(1866-11-12) Faux Pas and a Prelude
Faux Pas and a Prelude
Summary: Stellan and Siada meet at the Silver Cross Inn while the former broods. Casimir interrupts and acts like his usual flirtatious self, much to Stellan's ire, and he ends up ruining everything. But he has darker things plaguing his mind…
Date: 11/12/1866
Related: TBD
NPCs: {$npc}
Casimir  Siada  Stellan  

Rikton - Lower Rikton - Marketplace - The Silver Cross Inn

The Silver Cross Inn is a far more stately place than its dockside counterpart, filled with members of the clergy and visiting nobility alike. An opulent and clean place, as most places inside the city of Rikton are, and is well swept with fresh, sweet smelling rushes strewn about the floor daily. Small windows that dot the front of the building look out onto the marketplace and its many lovely shops, while a merry hearth crackles at the back of its vast and open room. The maple wood bar is situated to the right of the room; long and polished to a gleam, just the way the dower owner, and resident bishop, of this establishment likes it.

The Inn's tables and benches are all of heavy maple, equally fine in quality and beautifully carved with the symbols of the faith, leaving the clergy and nobility to eat and drink in finery as well as sleep. The smells of fine food with various spices and tastes of sweet honey mead, made at the monastery and brought down the hill to be served to thirsty patrons, can be experienced at all hours of the day. The private rooms are set off to the left, the doors of heavy wood are finely wrought with large silver carved crosses backed by gilt suns and two silver moons in each upper corner.


The d'Tremaine knight had arrived ahead of the festivities, like most of the nobility, but on an al'Mordran ship. After spending most of the day exploring the city, then having his good time ruined by some harrowing news, Stellan made a bee-line for the nearest tavern he can find. There in the Silver Cross he resides, alone and brooding darkly over a tankard of strong ale. He did not look quite as approachable as those milling about around him, but there was likely a good reason for such…

Siada had not cared too much over approachable or not, few were seated alone, and that was enough for the Lady. She approaches Stellan and stands near him "his next drink is on me" says the Hogan girl

His eyes dart up when the unfamiliar voice reaches his ears and he regards Siada with some surprise, clearly not expecting to draw attention. He so rarely did in such settings, even when he wanted to! He stammers initially. "O-oh, um, thank you," he replies sheepishly. "Though I can't promise I'll be entertaining company. I still have some angsting to do." There is a contemplative pause. "The name's Sir Stellan d'Tremaine, by the way."

Siada says, "pose ahhhs at his name, "Ser d'Tremaine" she says as she gives a little bow, "I am Lady Siada Hogan" she says quietly "What has gotten so far under your skin may I ask?" The small stature woman moves and she takes a seat across from the storming man."

Siada ahhhs at his name, "Ser d'Tremaine" she says as she gives a little bow, "I am Lady Siada Hogan" she says quietly "What has gotten so far under your skin may I ask?" The small stature woman moves and she takes a seat across from the storming man.

He takes another moment to consider whether or not to tell her, but he opts to divulge a little. "Bad news concerning the welfare of a friend. The worst news, really." Almost on cue, he draws a long sip out of the tankard stationed before him on the table. "Regardless, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Siada. I take it you're from the South?" He was eager to latch onto another topic of conversation, to make sure not to depress his new drinking partner, and the name was unfamiliar to him.

Siada has just taken seat across from the Knight, she nods her head to him as she hears his words. "We have lost many in the wars, and to, other plights. It is not the best of times for anyone." So says the Huntress. She nods her head and places an order of honey mead in for herself, along with a nice bowl of stew. "I am.." she nods her head to him with a small smile.

The inns door opens once again this time with a slight flourish. Sir Casimir al'Mordran steps inside with brisk strides and starts for the bar. He gets half way there and spots the sulky Stellan and his company. He starts over that way with confident strides and a charming smile on his lips. The lady gets a polite and graceful little bow as he comes up next to her. "Hello Stellan! And hello to you as well my Lady, have you been keeping my friend here company then? He is quite lucky I think." A dazzling smile is given to Siada and then that hazel gaze goes to Stellan concern showing having overheard part of what was said as he approched. He doesn't comment on it just yet allowing the likely gloomy topic to drop for the moment.

He opens his mouth to reply to Siada, but the arrival of a certain colorful knight distracts him from doing so. He clams up, then attempts to recover. "Hello, Casimir," he replies uncertainly and just as informally. It is clear the two are acquainted. He blinks and his gaze turns dry when the older knight turns on the charm. "She has been. Lady Siada has been kind to me this eve." His attention returns to the lady. "I hear things aren't quite so violent in the South any more? I wonder what ended it so abruptly…" He trails off, watching Siada expectantly, to see if she knows.

Siada hears things sure, what girl dosen't "I hear it is a Marriage… but we shall see." she waves her hand slightly as if her information may or may not be true. Her food and drink come over, and the huntress looks to the rather colorful knight. She laughs softly "It is my pleasure Ser, everyone needs some kindness now n then".

