(1875-04-23) Homecoming
Summary: Darius gives Ludovic his rescued daughter and the pair talk about the request for support made by the newly minted Queen Jasmina.
Date: 23rd April 2019
Related: 1875-04-14-the-pettiest-pair, 1875-04-23:asking-for-help.
NPCs: Sorrel Anders
Darius  Ludovic  

Darius' Home, Paras, Vir Sidus Territories
Room description

The summons to Senator d'Korbina came with a, note that read simply. "Please come quickly. I need sleep." The Centurian who delivered it just shrugged if asked, and accompanied Ludovic on the trip back.

When they arrive they are shown to the Princeps private residence, where he has been sequestered. They are announced and let in with smiles and chuckles.

Inside the sitting room is Darius, in an arm chair. No pipe, no wine, just a glass of juice, a very sparse sandwhich, and in his arms is a baby girl. He stands as the pair are let in and he bows his head. "Oh thank the One. I think when I finally have my Heir, I'm going to hire nannies. One, they are a joy but a right royal pain in the Ass." He clears his throat and is actually holding the small child with some amount of skill. Obvious practice perhaps with younger siblings?

"Ludovic. Before you get angry, I heard about Firen and sent agents to get your Daughter," He jostles the kid a little to indicate her, "Sorrel and the Lady Imogen out of Firen." he takes a deep breath. "Imogen didn't make it. I was told she died defending your daughter form the Partharians." He steps forward, "But she was alive long enough to confirm this is Sorrel Anders. Your daughter." He offers the child to Ludovic. "I'm sorry. I know you and Imogen didn't split nicely, but I know you cared for her. I know you love your family, but a daughter should have at least one of her parents."

Ludovic is in a fine mood when he shows up. The same smiling Ludovic that could be found in the days before everything went to hell only now without so much of the dragging weight of his sorcerers side effects. He chuckles at Darius' first words about nannies but honestly just looks confused when Darius suggests he is supposed to be angry. Opening his mouth to ask why he's interrupted by the news that the child is actually his own daughter he's genuinely speechless until several moments after the child is offered to her. At that point he looks down at her, gets that very particular look in his eyes and then reaches to take her away from the clearly uncomfortable princeps. "This is Sorrel?" He stares at the child for a little longer and then gives Darius a look thats almost as confused as the one before. "I hadn't heard." He sighs. "I had hoped she'd be happy." He looks back to the child. "I did care. Still do. Thought about just overturning the order a whole bunch of times. But it seemed that being here was bad for her." he offers the child his little finger. "Does her father know? Lord Anders?"

Darius shakes his head. "I honestly don't know." He says simply. "Ludovic, I'm sorry. I wanted to get them both out. Truthfully." He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You have anything I can give you to help with her. We don't have them yet, but I can promise you the Tutor teaching my Brothers and Sisters back in the Empire is probably still alive," He cringes, "The old bat is too onry to die by the Fire Breathers. She's harsh, but a better tutor you will never find. I can have my siblings and her brought here and Sorrel and Georges can learn from her. Anything you need." He sighs and picks up the glass of juice. "I'm sorry I failed you. I didn't tell you so I didn't worry you, and now I feel as if I made a mess of this." Then he gestures to the letter from Jasmina. "And then we have this."

"I only need the wetnurse." Ludovic tells Darius. "I've everything else already. My sons only two and a bit so it wont be too hard to look after her for a while." He smiles at the talk of a tutor. "I think theres a few years before she needs a tutor yet Princeps." He furrows his brow at the apologies. "I dont know why you're apologising for a death that happened hundreds of miles away Darius. If its anyones fault its mine. She'd have still been here if I'd been a better husband, or ignored the royal edict to divorce. Hell I should probably have known better than to think I could get away with remarrying in the first place. Starting to actually believe in my being cursed." He looks to the letter. "What does it say?"

Sighing, Darius picks up the letter and glosses over it before he speaks. "Your former Duchess has declared herself Queen of Eosphoria. No idea where that name came from." He clears his throat. "Anyway, she's asking for our help against the al'Callenta and al'Arran whom the King has sent to deal with her. She started a Civil War. Though I suppose some might argue Maris started it with all the beheadings." He shrugs a shoulder. "Regardless, it's a bloody Civil War. She wants our troops."

"Much as I hate to speak ill of her." Ludovic frowns. "I dont feel like thats a justification. It only worked that way for me because it directly put me in a situation where obeying meant my execution. Although I suppose the inquisition might have gotten out of hand or something." He moves to carefully sit himself down so that he can settle the baby into a better position. He's not exactly dressed for it. "Al'Arran is a damn fine general. Duke al'Callenta less so, although i'm sure the reputation they've gotten these last years is only because they are outshone by al'Arran. In any case. I dont imagine you can really say no. From the impression i've gained from Alia this is a one sent opportunity to have someone else supply part of the force for a while."

