(1874-08-03) Unpleasant Truths
Unpleasant Truths
Summary: Jasmina and Ludovic talk about the situation with the Imperials, Paras, the keep and what they can do about the situation as a whole. Takes place before a dreaded talk
Date: 3rd August 2018
Related: Qatunax Stories especially a new keep
NPCs: None
Jasmina  Ludovic  

Viscounts Study, Daemon's Hall, Hellsmouth, Aequor
Room description
3rd aout 1874

After the usual to and fro about arranging meetings that happens between two busy busy people Ludovic is waiting for Jasmina in his own study. Its a well appointed room with furnishings that predate him by decades in many cases. "Tea Your Grace?" He invites as she moves into the room. He's standing by the window, his right side turned towards the light, and is dressed much as usual for when he's in the Hellsmouth region. Which is to say he's wearing a yellow wool-felt coat that is worn partially open over a simple black leather pair of pants and what is probably a linen shirt. "Did you hear the news about the forward camp yet?"

"Tea would be fine, thank you." Yes, Jasmina's been busy. First it was checking in with her officers, getting a bead on how many of her men have been injured or lost, and if she needs to send replacements, and then it's been doing whatever other duties has fallen upon her while here in Hellsmouth. It has only been now that she's found herself with ample enough time to give Ludovic the attention he, and the matter at hand, deserves. Sitting, she is wearing a simple shift dress, light weight and comfortable, her hair left down with only a simple band keeping it out of her face.

Hands on lap, she looks at Dovi curiously, her expression held in the near-blank, well-practiced mask of neutrality one learns to maintain after many years of dealing with politics and all that. "I have heard a lot in my time here," she points out gently, "so why don't you just go ahead and tell me, Dovi?"

The qatunax have a nasty tendency to kill rather than wound thanks to their favoring of fire. Luckily for Jasmina's men though they are all on garrison duty as Ludovic used the opportunity to replace some of his more experienced and well trained men with militia. He offers her a smile when she accepts the tea and moves forward to pour it. "You remember that we talked about taking advantage of the offer that the Imperials made to work with us?" He moves around and then finds a map, pushing it partially open on the table and weighting the curling ends with some carved pieces of stone. "The forward camp was here. It was a location that Imogen found when scouting that Cervantes had chosen as his personal base of operations. I was backing it up with men from steven's pass and as you can see it was well positioned for attempting to regain control of one of the two routes into paras from this side." he makes a point to tap his finger on each location as he speaks, his explanation fairly vague since he's fairly sure Jasmina has been to Paras at least once in her lifetime. "Theres a small fort here." he taps a point that must only be an hour or two away from the forward camp. "And when the forward camp was established it was put to siege given that it was inside the camps field of control. Well it came time to assault it and I saw fit to invite Darius to assist in the attack. All seems good so far right?" He gives her a wry look. "Well what I'm hearing is that they took the fort and the first thing that happened was that Darius siezed control of it. I'm also hearing that Cervantes withdrew the entire forward camp garrison and took them south. So now Darius has control of the northwestern route into Paras." He sighs. "Probably my fault. I assumed Darius would abide by the soul of our cooperation agreement." He shakes his head and moves to take his seat by the desk. "I pulled all my men back to Stevens Pass since I dont see any point holding that space anymore but right now what i'd really like to do is just, close the border to him and deny him this resupply route. Thats pretty much the only thing I can do to interfere with him right now." He takes a deep breath and then adds. "Only other thing we can do is just.. admit that this whole thing is just a losing battle and try establishing whatever setups gonna happen after the qatunax are gone. Dont see him giving paras up and I dont see the al'Ramar caring enough to intervene. Do you?"

Jasmina tilts her head to the side slightly, rising to get a better look at the map, pausing in doing so only to take the cup in hand. Gratitude for the tea is murmured as she sips it, the woman quiet as Ludovic explains what happens. "Was it blatantly stated that he was not to make any claims to any lands as part of this agreement?" Frowning, she glances at the location of the keep again, her sipping paused. "I do not have a good feeling about this," she eventually says, words mingled with a sigh. "It is almost as if he is setting himself up to be able to attack Aequaor once the Qatunax are dealt with." The cup is now held between both of the Archduchess' hands, Jasmina's fingers icy with anxiety over the possibility that the Empire might come knocking at their doors, proverbally speaking.

