(1874-11-26) On To The Keep
On To The Keep
Summary: Alia greets the arriving party. Ludovic and Alia talk at cross-purposes…as they do.
Date: 2018-11-26
Related: None
NPCs: None
Alia  Ludovic  

Hellsmouth - Keep Candeo - Keep Grounds
The keep grounds. Very spiffy now that the work's done.

The approach of the Aequorian party did not go unnoticed by the guards at Candeo, and word had been sent ahead to Alia and the stewards. Time enough for the kitchens to be alert and a fair meal to be prepared. Alia left the preparations to the keep's staff, as she made her way down from the keep proper to the yard, setting herself at the gate to greet the party as they arrived. The keep had been entirely rebuilt, and had had extra fortifications put into place. It was and would ever be a military encampment, but much work had been done to make a place fit for living, not just subsisting and after the chill of the pass, it might well be a welcome sight.


There are only five of them. Ludovic, Myrana, Ivo and two knights. One of the knights is just a youth barely old enough to deserve his helm whilst the other, the other, is one of the d'Meloni knights close to Alia's age that survived the House thanks to the duties that kept them further west. As the group dismounts and starts about their business of tending to ablutions and other such preparations Ludovic swings down from his deep chestnut horse, takes a moment to tug his czekan and a pouch out of his gear and whistle his tail-wagging hound to his side and then strides directly across to Alia with a typical grin. Theres nothing threatening in the way he holds that czekan. It's simply a weapon thats too big to wear. "Can't tell you how glad I am to see you here today Tribune." He lifts the pouch and offers it across to her. "A gift. To thank you for your hospitality."


As soon as the party was inside, the keep's staff set to work, assisting the riders down from their mounts as needed and taking the horses off for feed and water and a good brushing down. Most of the staff had a fair to middling grasp of Common, and they did their best to greet the new arrivals and bid them welcome to the keep. Alia, because well, girl, immediately hunkered down to greet Faith, stretching out both hands for the requisite number of ear scritches, despite the fact that, crouched, the elementi fair towered over her. She finished by offering the hound a forehead to jowl rub before she rose, her duties to the hound done. To Ludovic, she offered an answering smile, "I was not sure I would see you here again, Dovi. But I am glad that you've come. We've set one of the barracks buildings for your use. And a meal is being prepared." She glanced down at the bag as it was extended to her. She did not need to look inside to catch the scent, "A rare gift, thank you." Alchemical supplies were a bit like gold. You could never have enough, but getting them was a trial. "Have you come to stay a while? Or are you bound for Paras?"


Ludovic can't help but smile as Alia smothers the dog in rubs. "You'll ruin him." he says in that good natured tone that removes any sense of actual dissaproval from the words. Another smile at the expression of doubt at him coming back. "I like you Alia and i'm not afraid of Darius. Just bitter." The pouch is held until she accepts it and then he settles his thumb onto the upper edge of his sash' knot. "Thought of bringing you something a lil more special but decided I didn't really wanna ride around with a saddlebag of poison." The final question makes him glance back at the others with him. "That rather depends on the impact you make on the d'Armaz' I reckon." He looks back to her. "I've not got much reason to go to Paras."


"Oh, I have a feeling he'll not forget his duties after only a few ear rubs." She did offer the elementi a glance, "There is food and water for him as well, if he has need. Let me show you to the quarters that have been set aside for you." Once the repairs on the keep had been completed, they had gone about the business of building a pair of barracks which could be used to house guests, and the interiors were much less spartan than what the legionaries and staff made use of. "Poison I can make. Ingredients such as this," she hefted the gift he had brought her, "Are far more precious. But it was never about fear, but bitterness. That, I have found, often drives deeper wedges between people than fear, which is, in many ways, much easier to overcome." She glanced back at the rest of the party, "The stewards will see to bringing them along when they are ready. And they, and you, are welcome to stay as long as you have need or desire."


