(1868-09-06) Peace on Hallowed Ground
Peace on Hallowed Ground
Summary: Lord Captain Rollo Tusca of Rikton and Brigadier Baron Thomas Chandus of Galenthia meet for a second parlay during the siege of Goldhollow.
Date: -07 Septembre 1868 IE
Related: All Goldhollow battle logs, Westwar
NPCs: {$npc}
Rollo  Thomas  


By the north stronghold
By the well fortified and defiant Galenthian north stronghold, a small tent has been set.
07 Septembre 1868 IE

It was late in the afternoon when a pair of Chandus troops emerge from one of the new, fallback strongholds with a large white flag. They'd strode forward and told their opposites, "Baron Chandus wants to parlay with the Lord Captain. Half an hour, ya?" And now it's been a half hour. Since Rollo hosted last time, Thomas has set up a tent this time. Not as well appointed. Things are getting grimmer on the garrison side.

Rollo arrives in his full armor sans the helmet. His ornate lightsilver sword, the same one he dueled Atreis al'Ramar with rests on his hip. A matching long dagger sits on the opposite hip. He stops at a respectable distance and eyes the tent. "Baron." He says calmly. Even politely. "I understand you wish to discuss surrender?"

Thomas is likewise armoured, and likewise, he lacks a helmet, though Serjeant Verus stands a few steps behind with his liege's helm under an arm. The Baron smiles tiredly at Rollo, dipping his head respectfully. "Lord Captain. I suppose I was rather cheeky last time, and you're well within your rights to ask me that question on this occasion. Let us sit, my lord, and talk as gentlemen. As we have been raised and taught."

Rollo inclines head head respectfully and then takes the offered seat. He sits as formally as one can in the full plate of a Lord Captain of the Templar Order. Folding his hands politely he looks to Thomas. "You should know. The only reason those weapons were used was due to Orders and Oaths." He refers to the a Templar's basic tenet. Oath to the Order, and Orders from a commanding officer. Both are things a Tmeplar would never break. "Regardless of the outcome of our fight, which I must see to it's conclusion, either your defeat or surrender," his tone says he does not believe the Galenthians can win here, "I will be speaking to my direct superior in the Order. You have my word this will never happen again. At least, not from a Templar."

"And I thank you for that. You are a man of honour, my lord. You must of course serve your liege and do what is expected. Would you perhaps consent to the civilians in vicinity of the main square and keep being allowed to leave their homes? This city, regardless of whose hands it is in at the end of this battle, will need its citizenry to thrive." Thomas suggests, folding his hands on his lap as he too sits down. "Serjeant Verus. Wine please." He turns back to Rollo, looking somewhat embarassed. "I apologise, my lord, but our wine is watered."

"The Citizens may leave so long as they carry no arms or armor." Rollo says with out reservation. "However, if one tries to smuggle weaponry or armor, I am afraid I will have to put a stop." He gestures with a hand. "The entire city will need to be evacuated. As you should know, my orders are to level the city if you will not leave it. The more citizens who leave, the more we shall have to rebuild once our battle is over."

He nods to the wine. "No need for explanation on the wine, after all, War is hell." He takes the offered glass and sips it calmly. "A Vir Sidus vintage? Or perhaps Ulsen? I confess, I have a hard time telling Eastern vintages apart."

Thomas arches an eyebrow, even as he nods in appreciation of the first statement. "You would level parts of the city that you already control, Lord Captain? That seems… counter productive. And unlikely to engender a particularly positive view of the Holy Church's armies in this city. This may not be the size of the Holy City, but it is one of the biggest cities in Galenthia. Can you afford to alienate nearly ten thousand?" The talk turns to wine, and the tired smile makes a reappearance. "Actually, one of my own. Circester, in the west of my fief. Not the East's best, but it reminds me of home. If I may, my lord, I wanted to discuss one thing in particular."

Smiling slightly, Rollo tips his head. "You caught me Baron. I would not level the area controlled by my soldiers." He shrugs as if to say, he had to try. Then he raises an eyebrow. "By all means Baron. What would you discuss?"

