(1866-06-05) Injuries, Healing, and Snuggling
Injuries, Healing, and Snuggling
Summary: After the naval battle with a Navali Man O War a pair of Njorvolk on board the Scythe enjoy a moment together.
Date: 1866-06-05
Related: This happens after the event Beginning the Raid
NPCs: {$npc}
Ranulfr  Eydis  

The Scythe
A small White Hall ship in the Central Ocean

With the man o war sluggish in their wake and the distraction they provided certainly having aided more than a few other vessels given the silencing of a broadside as the Navali sought to earn a fishing boat, Ranulfr finally slumps a little and relaxes some as he rests near the tiller that Eydis so masterfully commanded. His wound looking more than a little unpleasant, but Ranulfr is easily distracted as he casts his gaze across to Eydis, "That was impressive to witness and to feel, the way she handled under your guiding hand… you left that great ship in our wake and I could almost feel their anger." The words spoken with a merry grin as he adjusts the somewhat split and bloodied armour that rests awkwardly against his chest, "Omens guide me and to pick the biggest ship they had… I figure if we can survive that, we can pick the great salt clean of all its wealth."

Eydis is still manning the tiller and she glances to Ranulfr with a bright smile her dark eyes shining. There is a slight blush to her olive toned cheeks as she is complimented. "Thank you….I like this ship. Its small and fast and it moves much better than that huge thing we went up against. I don't think they could catch us if they tried. Small and quick wins the day yet again." She grins and looks down at his injured chest. She bites her lower lip corncern showing in her eyes. "You won't be doing much raiding at all if that wound isn't taken care of…and you are not allowed to die either." She gives him her sternest glare and abandons the tiller in favor of taking his hand. "Come on. Someone else can steer for a bit. I'm making sure you live to see the great salt and the lands we will raid after that." She smiles and tries to gently lead him off to find a healer.

It is with a squeeze of Eydis' hand that Ranulfr pushes away from the railing of the boat and is easily lead as another steps in to take the tiller, "Not sure being injured is a bad thing." The farmadr intones with a smirk, "Every time I get bloodied, the gods send you to fuss over me." Stern glare notwithstanding, Ranulfr does at least bow his head lightly as he moves after Eydis, lead as he is, "Was a lucky hit, I'll give them that, they do hit hard… but they fall just as easily against our fierce warriors. Our victory was definately a good omen for us. We'll return wealthy and laden with spoils and outrun any attempt that our enemies may have at stopping our return to White Hall, just glad I get to fight beside you again."

"Someone has to take care of you…And I'd rather it was me." Eydis mutters good naturedly but still rather quietly. Its just loud enough for Ranulfr to hear if he is listening. She gives him another look over and nods at his mention of them returning with much loot. "Yes we will, I'm looking forward to all the shiny things we will find! And…I'm always glad to fight beside you I just wish you would stop getting hit. Maybe you get too distracted watching me?" She teases him a little as she takes him below decks to find a healer. She walks a bit slow and most of her attention is on Ranulfr rather than actually looking for a healer. Surely he can forgive her for getting distracted though?

There's a quirk of a smile as Ranulfr catches Eydis' words, coupled with a tilt of the head as as the prospect of being distracted himself, "Well I confess that you are quite the distraction, though you're no risk to my health, you need not worry there." The words warm and merry enough as he too pays little attention to much but the 'little wolf' before him, "A good reason to stay breathing, a great reason. For certain." The smile broadens, a flash of teeth and a wink of a blue-grey eye offered easily as he gives Eydis' hand a tug towards his injured self, a wince following given the jerk of muscles that tug at the wound beneath his armour, "Least they're hitting me though, if they're hitting me they aren't hitting anyone else."

Eydis blushes a little more now and she smiles brightly her dark gaze locked with Ranulfr's now. "Thats good to know. And you had better stay breathing…the Gods aren't allowed to have you yet. I.." She trails off letting out a little yelp of surprise as she is tugged closer. She is pulled in close and she looks up at Ranulfr with wide eyes and a soft smile on her face. She reaches up to touch his cheek gently. "You don't want them to hit the others? Surely they can take care of themselves?" Dark ebony eyes meet blue grey ones and Eydis looks up at him intently waiting for a response to that.