"No. I'm sure his fondness for you wont make a difference." Ludovic moves his czekan into his left hand so that his right can scritch at Faith's scruff. "You've turned this little, mostly insignificant, place into something important." He just gives her a sad smile at the talk of bitterness before using the excuse of the visitors to sweep that subject away. "Course the real gift is your cousin over there. He wanted the opportunity to talk to you." He smiles and adds. "The Lord there, thats Ivo d'Armaz. He was a blue cavalier and now does something with ships. The other, I'm sure you know, is the duchess al'Arran or Lady d'Armaz Myrana." He puts his czekan back into his right hand and shifts his weight into the sort of stance a fighting man can maintain for hours. "You know of Dario Tevino? " He's a very highly skilled alchemist. "Well that theres his sister." A shrug. "Half sister?" He shakes his head. "You'd think I'd know better than to try to keep track of who has d'armaz blood by now."


Alia paused as they walked, looking about the place, "In truth, I do not think it will ever not be an insignificant place. It barely has room for one. If anything, we have simply built it up so that it is a better defensible location. Only its location at the mouth of the pass makes it at all significant. But I appreciate the compliment. The legionaries have worked hard to make the best of what we were given to work with." The once over completed, Alia continued on towards the closest thing the keep had to guests' quarters. "I.." Alia frowned, as she looked over at the knight. "His face is vaguely familiar, in the way of families, but I cannot place his name. What is it?" She might as well just put it out there and ask.


"It's now the main link between the west and the empire." Ludovic points it. "I don't think it is ever going to not be significant. Not anymore. Theres no other way between Paras and Stevens pass and whilst the old trade roads technically easier, I'm not sure i'm willing to open that even if we can make it safe. Anyhow, guess what i'm saying, is that you could make something here." He looks at her, his words and gaze suggesting he means every word. "Darius made the right call putting you in charge." Declaration done for the moment he turns his eye over to the knight. "Sir Anton d'Meloni of Ramsgate. I don't think he knows you well"


"So long as the empire holds Paras, it is the most accessible. The northern ways are difficult at best." Alia ducked her head, though she really did not need it, as she stepped into the guest quarters. There were eight beds, each large enough for a single person, but perhaps a bit larger than a soldier might have, "These can be moved together as needed, and new linens brought as well." There was a small area for seating, and table for meals to be taken, though there was no stove, so meals would, of necessity, have to be made outside and brought in. The linens were comfortable, down covers and heavy linens, in keeping with the cooler weather. Two of the beds had furs piled on them. "Faith, you can come in as well." The hound, of course, would go where he would, but he was also, after his fashion, a guest. "I believe he meant it as a test. That he has not assigned someone in my place means I must have at least passed his scrutiny." She took a moment, committing the man's name to memory, "I will seek him out when I can. I have not seen much of my kin since I returned from Four Corners."


Ludovic looks around and looks back to her. "I'd have been happy with a blanket near the fire." he tells her with a smile. "So this is real luxury." The hound does indeed pad into the room at Ludovic's side. "I'd appreciate that." he says of the promise to seek out Anton. "I know it means more to him than he was letting on." He moves towards the chairs, wrapping his fingers around the back of one of them. "Guess I should let you go then. You must be busy."


Alia laughed, as she walked the course of the room and came back to meet Ludovic, "They do like to build a central fire in the evenings at which they tell stories. If you are set on a blanket and a fire, I am certain they will make room for you." She took a moment, settling onto the edge of one of the beds, "In truth, I do not know how what remains of the d'Meloni feel about me. I have no doubt many of them see me as a traitor, and who would blame them." As for duties, she shook her head, "It is my duty to welcome guests. And that means all of your party. If you like, I will show you to the hall, food and drink should be prepared and waiting for you. If you would prefer to wait for your companions, I will go ahead and ensure that everything is ready for you. You can join me when you are all ready."