"The Cathedral." Thomas doesn't immediately reveal what he wants to discuss about that, instead digressing. "You know, the amount of men and women of noble blood here who have suggested cruel tricks, evil methods of war and shameful practices has been instructive. This is certainly not my first war, but I have found a distinct difference in its conduct from the wars of my youth. Chivalry in my youth meant respecting of prisoners, the protecting of innocents where practical and possible and, when battle was not being waged, that two knights or officers could look beyond our orders and our masters and discuss such as gentlemen. As we are doing now. Where did this go? Is it the result of a poorly educated generation, or is it an ideal that burns away forever? One forbid it."

The Baron shakes his head. "We will not fight out of hallowed ground. The Cathedral is holy for both sides. I have used it as an observation post, true, but no man has loosed a bolt or fired a cannon in anger from it, and none shall. I ask, then, that the Cathedral be left as a place of peace. Lady Belladona Ulsen, who I must add has converted to the One Faith just before the siege began, will heal the casualties of war, of both sides, in there, but I ask that no fighting take place in the halls of the One."

Rollo studies Thomas as he speaks. "An Ulsen converted here, during this battle?" he asks with an eye raised. However he does eventually nod once. "So long as no shot is fired from the Cathedral, I think I can agree to that without remorse. I can't imagine any in my order, or even the Cardinal will disagree with that request." He bows his head. "So let is be done. None shall draw weapon in the Cathedral, allowing for the One's work to be done there."

"I will personally execute anyone who violates the sanctity of the Church. Yes, an Ulsen did convert, and I wish that in the future, that is a sign that Galenthia is indeed a One fearing country. The conversion of the pagan may take time, but it will proceed apace. But we need peace! This war simply hardens their hearts, and they think of the One as cruel, which he certainly is not. The pagan mind is a simple mind in many ways; it sees the natural rhythms of the world and conforms itself to them, but does not realise that there is more than this world. That there is an evil that the One helps us resist." Thomas fixes Rollo with a stare. "I hope that one day, we may work to bring all men under the One."

The Easterner is very pleased with this. "Very good, my lord, very good indeed. I have accomplished my two main goals, then. As for our renewed fighting, I'm sure you understand. The time is not yet to yield. Your troops have fought splendidly, I must say. The battle two days ago was obscured from me by smoke, but I heard. Well done."

Rollo tilts his head at the compliment. "Thank you Baron. I must commend you as well." He says with a slight smile. "You're defensive stratagems have been phenominal." He tilts his head toward Thomas. "I wish you would yield. I have written the Cardinal requesting Mercy, but I fear he will deny this request, if only because the Viscountess Kaedon is within your forces." He takes a deep breath. "I wish this were the times of our youth Chandus. Then thsi war might never have happened."

"As do I, but we do not get to pick our allies, as you and I both know. The Viscountess, while an unrepentant pagan, has served the Kingdom faithfully against the demon possessed forces of the Thorn. The One uses even imperfect instruments in his purposes. As we both know." He grins. "Our youths are ended, and forever. Our present is unpalatable. But we have the future to look forward to. We can decide that, once this present is dealt with." Thomas rises from his seat and dips his head. "Now, my lord, I have one last request. A truce for five hours in order for us to bury bodies and say the funeral rites. I fear that many souls may spend much longer searching for the Kingdom if we do not, or worse be trapped in Limbo until the return." He seems totally serious.

Rollo tilts his head again to Thomas and then stands. "When this War is over, I hope you find peace Baron Chandus. I wish you luck in the battles to come." He then bows and turns to leave. Heading back to his own lines.

He stops mid stride. "I will give you the day Baron. Tomorrow we can all bury our dead, and the Mortars will be silent for twenty four hours." He then continues on to his own lines.

When Rollo appears to walk away without agreeing to a truce, Thomas rises, and can only sniff in slight amusement. The man appears to have no flexibility to him, but his rigidity can at least be respected… but when he turns mid stride to give them the day, Thomas appears deeply, and genuinely thankful. "My lord, your chivalry will be known throughout our ranks and beyond. Thank you. One keep and protect you." He bows, watching the Templar move away.

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