"I'm sure they can." Ranulfr replies with a teasing nip at those trailing fingers as he tilts his head towards her touch, "But there's always a good reason for what happens, the gods clearly willed that fierce blow was mine, which in turn ensured I got to watch you sail us away and that was a fine sight to give witness." The smile broadens and Ranulfr's hand squeezes Eydis' once more as his fingers lace betwixt hers, "You'll have so many slaves falling over themselves to serve you after we're through." And with a gentle shift, the bloodied Ranulfr leans in to lightly to rest his brow against hers, wolfishly nuzzling her nose with his, eyes so close and blurry, "And it is good the Gods listen to you. We have so many years ahead."

Eydis smiles amusement in her eyes and nuzzles him back. "The gods don't always listen…sometimes they do though. I pray to the Trickster most and sometimes he gives unexpected blessings." She furrows her brow a bit as some of what he said sinks in. "You said we…are you planning to stick next to me for many years then?" There is amusment in her gaze once again but also a hint of hope as well. She looks up and him and slowly reaches up standing on her tip toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I hope you will…you are worth more than all the slaves I could catch." She pulls back just enough to whisper this into his ear and then her lips move back going to hover near his own now.

"Be a fool to not stick beside you, you've tended to my health and we've fought side by side and you know how to handle my ship." Ranulfr grins widely, letting slip a warm huff of pleasure at the kiss to his cheek, "Many years, the Gods willing, why our legends are just beginning and I have a feeling our threads are entwined." Shifting just enough to rest his brow briefly against hers once more, Ranulfr can't resist even despite the wound that nags at him, but wounds are easily forgotten as he snakes his free arm about Eydis and presses his lips to hers, such warmth and mischief all rolled into a kiss of wordless thanks. For her words, their fates and so much more. The wound be damned. At least for a moment or two.

The kiss is returned gently and Eydis lets out a soft sound of happiness and contentment clearly enjoying it. Then she pulls back slowly. "I think you may be right. I will gladyly stand beside you for as long as you wish it. But first…You need to see a healer. I'll let you kiss me again once I'm sure you aren't hurting." She smiles and will guide him over to where one of the healers are not getting distracted this time. She place another soft kiss to his lips and then moves out of the way so the healer can look Ranulfr over. She will wait watching over him while he is treated.

The bloodied armour is removed, likewise the bloodied undershirt and Ranulfr sits back content given the warmth that still lingers from the kisses, "I shall have to practice hiding any hint of pain." His lips quirk as he sits there, his toned and muscled form bloodied and bruised, two puckered scars freshly healed showing just where Hraelfmir shot him twice in the chest, while this gash cuts across his chest, clean at least, "So…" Ranulfr looks across to Eydis, smiling even despite the attentions of the healer who sets about dabbing and cleaning the wound further, one such dab warranting a hiss from the farmadr, "… the Great Salt this time, such are we guided by fate, I so want to see Parthia one day… a land of scorching sun and silks and gems, so many gems to attach to that gold chain of yours, to have them nestled about that fine ruby I often find myself admiring."

Dark eyes watch Ranlfr meeting his eyes and as he speaks of Parthia her eyes widen and shine with delight. "Gems? Lots of gems? I will need a bigger chain to hold them all…" She looks excited and fingers the necklace, the small golden chain and its ruby that she always wears these days. She smiles slyly looking down at the ruby and then up at Ranulfr. Her eyes shine with mischief. "Are you sure its only the ruby you are admiring? Or is that the excuse you use for staring down my shirts?" She giggles softly teasing him once again now. "I would like to see Parthia myself…it sounds fun. Maybe I will get myself one of those silk dresses eastern women wear…but that wouldn't be very practical would it? How do you battle in a dress?"

"I confess that shirt you wore when we rescued you was a sight to behold." Ranulfr grins a tad wider and tilts his head a little from side to side, "And if I was ever to be made into a gem by the Gods, I only hope that it was that chain I was attached to." A warm bark of laughter escapes him, followed by a hiss as the healer begins to stitch the wound, making Ranulfr sit a little straighter and smirk as a hissed request to sit still is grunted by the healer. But Ranulfr manages that for a brief moment, "The easterners wear too much armour, so frightened are they and to battle in a silken dress? I can't imagine such a fight would go well, you'd be all tangled and on the floor in no time at all…" Yeah, that inevitable smirk is tempered by a deep jab of the needle, "Save it for the days we celebrate our wealth and our victories, if ever there was a woman worthy of such things." He smiles and again grunts as the neddle jabs and draws the thread taut, closing the wound slowly but firmly, "But if anyone could fight in such a thing, it is our little wolf."