"I'm not sure i'm that eager for the ground and a blanket." Ludovic responds with a chuckle of his own. "But its not a bad idea. I've always loved hearing new stories and i'll bet your men have got some real tall tales to share with me." When Alia sits he settles into the chair across from her and settles back into the seat. "Naw. I'm happy to spend as much time with you as you've got Alia and if I know Myrana she'll be distracted." He grins a moment. "She's got a knack for getting into trouble." He shifts in his seat until his forearms are resting against his armored thighs. "Might be part of why he wants to talk to you. To understand." he agrees. "But he didnt seem angry at all. More wistful. I dont think many people really consider you a traitor. Me. I think you didnt really have all that many choices. Living in aequor under the constant threat of the inquisitions no life. Not compared to this."


"If you get them started on stories, you'll never get any sleep. Wherever soldiers come from, some things about them never change. I suppose once you've shed blood, regardless of the cause, that becomes a common bond that bridges many gaps. And their common is getting better. Some have taken to it better than others. But they all know the necessity of it, given where we are. If they were further into the empire, it would not be as much of a necessity. But here? They must be able to communicate with the West." As for the d'Armaz, "So long as they respect this place, I will have no problem with them. They will be given the respect due them as those of high station would be in the empire. But they are in the empire and not in their own lands." It was no precisely chiding. And it was certainly not directed at Ludovic, who had long since learned the boundaries that existed between his lands and people and the empire. As for her cousin, Alia only lifted her shoulders in a shrug, "I will try to answer his questions if I may. At the end of all things, I will always seek for justice for my family. By whatever means seems best to me."


Ludovic grins. "Theres worse ways to spend a night." He leans back in his chair again. "Dont think its the blood. Reckon its all the rest." He nods at the common "My imperials not that bad. We'll get by." He studies her for a moment as she talks on seeking justice and then he says. "Never doubted that Alia and I dont think Anton has either. Dont think he thinks you a traitor neither. You were never tied by oaths. Not like me."


"Perhaps not in the same way that you were, but d'Meloni was bound to d'Korbina and through you to Aequor." Alia shook her head, knowing there was no end to that conversation that would do anything other than rehash their loyalties. "It was good of you to find a place for him in your House. Even if I had remained in the west, I would have had no place to give them for a home. I have heard that some of the family still resides in Hellmouth, and they are content, if not happy. And I am glad for that. I have no doubt that, should the need arise, the king will find a new line of d'Meloni to raise to lordship over me and given them new lands. And that would be his right."


"d'Meloni was officially named defunct before you swore to the Empire." Ludovic tells her. "Now dont get me wrong. I wish you'd come to me first but.. its done now. I think I've made it clear I understand and forgive you." He glances to the door when she thanks him for finding a place before looking back to her. "You misunderstand I think. I'm not saying I wouldnt have done what you said but Anton's been a horned knight since he was a squire and all the other d'Meloni I can think of were already in service when the massacre happened. Not saying that I wouldn't have taken them in but since I never sought em out and nobody asked I just dont deserve the credit." The last statement makes him look evenly at her for several long moments. He looks as if he's going to say something but instead chooses to rub Faith's head.


"Perhaps so. But the war rages on, despite the seeming lull in aggressions as winter has set in, at least on this side of the border between the west and the contested lands. And when times get desperate, so do choices." Alia did not seem at all perturbed by the talk of the fall of her House. She was not a women given overmuch to thinking on things that could not be changed. "And if my House no longer exists, as such, as the King decreed, then when I reclaim my family's lands, they will be mine alone. Or perhaps the Empire's. I do not know. That will be for Darius and I to discuss when the time comes. For, as you say, Aequor has washed its hands of d'Meloni. Even if I had chosen to side with you, that would not be something that could be changed. Darius, at least, acknowledged my claim to what was taken. Quite likely, if it is Aequor that reclaims the land, it will be given to another House and I will not figure into the decision at all." Alia noted the pause, and spoke into the silence, "They also did not seek me out, Dovi. They knew I was in Four Corners. And I have been through your lands more times than I can count on both hands, and they have never reached out to me. And it is not as though I move in secret. So, things will be what they will be."


