(1875-04-16) Accepted into the Bankers Guild
Accepted into the Guild
Summary: Shirlyn is warmly accepted and welcomed into the Honourable Guild of Bankers of the Free City State of Four Corners.
Date: 2019-04-16e
Related: None.
NPCs: A bevy of guild members. Young and old.
Shirlyn  Mattias  

The Guild Hall of the Honourable Guild of Bankers
The Bankers Guild Hall is as one might expect, an illustrious if moderately sized building, wrought with beautifully carved beams, stained glass, and painted wooden crests of each Bank and House within the Free City's Honourable Guild of Bankers. Lining the sides of the Guild Hall are the owners, the Chief Clerks, and others holding notable positions within the various Banks and Establishments who fall under the powerful shadow of the Honourable Guild of Bankers.

The Bankers Guild Hall is as one might expect, an illustrious if moderately sized building, wrought with beautifully carved beams, stained glass, and painted wooden crests of each Bank and House within the Free City's Honourable Guild of Bankers. Lining the sides of the Guild Hall are the owners, the Chief Clerks, and others holding notable positions within the various Banks and Establishments who fall under the powerful shadow of the Honourable Guild of Bankers. Each and all seem to have dressed sombrely, though Sir Mattias Thynne's contingent are as ever clad in black, with varying hues of grey, dark red, brown, green, and blue being the colours of choice amongst the other parties. Each member is also arrayed with a variety of chains, some simple in design, others laden with weighty engraved plates that rest heavy about their shoulders, each denoting their position within their respective bank, and indeed the Guild itself. Irregardless of whether the member of male of female, the usual Clerk's caps are decidedly plain, though the various heads of each establishment allow themselves a faint hint of showmanship in the caps or berets they wear, often plain in colour as with their robes, but also adorned with gold pins or bright feathers, a singular nod to any attempt at brightness. Fashion is hardly considered by those present, and the wealth they display upon their shoulders, pinned upon their caps, and often adorning their fingers is all the more visible for it.

The Guild Hall itself is silent upon Shirlyn's arrival, the gathered worthies all standing tall, or in some cases hunched and withered with age, watching the entrance and the new arrival. And as the great double doors are opened by the Ushers of the Guild, Mattias steps forward to take centre stage as the Guildmaster of this august body of rulebound clerks and patricians, his robes heavy about his frame, his chains equally so as three differing chains rest heavy about his shoulders, the first being that of his own banking establishment, the second being a thicker chain adorned with the Guild's crest, and a few thick sapphires, and the third being that of the Perpetual Chancellorship of the Free City State of Four Corners, a veritable fortune resting upon his shoulders alone. Gesturing to the Shirlyn's entrance, Mattias' voice rises and breaks the silence, "Honoured guildmembers, we are gathered here to welcome another into our honourable and august Guild, a Guild that has stood firm since the creation of this great city. A guild steeped in tradition and honour, and as such we welcome Lady Shirlyn Tenebrae, the Baroness Tenebrae into our ranks. Lady Shirlyn Tenebrae, come stand before me." With those very words spoken, Mattias bows towards Shirlyn as she starts her entrance, and as Shirlyn passes along the thick red carpet that lines the cold stone floor, those so gathered bow at her flanks, be-ringed hands pressed lightly to their hearts, due deference yielded to a new member of their hallowed ranks.

The Baroness spared no expense in arriving on time to Four Corners, when Mattias tells her to show up for ceremony she shows up for ceremony. Or what she thinks he means anyway, sombre can mean many things. Still, she trails along the isle of the Bankers Guild Hall once called in a gown of blood red so deep it nears on black with gold embroidery of prancing lions dancing along her sleeves and hems. Very visibly pregnant, which accounts for a gown over her usual breeches and tunic'd attire, she nods to those who deem nodding to and smiles brightly at her oldest friend. Even through the heaviness of pregnancy she still walks with a predatory grace, which looks strange an a lady of such noble stature. Her trusty guards are left outside, talking to the town guard as they're always wont to do. She comes to a stop in front of Mattias and tosses him a wink before her mien settles on a soft smile.

Mattias dares to venture the faintest of smiles once Shirlyn stands before him, his head gently inclined as that ancient notary, somewhat less dusty than normal approaches from the the side, a dark red cushion held before him, upon it a thin golden chain adorned with the Guild's crest. Though Mattias' attention doesn't waver as another attendant approaches to offer Mattias an old and faded book, one might well notice the title is written in faded gold leaf; The Testament and Codicils of the Honourable Guild of Bankers.

"Place your hand upon this book…" Mattias' words are spoken clearly for all to hear, all eyes are indeed upon Shirlyn. The book itself is taken by Mattias and held out before him for Shirlyn to do just that, "State your name for the record, and that of your establishment so that all may hear who stands before them."

