(1865-12-11) Lyionesse Tourney: Archery
Lyionesse Tourney: Archery
Summary: The archery event at the Lyionesse Tourney
Date: 1865-12-11
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Alina  Corvin  Sylvain  Thaddeus  Clara  Aidric  Michael  Bella  

Room Name
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IC date of RP

For it being the final Circuit Tournament, the fields are fairly light; though with rumored issues in Galenthia (to the Aequorians) and rumored issues with barbarians in the north (to the Galenthians) it is, perhaps, not surprising.

Though out-of-towners may be scarce, the stands at the tourney grounds are filled with locals. Those participating in the archery tournament are already out at the field, awaiting the start of the competition.

The nobles stands are strangely spotty in attendance, though there is a small section where al'Callenta and al'Sylenthar colors can be seen.

Alina al'Sylenthar is sitting beside Lord Michael al'Callenta's new bride, Lady Bella, exchanging idle gossip and discussing clothing. Thankfully, neither are giggling, or otherwise making nuisances of themselves, though they aren't precisely paying overmuch attention to the field yet, either.

Master Corvin Fremont has just finished stringing his bow, and is giving it a few test-pulls. Seeming satisfied with the results, he moves to the starting position without ceremony, glancing towards the stands and grinning just a touch as he notes Alina and Bella with their heads together. He crouches down, plucking up a bit of dirt, and rises to his feet, releasing it to get a sense of which direction the wind is blowing, if any. And then, he awaits the signal to begin, glancing around idly to see who else might be competing this evening.

Thaddeus Sokar stands with the competitors. His hair is tied back to keep it from being in front of his face, attired in red and gold, a longbow in his hands. A few goose-fletched arrows sit in a quiver, but he otherwise is quiet, appraising the competition with him and awaiting instructions from the individual in charge.

Michael is not overly interested in archery, though being back in Lyionesse he has plenty to amuse himself with while his wife chats and gossips. The heir to Murnord is busy talking to some of his acquaintances from court, catching up on the latest gossip and revelling in their jealousy, about his beautiful new wife.

Among the other competitors, Sylvain's found his place as well. After all, he enjoys taking part in these archery competitions. Looking up at the people in the stands for a few moments, before he glances to his opponents, studying them all a bit carefully.

Standing in the middle of the field, with her rosewood longbow in hand, is Lady Clara Romante. Her bow is strung, with her quiver of green-and-black fletched arrows sitting upon her back. Her ensemble is loose, but comfortable. She seems rather comfortable…confident even, as she waits for the competition to start.

One of the few Galenthians here for the tourney, Aidric Charing is out of place among so many Aequorians, though if he's noted it, the proud young lord shows no sign of it. Sitting at his ease by where the al'Sylenthar and al'Callenta sit, making a point to wear a leather doublet with bronze clasps, in the style of Wayston. He looks over to the Aequorians and after studying them a moment offers "A crown says it's a Galenthian who wins the day, any takers?"

The judge for the competition steps out, and announces, "Competitors, take your marks! Prepare! And Fire."

<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Great Success.

Corvin Fremont steps up to his firing position, and fires off three shots in rapid succession. The first strikes just within the bulls-eye, but the next actually strikes in one of the outer rings, perhaps caught by an errant breeze. The third, though recovers somewhat, impacting on one of the inner rings, but not quite the center of the target. There's a faint frown from Corvin at that performance, before he shrugs, and starts to move back to await the next round.

Stepping up to the line, the lady Romante levels her sights upon the target and takes her three shots. All shots hit and are fairly decent, with a grouping to the left of the bulls-eye, within the inner rings. Not exceptional, but not terrible either. Needless to say, there is a slight frown upon Clara's lips…but only slight. She keeps her eyes upon the target, even as she steps back to await the next round.

Thaddeus listens to the instructions of the judge,which are rather simple. The Sokar heir takes his stance, and carefully aims down range, trying to take some effort to aim properly, though it only meets mild success. The next two find marks in the same ring, and slightly better than the first. A smile comes across the man's face as the others did not fare too much better than himself.

Alina frowns slightly at Corvin's showing, but doesn't say anything yet— after all, there are two more rounds. However, now that the competition has begun, she is less inclined to gossip much, at least for the moment.

Her eyes flit towards Lord Aidric, and she shrugs. "I will take your bet," she says simply. "For either my brother or the Prince will win the day."
Taking a few deep breaths, and looking towards the stands briefly, Sylvain moves into the stance to shoot. The three arrows are sent off, with the two last being better than the one he started with, although that one wasn't too bad either. A brief pause as he lowers his bow, before he steps back and prepares for the next round.

Aidric turns to see who took up his bet and smiles when he sees it is Alina. "Very well then my lady, always a pleasure to take coin from an al'Sylenthar," he says lightly despite the barbed words.

Michael for his part applauds with the rest of the courtiers, though takes no part in the gambling, even if he is sure that Aequor will win the day.

The shots calculated and the arrows removed from the targets, the announncer calls for the second round to begin.

<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery+25: Great Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Failure.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Amazing Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Success.

Once more, Corvin's first shot is very nearly a dead-on Bulls-Eye, but his follow-up shots, while decent, move outside the center, striking in the inner rings. He doesn't seem quite as upset about his performance this round, but he still eyes the target speculatively a few moments before moving back to await the call for the third round of shots.

And since chance spites him, Thaddeus misses with his first shot in the second round, a small prayer is said after it. The Sokar then takes another shot down range and finds an acceptable spot. A deep breath is given and Thad then takes careful aim and sends an arrow into the bullseye, a smile on his face afterwards.

Starting close to the bullseye, but not quite in it, Sylvain's next few shots ends up further away, both of them. He takes a few breath as he mutters something under his breath as he prepares for the last round.