"Of course not." Ludovic says. "We just agreed to work together. I didnt think I needed to write out a long contract with a clause for every situations." He gives a dark laugh. "I'm not even sure I'd know how."

"Or at least assuming that Aequor is going to come for him." Ludovic agrees of her assessment. "Cant really blame him for that. We are gonna want our city back. I'm just furious he used our agreement to cooperate to stab me in the back."

There is a long pause and then he adds. "He invited me to join the empire you know?"

"When drafting an agreement you need to make sure every possible thing that might arise is covered, Dovi. You should have asked me for my help." Of course, that's a detail that could have very easily eluded Jasmina, as well. It's always easier to think of such things after the fact, after all. Lifting a shoulder, she half-shrugs, not sure what to say and so is silent for a while.

When the last gets mentioned she blinks once and straightens, the slouch she subconsciously assumed gone in half a second. "He did? When did he do that?" Now Darius is trying to lure her people… Aequor's people… away? "The bastard!"

"Was just a verbal thing." Ludovic says. "An agreement to cooperate instead of work against each other. It shouldnt need a contract." Ah. Men of honor and their blindness. "And he can't claim he didnt understand it either. How is taking a castle we sieged and made the effort to take after turning up at the last minute cooperating?" He shakes his head. "And worst of all my wife pretty much told him he could have the damn place from what she told me. So theres not much I can do. Not unless you want me to interfere with his operations as much as I can? He's gotta get supplies in there somehow."

He nods at her indignation. "He's hinted at it plenty, him and his man Pompey." He shrugs his shoulders. "I was tempted. Maybe we should."

Very little angers Jasmina. Annoyed, sure, but outright angry? Jasmina's able to remain calm and is willing to cut people slack, especially when the people involved are her friends. But this? This whole thing has her ire welling. It's only the fact that she's good at keeping her emotions hidden, held close to her chest, that Dovi might not pick up on how he is starting to truly rub her the wrong way. "Anything regarding the lands of Aequor should be written down, Dovi. So things like this don't ha…" Wait. What was that he said? "Your… wife… gave him the keep?" Whooo boy, now Jasmina's losing control of her temper. It manifests in how her voice rises up in pitch some and her face goes red. Thankfully she's not one to throw things out of anger, otherwise Ludovic would be having to replace a very pretty teacup. "And from what it sounds like, you did not give her permission to do so, yes?" Gritting her teeth, the dark-hard noble closes her eyes to try and stave off the headache that suddenly exploded into being. "As if her running off while pregnant with your child isn't bad enough, Dovi. As if putting your offspring at risk by putting herself in danger is not bad enough…" Whooops. She's so angry she's kind of repeating herself, now. "But now she has done that?" Actually growling, the Archduchess snarls out, "You better rein your wife in, Viscount, before she gives the rest of the kingdom to the Empire."

As to the commentary about how perhaps they should join the Vir Sidus? That just gets him glared at in a way he undoubtely has never seen her glare. Withering.

Very little angers Jasmina. Annoys, sure, but outright angers? Jasmina's able to remain calm and is willing to cut people slack, especially when the people involved are her friends. But this? This whole thing has her ire welling. It's only the fact that she's good at keeping her emotions hidden, held close to her chest, that Dovi might not pick up on how he is starting to truly rub her the wrong way. "Anything regarding the lands of Aequor should be written down, Dovi. So things like this don't ha…" Wait. What was that he said? "Your… wife… gave him the keep?" Whooo boy, now Jasmina's losing control of her temper. It manifests in how her voice rises up in pitch some and her face goes red. Thankfully she's not one to throw things out of anger, otherwise Ludovic would be having to replace a very pretty teacup. "And from what it sounds like, you did not give her permission to do so, yes?" Gritting her teeth, the dark-hard noble closes her eyes to try and stave off the headache that suddenly exploded into being. "As if her running off while pregnant with your child isn't bad enough, Dovi. As if putting your offspring at risk by putting herself in danger is not bad enough…" Whooops. She's so angry she's kind of repeating herself, now. "But now she has done that?" Actually growling, the Archduchess snarls out, "You better rein your wife in, Viscount, before she gives the rest of the kingdom to the Empire."