Placing a ringed hand upon the book in front of her, Shirlyn quirks the corner of her mouth up in a sort of grin. Always a show with Mattias, even if this is a formal occasion. "Baroness Shirlyn Tenebrae nee Charring of the Tenebrae Exchange House in Firen, Aequor, Rikton, Four Corners and… beyond."

Mattias nods and keeps the book held just so, for Shirlyn's hand to remain pressed against the old surface of this yellowing book, "You shall swear that you shall be true to your clients and true to the fraternity of the Honourable Guild of Bankers. You shall be obedient to the rules and codicils that guide us, and also to the Guild itself for the time being in all things concerning the Commonwealth of this Ministry. And at all times, you shall give your best advice and council that you can to the uttermost of your power in all things that shall concern the wealth and worship of this fraternity and your own establishment. And if you know any things of evil that should flow forth or sound to the infamy, disworship or hurt of this said ministry, you shall diligently do the Guildmaster and Wardens or other of the worshipful members of the same Ministry to witte thereof, for a reformation in the same to be had."

Mattias doesn't even pause for breath, a faintly cocky smile adorns his features as he drifts from one stupifying paragraph to another, "And also such causes and matters as shall be alledged or brought before the Guild and you, between party and party; You shall diligently and truly report and present the same fully and wholly to the Guildmaster and Wardens of this Ministry for the time being, not sparing any man or woman for favour, affection or love, nor hindering, nor hurting any person, for malice or hatred, but equally, truly and indifferently, in your said reports between party and party you shall bear and behave yourself and all lawful councils and secrets of this Ministry, be it matters or causes belonging to this Ministry or any other thing, that ought to be kept secret you shall keep it secret and close to yourself, without any utterance or disclosing of the same secrets to any person but the Guildmaster or appointed Wardens or one of the said Council admitted."

Those watching nod solemnly as if indeed they can understand, and in some cases even hear the proceedings given the average age of some of those attending. Yet if there's one thing the Guild prides itself on, it is an utter lack of corruption and villainy. Bankers are honest, and Mattias has seen those who fell below the standards set 'dealt' with, and ensured a warning for all concerned, "And all things touching the common good of the same Ministry under the said Guildmaster and Wardens for the time being and by their sufferance, leave and licence you shall do and procure to the uttermost of your power. And you shall to your power see that the tithes of the fraternity shall be made yearly aptly, openly and plainly before the Guildmaster and Wardens for the time being, or some of them, and the hole body of the said fraternity. All these points and Articles before recited and rehearsed unto you concerning this your personal charge and Oath, you shall on your behalf observe and keep the same, as the One shall give you Grace."

The words flowing, lengthy, and seemingly twisting about one another, though Mattias recites them as if from memory. Whether they mean something or simply sound grand, that would indeed be for those first wordsy Clerks of the Guild to decide, most of whom have long since passed. Indeed, when he finally stops speaking, he smiles faintly, "A simple 'I do' will more than suffice, though feel free to embellish. They do love embellishment." The words spoken softly for no one to hear, but those two servants of ceremony standing beside Mattias and Shirlyn.

Shirlyn snorts quietly and turns her head to those present, and speaks loudly for the ones in the back. "I do so affirm all of these things in good faith and good coincidence, as with all things of true importance; my word is ever my bond. And to be even considered to be a member of such a fine guild. And if I do say so myself, an astute group of ladies and gentlemen with the finest heads for accounts I have ever seen." She turns back and cocks a brow to Mattias as if to ask 'embellished enough for you?'

Mattias grins faintly and nods, "Oh most assuredly, those at the back can hardly hear you, but they at least saw you talking, and talking, and embellishing, they do so adore you already." Though with his voice rising just so, he exclaims loudly, "Then I am proud to welcome the Baroness Tenebrae into our honoured assembly, may her crest be placed within our Guild Hall, and may her clients, and her establishment prosper." Mattias pulls the book away and passes it to the servant who delivered it, and like that it is carried away once more, "Welcome to the Honourable Guild of Bankers my dear friend." The words offered with a certain degree of warmth rarely shared with anyone else, and those very words are soon joined by a thunderous applause from amongst the gathered ranks of those so assembled. As if the very moment had never been in doubt, Shirlyn's own crest is already being guided into position by two robed clerks, to hang alongside those many others.

And with barely a pause, Mattias stoops to the side to gather the golden chain that signifies membership within the Honourable Guild of Bankers, this blessed fraternity, and steps forward to place the weighty chain over Shirlyn's head, before resting it against her shoulders just so, "Welcome my friend."

Shirlyn's smile is full of mirth as she bumps Mattias with a soft elbow as the applause takes hold of the room, "You're just terrible, dear friend." She inclines her head in respect to those present and her eyes follow her crest as it is placed with the rest. She turns and bows her head for the chain that Mattias lays upon her shoulders. "Thank you, Mattias, I wonder what trouble we'll get into next." The mischievous smirk is there and gone in a flash as she adjusts the chain to lay properly on her shoulders and look back out at the other Guild members.

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