served as an alchemist for the Empire in all the time she had been Imperial, and indeed, it had been her primary duty, when she was not overseeing first Candeo and now Cotswold, this was the first truly unique thing that she had made for the Legion. And that it pleased him, even incomplete as it was, obviously pleased her. "I believe we could. I would need to take the measure of the resources I have and the number of pieces of armor you wish to cover. The components are rare, at least the two of them that I have sought so far. Devil's Tongue, which I found on the slopes of Tharsis, and the skin of an ash serpent, which I purchased, for I could not afford the time to hunt one, for they live far to the north, on the borders of Icenailia. Thankfully, only a small amount is required for the formula, and if more could be found, yes, I think so." She grinned, "It was an old story of your great ancestor that gave me the idea for the devil's tongue, you know. Darius hunting the dragon Erythinos across the burning plain?"


He blinked at that and Darius had to look at Alia as he set the piece down. "Erythinos? But that's just a children's story told to give boy's courage…" He chuckles. "This world. It never ceases to find someway to amaze me. I hope we never live to see a time when we've found out everything!" He laughs and takes a bite of the meat. "I'll send scouts north, see if they can find more of these Ash Snakes. A small hunting party should be fine by themselves." He smiles, "Simply amazing."


"That is what I always thought, but then, as I grew older, and I was given an opportunity to delve more deeply into the libraries at the guild and in Four Corners, I discovered a very curious thing. That often, wisdom is hidden in stories so that it might not be lost. We only lose the ability to see it. And in that story, Darius could not cross the burning plain, and so, he had a farrier make his horse shoes of devil's tongue, to protect the hooves of his mount. And I thought, well…perhaps that was wisdom." Alia reached over, covering the piece of leather back up, "We will test it tonight, so that you can see for yourself. After dinner, perhaps." She too, tucked back into her meal, "They are fearsome beasts, many times larger than the size of a man, so they say. I am told the meat is edible, but gamey." Better not to ask her how she knows that, "The one place that I know where they live, is in the caves within Mount Herensurge."


Nodding Darius takes another bite. "Then that is where we will send our scouts." He nods once, puts his fork down and reaches for Alia's hand, "Thank you Alia. For everything."


"Knowing what few of your scouts I do, I cannot imagine them seeing it as anything but a challenge." Alia did not seem displeased by this. Talent, as with all things, wanted only to be used and tested. There was still that edge of surprise in Alia to see Darius reach for her hand, but she took it gladly, "You are welcome Darius, though I think you should be the one I thank. You have given me such opportunities and have allowed me to become more than I thought it was possible to be."


"Of course." Darius says with a wink. "So. Two days. No administration duties." He sighs. "I think I'll find a book, some wine, and sit on the walls to Paras to enjoy the sunset." He stands up and offers a hand to Alia, "Would you like to join me?" He smiles genuinely.


Alia returned the smile, warmth in her expression as he spoke of his plans. "Two days, no administrative duties…and I would very much like to join you." The hand she accepted, allowing herself to rise to her feet, "You bring the glass, I will refill the decanter."

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