As to the commentary about how perhaps they should join the Vir Sidus? That just gets him glared at in a way he undoubtely has never seen her glare. Withering.

"Wasnt exactly like that." Ludovic says. "But she doesnt understand why it matters. I'm annoyed with Cervantes too. He just picked up his entire camp and moved off who knows where. I dont even know if he's quit the field or not." He shakes his head. "But that might just be because a moongazer got eaten by a hawk or something." He shakes his head. "She's not pregnant enough to stop her. Hell I'm not even sure she's felt it yet. But I told her no more combat already. You're not the first person who's complained about it." He meets her eyes as she glares at him. "I told him no Jasmina. But you gotta admit we've gotta deal with him not matter what. And we were imperials once."

"It wasn't exactly like that? You said she pretty much told him he could have it, Ludovic. She should have not said a word in any regard, period. She's not in charge." A bit of the map gets tea sloshed onto as her hands start to shake and it causes Jasmina to hurry and set it down. Frowning at herself over her loss of composure, she uses her fingers to try and blot the liquid off of it. "And it doesn't matter if she is not that far along or not, Dovi. She's pregnant with your child yet seems to not have one care at all for the unborn child or your feelings." The Archduchess shakes off her fingers to dry them, her nose now wrinkled. "I do not know Cervantes well enough to know his mind, so I can not offer any insight on the subject."

Sitting back down, she glances away, trying to regain her wits, her self-control. "We were. Past-tense. We are people of The West, people of Aequor now. And I, for one, would sooner die than ever become an Imperial."

"From what she said." Ludovic says after spending several long moments in thought. "Both Cervantes and Darius tried to claim it and she decided that Darius was the lesser of 'two evils' because getting Cervantes out would be a bigger legal issue than getting Darius out." He exhales loudly. "I don't know what exactly went down. I've only her word for it. As I said I've not heard from Cervantes yet and apparantly Darius has 'invited' me to talk to him." He gives a slow nod at the end then. "We can't win an armed campaign to push him out of Paras. So what do you suggest we do? Just giving it to him sticks in my craw. All my other holdings to the east are gonna be impossible to take off him too you know? I'm gonna end up having fought for nothing but a new aequorian border. Im just struggling to see the point. Anyone that I could save is already gone."

There have been several of Jasmina's guards posted outside the room and has heard the commotion and sent for her healer who is allowed in. A kindly, matronly woman past what could be middle age comes to where Jasmina sits, offering her a vial of pale blue liquid. It's a medicine that she hates the taste of but she knows it's needed and it is taken. The bitter liquid is chased by her tea, this all being something Ludovic gets to be a witness to.

"She had no right to do that, Dovi. Period. And if you can not get her to realize that then I will be more than happy to remind your wife of her position within your household." The medicine is fast to work, taken into the system swiftly, and her calm has returned. In part, if not wholly, at least. "So now we'll have to worry about evicting the Princeps from not one but two of Aequor's key locations." That causes her to grunt. "We have many more concerns than Darius, Dovi. Worry about the fact that the White Hallers could be breathing down our necks soon. Darius, and Paras, will have to wait."

"This isnt a massive gain for him territory wise." Ludovic admits. "We could retake the place without much effort, assuming Darius doesn't bring his legions up to support them, but then we'd be actively at war with them. Thats not what we want is it?" He looks evenly at Jasmina again. Appearing to simply ignore the healer. "I am thinking about the white hallers Jasmina. If we're not gonna be able to take this territory back then.." He grimaces as if this causes him pain. "Maybe I should send everything that isnt actively involved in holding the border west. Hell maybe we can even make a deal with Darius that we'll withdraw, its all his, and in return we get the trade routes back."

The healer leaves as soon as she sees that the medicine is working properly and she'll not have to give the Archduchess a second dose. Good thing she won't as a second would put the swift end to this meeting as it'd surely knock the poor dear out.

"I understand why you want Paras back but it seems to me that you're so fixated upon the return of your lands that you've forgotten we need the Princeps' help, among other, bigger problems…" Rising, she glances from over her shoulder towards the Viscount. "If you think the full reliquishing of the land and the keep is the best course of action for Aequor then write up a proposal to the King and I'll see it gets delivered to him personally."