"I still have that shirt you know…" Eydis replies with a mischievious grin. She laughs softly. "If you were made into a gem you would be the centerpeice of my collection you would have the best spot on the chain…but I would rather have you as you are." She tilts her head watching as he is stitched up and then looking back up to meet his eyes once more. She musters an indignant look but she mostly looks amused. "Tangled up? You would like that wouldn't you?" She smirks. "Yes the easterners are just as shiny as thier treasures when they fight. I don't know how they move in all that. Silks are pretty…but I'll save them for celebrating and stick to proper armor when going into battle. Besides if I was wearing silks in battle you really would get distracted…that or I would be mistaken for a wench again and get carried off like loot." She winks at Ranulfr playfully.

"Oh they wouldn't dare! The trouble they suffer when we come and rescue you and the mischief you cause while being rescued, they would surely pay us off and hand you over to save all the trouble you cause." Ranulfr grins mischievously and shudders and stifles a grunt as the needle digs in again, only this time the wound is drawn shut and the angry redness remains, if anything it is another scar to add to the growing collection. The healer reaches for the bandage, only Ranulfr grasps it first and smirks, "I can manage from here." To which the healer rolls their eyes and moves away, allowing Ranulfr to finally lean back and gaze upon Eydis properly, without a sweaty healer often getting in the way, "You get all dressed up in silks though and I'd be tempted to carry you off like loot, our enemies wouldn't get a chance." The words mirrored with a wink as he leans forward and eyes the bandage, clearly not having thought this through, or perhaps he has, "So, care to bind a frequently distracted farmadr's wound?"

Soft laughter leaves Eydis's lips once more. "Its true…most people find me to be more trouble than I'm worth." She eyes Ranulfr and once the healer moves off she moves over to sit next to him. She raises a brow at his words about carrying her off himself and smirks. "Well then I will have to make sure I get ahold of some silks then…just so you can carry me off once you see me in them." The question has her brow furrowing and she reaches a hand out to take the bandage. "There is a reason I brought you here rather than do this myself you know…I'm good at making wounds but terrible at closing them. Hold still." She fiddles with the bandage and then begind to carefully bind his wound. She isn't quite sure what she is doing but at least she gets to touch him. Her fingers brush his skin lightly as she wraps the wound up and secures the bandage. "There. Now try not to get hit again will you? I would offer a reward for every hit you dodge but I think that would distract you even more." Eydis smiles playfully and leans lightly against his side snuggling up against him a bit.

"More trouble than your worth?" Ranulfr asks, shaking his head as Eydis binds his wound with the bandage, he himself holding it in places to keep it taut and snug and clearly the farmadr too relishes the closeness, "I would argue that you are worth every ounce of trouble." And with Eydis leaning in against him, Ranulfr seeks to slip an arm about her and hold her close as he too leans against her, "I doubt I speak only for me, for we are Njorvolk and together we are strong, every one of us a link that binds us together. Our Gods watch over us and see us safe." Ranulfr smiles and stretches a little against Eydis, testing the bandage, "And you bind wounds well, plus there's something to be said for being bandaged by a beautiful warrior than a musty healer… and as for rewarding me for dodging, you are too true… why once I'd dodged a hundred times I'd probably combust at the prospect of such a reward." His tone merry and teasing as his allows his hand to play against Eydis' side, "It would be a spectacular explosion."

Eydis blushes and snuggles happily against Ranulfr's side. "And you are worth every once of trouble and worry to me as well. I wouldn't trade you for anything." She giggles softly at his mention of explosions and places a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You should rest now…I want you in fighting shape for the raid. So we can fight and loot together again." She keeps leaning there her smaller body relaxed against his not wanting to move away just yet. "Would…would you mind if I rested with you? I can keep you warm at least." She peeks up at him with a hopeful look.

It is with a glance behind him that he notes the cot is empty and devoid of clutter and with a light shift, he pushes back and seeks to draw Eydis with him, "And that is indeed proof that the Gods answer many a prayer." The smile is genuine and equally as mischievous as it is merry, his arm about her seeks to guide and to cradle her, his hand stroking still along her side as he seeks to settle and draw a warm and oh so comfortable Eydis along with him, "I should rest and nothing will make me heal faster than feeling your warmth against my side, the healer advised as much." Grinning and leaning in briefly to kiss at Eydis' brow, Ranulfr seeks to rest alongside Eydis, snug and warm and with the sound of gently creaking wood all about them.

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