(1865-09-22) Coming and Going
Coming and Going
Summary: On the day of departing Roseguard for Alicante, Lady Claire briefly meets Lord Thomas, who just happens to also be a vassal of her brother. Polite commentary between the two ensues.
Date: 1865-09-22 (Morning)
Related: None
NPCs: {$npc}
Claire  Thomas  

Galenthia - Ironhold - Roseguard Castle - Courtyard
After climbing a pathway leading up onto a hillside beside Iron March, and passing through the gates of a set of thick walls (a feat that usually requires an invitation from the Baron or his family, or a very thorough questioning and search unless you're a regular visitor), the courtyard of Roseguard Castle opens up. Roseguard is one of the newest castles in Galenthia, and it shows in both the unblemished and unworn edifice of the castle itself standing tall and proud upon the hillside, but also in architecture that blends lessons of hundreds of years of siege warfare to create a fortress of formidable defenses. The thick outer wall is manned by several dozen members of the Iron Guard, who are quartered both within the walls themselves, but also in the barracks that rest off to one side of the courtyard, opposite where a large stables lie. A smaller structure is tucked into the corner of the walls furthest from the castle, with a symbol on the outside that indicates it as an alchemical lab. Not surprisingly, the guardsmen seem to keep a wide berth from that one.
Near the barracks sits a well for drawing fresh water from an underground stream, and a few trees are placed here and there for shade. There's a near-constant hum of activity during the day, with visitors to the castle moving to and fro along with guards, servants, and soldiers of House Cassomir. It's not uncommon to see Knights speaking with Huntresses or off-duty guardsmen having a bit of play upon the well-manicured lawns, but there does seem to be a sense of order and organization to all the proceedings, and the guards are quick to take a closer look at anyone or anything that looks out of place…whether out of suspicion or a polite offer of assistance for those that simply look lost. Of course, the large doors that lead to the castle proper beckon, for those with further business within.
22rd of Septebre, 1865 IE (Morning)

The rumour of two dozen soldiers entering the town, and soldiers not of this province, either, have preceded the arrival of any of them up here. But here they come, still covered in the dust of the road other than their faces. Their leader is clearly the one atop a stout black pony, a cobalt blue crest fixed to his helmet and the arms of House Chandus on his surcoat and shield. He's flanked by two soldiers dressed like him, though with mail instead of brigandine as he wears. And they look tired. Tired, but fixed on a purpose. Thomas wears a neutral expression, as he often does.

The presence of many men and women within Iron March shouldn't be much of a surprise to those within Roseguard Castle, given the colors of Romante and Tarris preparing for departure. If nothing else, the amount of goods indicate some measure of personage within the group. As Margret, one of Lady Claire Tarris maids - the primary one, no less takes note of those arriving. "My lady.." With a gesture of her head towards the main gates, it's the Lady who inclines her head politely once within distance.

While he may have came here for one thing, Thomas is certainly piqued by the sight of both Royal and Ducal houses so prominently displayed in this keep. He veers Maddock, his pony, towards the party and offers a dip from the saddle. "Lady Claire. Good day. I'm not quite sure… that you remember me, but we've met before and, in any case, m'lady, I remember you." Stopping the horse, the eastern man gets out of the saddle and repeats his greeting on foot. "Lord Thomas Chandus, of Sun Shield."

That remark of knowing the man who approaches is enough for Claire's attention to turn from neutral to cautious. It's not until hearing the house name that her features settle into an 'oh' of acknowledgement. "I recognize House Chandus as a name. Thomas… perhaps. You are related to Lord Edward Chandus," she asks, remembering the previous name with little to no difficulty as she steps away from her mare - a chestnut brown of Tarris breeding. "I had no clue that you were traveling at this time. What brings you this far north or west, rather?"