"Paras is just a symbol." Ludovic tells her. "If Darius is allowed to claim Paras in the senate without contest then all that land over that border. Its gone. You understand that more than anyone. Soon as we Aequorians yield to calling it imperial paras then it really is imperial." Ludovic reaches for his own tea. "Its not about land and taxes or any of that, not really, its about giving away little pieces of Aequor." He shakes his head again. "No I dont think we should make it legal. I think we should just sit down and come to a gentlefolks agreement. Im not suggesting we give him Paras and the east. I'm suggesting we make an agreement to just leave him alone unless theres a declaration of war. We stop racing to claim land first. Maybe we even stop fighting the idea of him holding Paras in the senate. Because we can't beat his legion unless Aequor as a whole goes to war and because only the King can truly grant the city anyway. If he chooses not to fight it then.. I wonder what the point of me fighting actually is." a pause and he adds. "Its a double legion you know? Ten Thousand strong. What he bought to threaten me that first time. It wasnt less than half what he has." He switches the fluid a bit and adds. "Dont see what anyones got to gain by actually giving him Paras but theres lots to gain by not contesting his efforts to subdue the region. Especially if we want to support the west."

The ink that had tea spilled upon it has started to bleed and run a bit. It is at the edge so it probably doesn't matter too much, but to Jasmina it is a sign of her lost temper and she is quick to glance away once she notices it. "Oh yes. Because gentlefolks' agreements have served us well so far," she states flatly, remembering the problem with the keep. "You do what you think will serve you and yours best, Dovi. I will back you on whatever you decide." The woman is starting to look and sound very sleepy and she's struggling very hard to stay awake even while standing. Grinning, then, she turns to face her friend. "Of course Darius brought that many people with him. How else would he win whatever prize he has his eyes set upon? Plus, I am sure he's using it as a means by which he can intimidate us. Which is silly." Only Jasmina would be brave enough to call the Princeps 'silly' and probably would say such if he were present now.

"I'm asking you what we should do Jasmina." Ludovic tells her. "You're my liege and the archduchess. I'm just a man." he smiles a touch at the end. "I think he's more desperate than he makes out. I have a feeling the empire is losing. Thing is though. If the qatunax over there has taken the empire… what of our chances? So I've a feeling we need to help him. Maybe you can see if you can learn more about the big picture though? I'd like you to come with me when I take him up on that invitation to talk and, well, he's made his feelings for you obvious. Plus your the archduchess. You gotta be better at all that subtle stuff than me."

"That's just it, Dovi! I don't know what you should do! I'm just as lost and unable to find solutions as you are!" Pinching the bridge of her nose, Jasmina shakes her head at herself. She really isn't herself today. "Alright, Dovi," she sighs, sounding resigned. "I will come with you to that meeting. Between the two of us we should be able to get answers out of him." Shoulders taking on a slouch, the poor Archduchess looks as defeated as she feels right now.

"Thats alright." Ludovic moves back to his feet. Mostly just restless. "If we knew what to do it would be easy." He takes a deep sigh. "But its gotta be better if we work together right? You do what your good at and have me do what I'm good at and if we dont win then at least we'll have made a damn good showing of it." Moving around the table he puts a hand on her shoulder and squeezes gently. "We just gotta decide if we're gonna pursue an assault on the qatunax this year or give it over in favor of going west. Break it up. Thats what my father always used to tell me." A quick smile. "Dovi. If theres a herd of angry bulls coming for you. Dont stand in front of em waving your arms. Split em up into smaller groups until you can actually do something."

Jasmina finds comfort in Ludovic, both in his words and in the gesture of his touch. It reminds her that they're friends as well as the fact that in the long run everything should work out. Reaching up, she pats his hand and smiles as much as she can, looking as if she's about to fall asleep. "Alright, Dovi. I'll be the people person," which is what she does do best, assuming she isn't mad, of course, "and if that doesn't work you can be the one to beat people into submission." Stepping away, she gives the room one last look around. "Let's save heading west for the last resort. But… I am in need of rest." So many of their meetings seem to end with her saying that. "If you'll excuse me."

Ludovic nods and steps back away. "Try not to be to hard on Imogen when she apologises."

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