Casimir shakes his head looking faintly amused. "It seems like there has been a lot of talk of marriage lately. But I'm so far down the line of succesion in my house, I would bet money they won't get to me before I'm too old to marry. Well I'm the third in line to need a match but with the Archduchess and my brother ahead of me I doubt it will happen." He chuckles and notes the uncertain tone Stellan uses, he raises a brow and grins cheerfully at his fellow knight before turning to Siada. "Indeed they do and I am quite grateful to you for being so kind to him…I am Sir Casimir al'Mordran. Its a true pleasure to meet you Lady Siada." He props against the free chair so casually that charming smile firmly in place.

"A marriage? How quaint," he murmurs to himself. "But better than bloodshed. I wonder… between whom? It's between House Arkanin and House d'Armaz but I can't think—" Then it clicks. Somewhat. One half the equation was solved in his head, at least. His eyebrows draw together in consternation. "No…" He almost echoes, but he doesn't elaborate further. His poor friends and their lack of mind-reading abilities! "I'm… I'm just going to hope for the best." Casimir's continued flirtatiousness toward Siada is noted with a raised brow. "Do you want me to order you a drink, Lord al'Mordran, while we contemplate your marriage prospects?"

Siada laughs a little, she looks to Stellan, and then back to Casimir, his flirting was not really noticed but when it is called out she politely dismisses it. At the topic of Marriage prospects she readily begins eating her food, and thusly stops herself from commenting too much further on the topic.

Casimir raises a brow at Stellan. "We are not contemplating my marriage prospects Lord D'Tremaine. I already stated that was not going to happen. So stop worrying about it." The formal title is used in a teasing tone, and Casimir shakes his head. "I'll get my own drink thank you. The last time I drank something you brought me was a complete disaster." He turns and a serving girl is offered coin in exchange for some very fine wine. Its delivered promptly and Casimir excepts it regarding Siada a moment and then looking back to Stellan. He smirks at the other knight in a teasing fashion and takes a slow sip of his wine.

Stellan's eyes narrow on the other knight, but his lips curve upward into a smug smirk. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. Your family is one of the most wealthy houses of the North." His gaze glides back over to Siada, who seems to have gone quiet. "What about you, Lady Siada? Are you heir to your house? It may not be a poor match." A snicker escapes from him when Casimir brings up the last time they drank together. "Really? You seemed to enjoy yourself."

Siada shakes her head and then the words from Stellan really get to her. She narrows her eyes and she slowly moves to stand "pardon". She manages, though her cheeks are flushed at the jabbs tossed her way, the short woman gets to her feet and then turns quietly for the door. What was once silence for embarrassment has turned into silence of fury. But what could had caused it.

Casimir watches the woman stalk off and blinks. He looks to Stellan. "You need to work on your people skills I think." The al'Mordran takes a long sip of his wine and looks towards the door watching as the lady leaves. His gaze goes back to his fellow knight regarding him thoughtfully and perhaps a bit mischieviously. "And please don't try to pair me off again. I'm quite happy as I am thank you." He flashes another charming little grin.

Stellan frowns when Siada stands and stalks off. That clearly wasn't the intended result, but it ruined Casimir's blatant flirting just as well. He winces and rubs the back of his neck. "Southern women are difficult to read…" he quips defensively back to Casimir as the other knight lampoons his social skills. It is paired with a soft huff. "And you like the attention, clearly. I was looking forward to seeing you freak out again, though…" His eyes finally leave the door Siada left through and wander back to his tankard. "I'll have to apologize and buy her a drink, next time."

Casimir shrugs his shoulders then blinks in confusion. "You wanted me to freak out? Why would you be so cruel to me I wonder?" Casimir tilts his head his expression calm but there is a touch of concern and worry hidden in those hazel eyes. He hopes he didn't push too far. "If you like. Though I am much better company I assure you." Casimir replies rather haughtily and offers Stellan an intense look. Its almost….possessive?

Clicking his tongue, he extends his hand to pat Casimir reassuringly on the shoulder. "I know you can't help it, but I can play that game too, ya' know," he asserts with a small smirk. It slowly dims as he remembers what led him to the tavern in the first place. "So, um… I take it you haven't been listening closely to the gossip floating about?"

Casimir relaxes and offers Stellan a warm smile. "I know and I'm glad I haven't offended you. I cannot help my natural charm." That dimming expression is met with a look of concern. "No I haven't I've been working finishing up work on our costumes…that is if you want to wear one of my designs. I hoped you might. What happened? You look depressed."

Stellan bows his head. "I will wear your costumes. I would enjoy that." He attempts another smile, but it doesn't quite touch his blue eyes. "Something happened, but it may ruin the coming week if I tell you now… and you've looked forward to this." On the other hand, having Casimir find out another way didn't sit well with him, either.

Casimir looks very concerned now. He moves to stand behind Stellan and rubs the others shoulders with a gentle massaging touch. "Do whatever will make you feel best. If you want to wait, wait. But if it will bother you not to tell me then tell me. I want you to be happy." Those fingers rubs circles over Stellan upper back as he speaks trying to offer comfort as best as he can. His wine has been finished and the empty goblet set aside on the table.

The younger knight leans into Casimir's comforting hands, though his tense muscles still remain tense. His blue eyes drift up to Casimir, his gaze now equally concerned. "I don't think there's a way to feel better about it." He admits, still clearly debating it in his head. "I should probably tell you, before someone else does, but… this isn't the place for it. Too crowded." He slams down the rest of his drink now. "Want to go outside? I don't know if we can occupy the same manse while we're here…"

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