Three more shots from Clara hit in the inner circle once more….this time to the right of the bull's-eye. Over-compensated, it seems. Yet, there is something to be said for consistency. The young lady does roll her eyes, somewhat. She may not say any words…but her expression says volumes. She is okay with it..but not pleased. She steps back, sighing lightly as she prepares herself for the final round.

Alina sighs, folding her arms across her chest, and looking decidedly agitated. She glances away from the field for a bit, then back. Despite the occasional nod or 'mmhmm' towards Lady Bella, Alina herself actually seems subdued. And tired.

Aidric bahs when Thaddeus' first shot misses the target entirely. "My faith in my country-" he begins before Thad takes his second and third shots that silence the Charing knight. "Nevermind, he knows what he's about. Could use some of Clara's consistency however."

The announcer steps forward, waiting for the runner to bring him the second set of tallies. As soon as he has it, he nods crisply, and then calls for the final round. "Make it count, my lords, my ladies, masters and mistresses."

<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Corvin rolls Archery+25: Amazing Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery+25: Amazing Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Thaddeus rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery+25: Amazing Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Great Success.
<FS3> Sylvain rolls Archery: Great Success.
Clara spends 1 luck points on Aim straight and True.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery+25: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.
<FS3> Clara rolls Archery: Good Success.

Corvin steps up one more time, and his first shot remains consistent, striking within the Bulls-eye, though not dead-center. The second veers just to the left, but the third proves a basically perfect hit, striking dead in the center of the bulls-eye. Corvin nods with a touch of satisfaction, though he notices that the other competitors are shooting well, too. He has a feeling this scoring is going to be awfully close. He tosses a grin towards Alina as he heads back to the waiting area, turning about to await the judges' decision.

Careful aim, and Sylvain releases the first arrow, which hits the bullseye. Preparing the next, it goes a bit outside of said bullseye, but still a good one. The third one is just near the second, and he lowers his bow, letting out a deep breath before he steps back to await the results, offering a nod to the others competing in the process.

Despite the careful aim…despite the self-admonishing within Clara's mind….she again cannot seem to find that elusive bull's-eye. Her placement is center…but just a little too low. And…again, within the inner circles. With a huff and a brush of her hand of a wayward lock of hair, Clara steps back from the line.

Michael looks out at the field and frowns. "Who's won?" he asks the ladies as he rejoins them, he settles an arm around his wife as he sits.

Thaddeus hears for the final request for shots. The Sokar takes another deep breath and utters a quiet prayer and sends an arrow down range, into the bullseye. He smiles and sends two more arrows down range, though sadly without the same success, in fact getting worse with each shot, though still being respectable. Thad looks to the judge, awaiting the result.

Aidric too is no closer to figuring it out. "Whoever took it, it was a damn close thing," he remarks as he leans on the stands to wait for who will win.

After the results are tallied, the announcer clears his throat. "In third place is Lady Clara Romante with eighteen points. Tied for second place is Lord Thaddeus Sokar and Master Corvin Fremont with twenty-two points. And the winner of the archery competition is His Highness Prince Sylvain al'Ramar, with twenty-four points."

Alina huffs a bit, but sighs. "I supposed Corvin can't win them all," she notes, pointedly ignoring Aidric's commentary. In fact, she doesn't even ask him for his coin, though in part, it may be because she is distracted.

If you were to ask Corvin, he shouldn't win them all. Draws too much attention. Besides, the crowds are quite happy to cheer loudly for their Prince having taken the competition on his "home field" so to speak. Corvin unstrings his bow with a bit of a wry grin, and bows towards the other competitors, "Well shot Your Highness, My Lord, My Lady…It was a pleasure and honor to compete against you all." His grin might tick up -ever- so slightly at that last, but he doesn't allow his gaze to linger on Clara, "And congratulations to you as well, Highness, for your victory."

Still slightly annoyed with herself, despite the fact that she did shoot well, Clara offers a nod to Corvin. She doesn't seem all that flustered by him, at the moment, though it could be the fact she is still analyzing what she did wrong. "It was a pleasure to be on the same field as you all." The words are sincere enough…as is the tone, if only slightly distracted.

"True," Michael says to Alina with a grin. "He'd have to be my brother for that," he jokes while applauding the prince's victory and indeed all the archers whom he barely watched. "Though we kept the win in the kingdom."

Alina actually allows a bit of a smile to touch her face at Michael's quip regarding his brother. "He does win his share, doesn't he?" she asks with a light laugh. "I suppose I will even watch the melee and the joust the next couple of days and pay attention." She catched Corvin's eye where he is on the field and gives him a nod.

Aidric makes a face as the results are announced. He reaches for his purse when he stands but seeing Alina otherwise engaged he holds off on paying his debts for now. He slips out of the stands to go await his fellow Galenthians.

Looking thoughtful until he hears the results, Sylvain lets out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding back, as he smiles. Looking to the stands first, he soon looks back to the other competitors. "Well shot, all of you. It was truly a great competiton." A brief pause as he hears Corvin, he offers the man a smile in return. "Thank you."

Thad frowns as the points are called as he did not win, but he does not seem too upset as he did tie for second. A shrug and a nod to his future brother-in-law. The Sokar gives another nod to Corvin, "Well-done, well done." He then follows the other Galenthians off the field to enjoy the festivities of the tourney.

Clara decides that it is better to not worry about what she should have done, and instead enjoy herself in the present. There is a pause just long enough to unstring the bow. Then she heads off the field, following her fellow Galenthians. She seems to be alone, not quite with the others, but she doesn't seem to mind at all. She joins up with at least a couple Galenthian knights, who take flanking positions behind her as Clara walks onwards.

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