(1875-02-20) A Viper in Dalcen
A Viper in Dalcen
Summary: Sonya meets with jarret about her Mages Academy Project.
Date: Feb 20th 2019
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Sonya  Jarret  

Great Fortress of Dalcen
Room description
Feb 1875

Sonya has been quite the busy snake recently. First, She went on a Sojourn that ended up with her knowing the path she should take, next, she went home to reassure her Husband that everything is fine and that he is doing a wonderful job of it all. THEN the fun part comes, gathering all her information and knowledge into a safe place and make sure the first part of her plan is in action, the next part, that requires abit higher approval.

That's why she is in Dalcen, and walking into the fortress asking one of the guards or Paiges to summon Duke Sokar, letting them know that Viscountess Kaedon has come with a proposal for his approval.

It doesn't take long until the Duke appears. It would seem he wanted to greet his guest in person instead of having someone bring her to whatever room he was in. As he sees the Viscountess, he offers her a smile and a nod. "Viscountess Kaedon," he greets her, getting that part of formality done for now. "Welcome to Dalcen. What brings you here? They said it was some kind of a proposal?"

"It was your Grace, is there a private room where we can talk?" Sonya asks after giving the propper courtsie. She has a smile on her face and looks well and serene than she has before. In her head is a folded leather bound book as well as a scroll case. "I must ask forgivness for my.. absense your grace. But I can promise that what I have to propose should be worth it."

Jarret nods as he hears that, offering another smile. "Of course. Follow me," he offers, leading the way towards the room he uses as his study, a different one than the one his mother used to use, interestingly enough. "Shall I send someone for refreshments?" he asks, as they reach the room, and he moves to the seat behind his desk, after pulling out one of the other chairs and placing it on the other side of the desk. "Of course you are forgiven," he replies, before he adds, "I'm sure things have been busy for us all lately. It's good to see you."

"You are too kind your Grace, tea would be lovely." Sonya says as she takes her seat and takes out the scroll, laying it out on the desk. "I'm not going to be overly flowery about this or mince words, I want to train sorcerers for combat, to your their gift to give Galenthia, and riverwatch, an edge. This is a two fold safety system that will keep dangerous untrained sorcerers from lashing out unexpectivly, and provide us with a rescource that hopefully doesnt need to be used in the event someone else ants to try raiding us." She says with a smile.

"Aequor has it all wrong Jarret, killing them off will only drive them further underground, cause anger, and eventually lead to a rebellion of sorcerers who feel like their king has turned on them… case in point, hellsmouth." She says as she leans back. "I have the knowledge, funds and a secluded place for them to learn, all I need is your approval as duke to continue this course of action."

Jarret nods as he hears those words, after gesturing for a servant to head off to get hold of the tea. Listening to what's said, he nods a bit more slowly. "I know Aequor has it all wrong, and I deeply regret I attended parts of the tourney there, since they seemed to be showing off all that killing." He lets out a bit of a sigh, as he leans back slightly in his seat. "To me, a person's beliefs is secondary to the fact that they are people of the Duchy. The same goes about if they are sorcerers or not. Everyone should get their chance, and not get killed off for having some abilities others doesn't." He nods to the part about needing his approval. "You have my approval, Sonya. Just keep me informed, so we can avoid ending up with any bad surprises."

A smile graces her face as Sonya gives a nod. "Thankyou your grace, you wont regret this." She says as she waits til the tea is served and takes a sip. "Am I accurate when I beleive that your stock in the gods isn't as high as others? While I don't feel that you yourself are wrong in any way for that, please know that I'll fight for your right to beleive whatever you wish, they call me a zealot, but I just beleive that my people haven't ever been given a fair shake." She ays as she sets the tea down. "I'm still shocked that Dertan converted, overjoyed because I can share this with him, but still shocked." She says as she looks up to Jarret.

"You are accurate, yes. I was more of a believer when I was younger, but the years has made me judge people more on their actions than their beliefs," Jarret replies, before he takes a sip of his own tea. "If they believe in one god, or many, or no gods at all, to me that matters less than their actions. And that they all have the right to believe what they want." He smiles at the part about Dertan and his conversion, nodding. "I think we both have many things to thank Dertan for."

"He is a good man, sometimes to logical for his own good, but I do think he has what's best at heart." Sonya says with a smile as she tilts her head. "Also, I talked to your Cousin yesterday before I made my ride down here, Sir Brennart, I think he wishes to bring Ironhold back under the rule of the proper crown. Figured I'd let you know, though, I'm pondering if it's not an attempt to show his father-in-law that he is worth the marriage contract." She says. 'I'm not against it, but I would caustion you to make sure Tarris doesn't have to big of a hand in it. I'd prefer our own forces on the Kaedon front, and Tarris can move in via the fallowlands border." She says, not trusting any of the tarris nobles in her county.

Jarret nods again, offering a smile. "He has that irritating way of being too logical at times, yes." He frowns as he hears that last part, nodding once more. "I've been thinking about Ironhold for a while as well," he admits after a few moments, before he adds, "And I think it might be more of an attempt to prove to the entire Kingdom that hes more than just a skilled tourney knight, and that he can deal with bigger things. But I agree that we should have our troops inside our borders, and let the Tarris forces move in from the other side."

Sonya smiles and nods. "I agree." She says as she takes another sip of her tea. "Getting back to my academy project though, should you come across any sorcerers, I would like them sent to me, it's better to keep them safe and in a secluded area to learn with others like them." She says with a smile. "Reguardless of their religion, my focus is training and not conversion."

Jarret nods again as he hears that. "If I find any of them, I will send them to you," he replies. "I know the last year has been… challenging for all of us, but I still want you to know I have always valued your opinions and advice, and I hope you will continue to offer them." A brief pause, before he adds, "Even if theyy might be different than my decisions, I still need to hear those perspectives."

Sonya smiles and nods, she notices that it's much calmer than dealing with his late mother, she never did like dealing with her much. "Thankyou your grace, I will take those words to heart." She says as she stands up. "I must be off, before my husband wonders what sort of trouble I've gotten myself into once again." She says with a coutsie. "I'll keep you appraised of our progress, hopefully soon we can start putting trained battle mages in the field."

Jarret chuckles, nodding a bit as he hears that. "I'm looking forward to hear of the progress," he replies, with a smile.

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