There is barely a perceivable hint of emotion as Claire mentions Lord Edward, the younger man dipping his head. "Aye, m'lady. Lord Edward was killed in the fighting up north many a year ago. My brother, Lord John, took the fief after and fought at his Grace your brother's side for many years. And at the Battle where we crushed the Thorn, he too, was killed." Obviously Thomas is referring to the Battle of the Betrayer and avoiding its commonly used name; he must have distaste for it, given that he too was a 'betrayer' of sorts, fighting for Duke Gauvain. "And that made me, the fifthborn and rather unlikely, into the current Lord Chandus." A wry smile appears on his face. "Unlikely, but I'm learning. I knew you from the War, Lady Tarris, though I was just a squire and that to a small house."

"There were a number good men lost in your household, Lord Thomas," Claire answers after a frown slightly creases her brow as she thinks. "It is not that I have forgotten, I assure you. But there are so many that I likely have touched in the course of my healing assistance during the latest war. And the other conflicts as of late." Four Corners being the most recent. With her hands brushing her skirts - a plain gown designed for travel over long distances, she looks towards the other men and then back to their lord with a press of her lips. "Are you to be guests of the Viscount? I can ask that Margret go and inform those who would need to know."

Thomas nods at Claire with a more grave expression, now. "Aye, my lady, that there were. But through their service and sacrifice and that of many, many others, we are now where we are, which is to say, mainly at peace. Other than that terrible debacle at Four Corners, but unfortunately, that is what they get for relying on sellswords and privateers for their protection. A gallant feat of arms, ejecting those bandits." Finally, Thomas turns to his two men and says to the more senior one, "Robert, have the ponies stabled, watered and fed, if you please." Back to Claire, "I was going to pay my respects to him, Lady Claire, as would be proper. I brought armed men into his town afterall." That wry smile returns.

There's a bemused note to Claire's voice as she shifts her attention and gaze between the men spoken to and the one currently conversing with her. "If you have sent word to him ahead of time and I know you have," she begins with an easy smile settling across her features. "Then he already knows you mean no harm in traveling with so many men. Are you headed to the Tournament in Kentaire then? If so, you may very well come across Sir Bethany and Sir Wulfred. I am not sure if my nephew will be in attendance, but perhaps we will have time to speak further? I would not want to delay you, you see."

"Oh no, my Lady, I'm not attending the tourney. As distasteful as it is, there are matters of trade to which my merchants, miners, shepherds, farmers and craftsmen require me to attend to, at least in the near term. You see, we ship down to Fortress Duval, part through House Reine's Riverrend and part through other lands to the Great Salt. Then they go around to Four Corners. Well, our agent in Four Corners did not survive the late unpleasantness, and so I need to organise certain things." Thomas's wry grin has given way to a slight frown, which then clears off his face and leaves it neutral, as it usually is. "But, such is stewardship, so I'm told. I would hope that we should meet again in the future, my Lady, perhaps somewhere other than a crossroads, so to speak. A banquet. Ah, that would be lovely! Well, if you ever should find yourself in the Eastern mountains, our Valley is quite lovely and you would be quite entertained, I suspect!"

"I am sorry to hear that." And she genuinely is dismayed to hear such circumstances, the slight frown remaining for just moments more as a result. "Perhaps, if you are to be in Duval then there might be a chance to sail to Almeria," Claire asks, almost hopeful while speaking to what is still one of her own people until matters change that irrevocably. "It is a port city in Alicante, which is where I will be for a short while. At least, for now, to accustom myself to the county and its people prior to my marriage to the Viscount. Better to start now rather than as a new bride." And to ease tensions goes unspoken. "I cannot promise when or if I should be able to make it to your lands in the immediate future. But, I should like to."

"One day, my lady, one day. Until that day comes, please accept my congratulations on your upcoming marriage. My God bless you and your new husband with a fruitful and joyous union. But, at risk of being rude, my lady, I must beg your leave to continue on." Thomas dips his head.

"Come to the wedding, if nothing else," Claire offers with warm smile with such references to her impending marriage to the Viscount. Romante not even entering her mind with all of its politics. "And thank you. Hopefully, you will be able to meet my betrothed as well before he becomes my husband. Have a good day and pleasant stay, Lord Thomas."

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