Darius frowns and looks out the window. He considers for a few minutes before he turns to look over his shoulder to the other man. "Tell me of the Dukes. What are they like, what type of soldiers are they?" He turns, leans against the wall and folds his arms over his chest, paying rapt attention.

"You have to keep in mind that I was just a third son." Ludovic tells Darius. "So I never really had that much to do with court. I gained my spurs in the lightning brigade, thats the al'Mordran's famed unit, but I've not really fought alongside Duke Cesare nor for that matter al'Arran. Although I do remember al'Arran at Mathis." he considers a little bit. "Al'Arran is frankly brilliant. Arguably the best General we've ever had. He's a big guy and his people come from the mountains to the north. I mean really to the mountains." he gestures with his free hand. "Not like here where we just live around them. He's married to Myrana d'Armaz whom you've probably met and I reckon the fact he hasn't rebelled yet means he isnt going to. It was one of his vassals they made an example of." he considers "The al'Callenta. They are.. proper. They hold the church close. And they've been in charge of the Aequorians Argent Legion for generations. The argents likely your biggest threat. The arrani's arguably better, seeing as how they have al'Arran to lead them, but the arrani only numbers 3000 at the best of times. Of course, if people start bringing in their household troops, the battle numbers could get real big real quickly, and unlike me, al'Mordran's directly bordered on both al'callenta and al'arran land. That said theres a major river between her and al'Callenta." A pause and then a shrug. "That said d'Armaz has naval dominance on the rivers. So a lot will depend on what he does too. And he's /clever/"

Darius nods. "So. A house with martial tradition. A House who is … Big and strong and led by a brilliant General, and finally, this Viscount d'Armaz who controls the rivers." He takes a deep breath and lets it out. "She can't go offensive against that. At best she can hold her lands and hold them at the Rivers. Even then, with d'Aramz control of the rivers, she can't fight on the banks because they'll have Naval Artillery support."

He nods again and looks back out at the window. "Thank you Dovi. You have given me answers that I need to make her an offer." He is silent for a few moments. "If she accepts my offer, I want you, and d'Bartone to prepare to fight with Jasmina as Aequorans. I'll send two Cohorts with you, but put on your old d'Korbina tabards, and make sure the cohort is dressed the same. You'll look like you're fighting for your old Duchess, but furthering the Empire's needs." He nods again and turns holding up one finger. "This is IF she accepts my price. Otherwise, we stand by and watch and wait."

"Theres another issue." Ludovic points out. "I don't know how far i'd trust my men to fight against the aequorians. Its.. gonna go better than fighting al'mordran's troops. A good number of my knights, me included, were lightning brigade at one time or another. But even so, we were Aequorian mere months ago."

At the rest of the plan he gives a slow nod. "So you want us to go up there and pretend we swore to the al'Mordran? What am I to do if someone asks. And are you planning to put me in command of this?"

Darius shakes his head. "Don't lie. I won't ask you to do that, I know your vows are important." He shrugs a shoulder. "This is literally just a stop gap to buy us time to open the pass and get our supply lines." He looks Ludovic over and lifts his head to appraise the man carefully. "Do you want to be in charge of this force? If not I'll send Maximus. Or, once I handle the Pass and Rykers, I'll take command." He gestures. "We're a team. Tell me what you need, can do, or feel."

"No." Ludovic says. "I dont want to be in command but then I dont want a vir sidus in charge either so I suppose that leaves me. You'll be taking over if it turns into a real fight right? Theres no way I can stand up against al'Arran."

Darius nods, "I will." He says after a moment's thought. "If what I've read about al'Arran I'm not sure I can stop him. But I can make him think I can." He looks back out the window. "Go take your daughter home and start to make the preparations. Things are going to get very busy very soon."

"Well maybe giving her support will put them off attacking much like it did with Jasmina and me." Ludovic eases back to his feet. "Ah al'Arran also has the support of a lightning sorcerer." a pause. "And I'd not be surprised if a wave sorcerer decided to help them too. You should maybe be prepared for that. Although I doubt the wave one at least would do anything unless we started it. The lightning.. well.. they can be a bit rash so I cant say." He bounces the baby for a moment, smiling at her again. "Thank you for bringing her here. It wasn't really the right place, given she's an Anders, but its really nice to actually get to meet her."

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