"I'm not saying Aequor has washed its hands of d'Meloni." Ludovic gets a pained look. "I haven't and they are my vassals. Its between me and them that the fealty exists. Existed. Its just that we both know that changing the ruler of a lordship is not a rare event and even under the best circumstances d'Meloni would need to prove it has enough members to be legitimate. I'm not sure thats true. And like you said that assumes the best case scenario. That we beat back the qatunax and that the Empire chooses to simply withdraw. I'm sure you know that a conflict over the ownership of these lands would take years. By the end of that I think its safe to say that there wont be enough d'Meloni left to pass that threshold." He sighs. "Wish I could say something more hopeful but I think you appreciate the blunt truth and I respect you to much to lie. Its true I'd favor giving that land to a d'Meloni but theres no way I can know what i'd do so far ahead." He nods at the information that they didnt seek her out before saying. "Your right. Your presence does gain him some legitimacy towards claiming this chunk of aequor, albeit not the one we're standing on unless you have more d'Mallori blood than I think you do. Be good to keep that in mind I think."


"What else does defunct mean except dead? With no more claim to a lordship or land of any kind? If the crown wished for the House to continue, they could have reached out to me, and bid me gather what remaining kin I had and to look at Hellmouth as a refuge until our lands could be reclaimed. They did not do that, Dovi. There are a good number of people who still bear the name d'Meloni scattered all over your county, enough to begin again when land was either reclaimed, or, the Lordship moved from one land to another. There are at least half a dozen lands I can think of that have no current ruler. Is that not how knights are landed, or lands are given when someone is raised to nobility? And how much family does any landed knight bring with him when he begins a lordship? I would venture to say a hell of a lot less than what remains of my family. So, you will forgive me if I do not take as charitable a view of the King's stance on my family as you do. As for the lands which were once d'Mallori, they are not my concern. My concern is only for the lands my family was given. And you misunderstand me. Darius has never made any claim that my being part of his legion gives him the right to any land, not even the d'Meloni lands. His precise words were, 'You have legal claim to lands we'll be fighting for. You should have right of voice in that.' So, even with the empire, there is no guarantee that the lands will be given to me. Only that my position in the legion will give me right to fight for my claim." Alia paused, but before she could continue, one of the stewards, stepping into the doorway, bowed her head in polite apology, "The meal is ready, Tribune. And the other guests have been invited to the Hall." Alia nodded, rising from her seat, and holding out a hand, as if she were waiting for Ludovic to join her in the walk to the main keep, "Come and walk with me. It is a sight warmer inside than it is here."


"But what has d'Meloni done in the last generation to deserve the honor of being raised again Alia?" Thats what Ludovic points out. "You're asking for an honor thats granted to those who shine as examples of nobility when d'Meloni was implicated in malfeasance and then failed to protect their holdings. Nobody is going to question the fact that protecting those lands was impossible but none of the d'Meloni have shown me that they deserve to hold it anymore than anyone else yet." He nods at the rest. "Didnt think he'd given you a claim Alia. I was saying that it gave him ammunition when he claims that the land is legitimately part of the Empire and not Aequors." He pushes to his feet when she requests that he walk with her, taking a moment to put a hand on her shoulder and say "I have faith you'll make a Gens for yourself. Thus far you're been the most worthy d'Meloni i've met." A few ambling steps and then he looks at her and finds an easy smile. "This gonna be imperial or aequorian style food?" Apparantly its going to be small talk for a while.


"I did not say that d'Meloni deserved the honor of being raised again, Ludovic, nor did I say that it is something that I am or was asking for. What I said, was that the King, in his wisdom, chose to declare the House dead. And in so doing, told me everything that I needed to know about what he felt the House, and by extension myself, as the last of the ruling line of that House, capable of. And by that choice, he made mine that much easier. Do you really think that he would allow you to go against his own ruling, simply because you were once my liege? Not likely. Any victories I might one day achieve will be on my own merits, without the support of the kingdom that once controlled these lands. And I have no issue with that. I have set myself on the path, and I will see it through to its end." Alia laughed softly, as she made her way out of the barracks and began the walk towards the keep. "A Gens would require a husband and children. I do not have the first and do not wish for the second. As for the food, I believe you will find it to your liking." She did venture a glance back, "Coming for supper, Faith?"

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