Lord (Sir) Aidric Charing (Deceased)
Harry Lloyd
Harry Lloyd as Aidric Charing
Full Name: Aidric Charing
Byname: None
Age: 25 (DOD: 06/01/1866)
Kingdom: Galenthia
House: Charing
Title/Profession: Lord
Position: Knight
Place of Birth: Holymount
Sheet Information: {$sheet}
Father: Viscount Willard Charing
Mother: Viscountess Carlene Charing (nee Romante)
Siblings: Rhett Charing, Shirlyn Charing
Spouse: None
Children: Cassella Bayde (b. 1862, recognized bastard)


This Character Has Met His Final Crusade - Fare Thee Well, Lord Charing


Nephew of the Thorn, knight, writer and ne’er do well. Aidric Charing followed the his uncle Anton Romante through the succession war, became a captive after the battle of the Battle of the Betrayer and a writer after that. Since the end of the war he has become something of ne’er do well living in Four Corners, slipping easily from gambling den to intellectual circles. However following the Great Raid and recovering from wounds he took there he has returned to Galenthia sword in hand.

On the Grid

Many a law, many a commandment have I broken, but my word never. - Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Ivanhoe



Melisande Queen Melisande Sophia Romante; The Queen : Once my enemy now my liege, it is funny how the world turns. She does not trust me but she will learn in time that I am in my way her most loyal subject.
Anton King Anton Alphonse Romante; My Uncle : I will be honest. I do not know what sort of king Anton would have made, likely a cruel one but he was my uncle and better he take the throne than Aurturo who had no reason to love me. He's dead now and my loyalty to his cause died with him. However, I do still wonder what might have been if only the Betrayer had stayed true…

Lord Tristan Romante; My Nursemaid : A man of good breeding and of depths I have yet to fully fathom. I shall watch him as he watches me and learn what I can. In the meantime he seems cultured, well read and if the rumours are true, has compatible vices. So, at least we shall have something to talk about while we circle each other with knives behind our backs.

Or so I thought. Our paths took us different ways and he has been digging into secrets other than those I have been hunting.

Kira Lady Kira Romante : Kira. She is the first woman I've pursued who's my equal (though she'd say my better) and it has proven an interesting pursuit. All the same we know politics and our own ambitions will make our entanglement merely brief, but for all that's its worth it has proven educational and I remain fond of her.
Clara Lady Clara Romante; The Changeling : Letholdus' formerly missing sister, and possible spy for the al'Sylenthar. I do not trust her, but now that she is tasked with planning the royal wedding she is has become a person of note at court and thus worthy of further investigation. From what I saw of her at the Sokar dinner she may indeed have a mind or at the very least a sense of humour.
Dacian Sir Dacian Tabeth Romante : I honestly thought he was dead. I knew his elder brother Loxias some from the war and assumed when Loxias died so too did Dacian, his squire. It appears he lives and has some role in the Viscount’s household. Though the years must have been hard on him he seemed near broken when we met.
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