The Ryaltan Guild of Adventurers

In response to the opening up of various ruins and depths that are both infested with unknown threats and the chance of great wealth, the great Island Kingdom of Ryalta created the Ryaltan Adventurer's Guild, based in the City State of Four Corners. The Guild oversees visits to the island chain, allowing those who accept commissions from the Guild, to visit, map, and if fortunate, gather artifacts from those ruins that scatter the vast island chain of Ryalta. Ultimately of course, artifacts are encouraged to be turned over to the Guild, so they can be assessed of their value, and then the valiant explorers compensated accordingly. To not turn over artifacts to the Guild, and therefor the Pirate Queen of Ryalta, ruler of a most sovereign nation, could well ensure complications for those who take the Guild's commissions.

Commissions are obtained by visiting the Guild Hall and speaking to one of the many Clerks of the Commission, easily identified by the lustrous quills they wield in the completion of their duties. The Guild Hall itself is quite something and rather nautical in its design, with a vast collection of maps sealed away, protected, though available to peruse should one be an actual member and therefore a card-carrying Adventurer of the Ryaltan Guild, always upfront on paying their tithe, and never defaulting on the Queen of Ryalta when it comes to artifacts and treasures. To default and be found out, well, that never ends well, especially so for actual members of the Guild, they tend to vanish. Those who simply arrive to claim a commission as an interested party will find their own maps most welcome to join the collection as per the agreement in taking a commission, though to examine their ancient and rather beautiful cartographical treasures is something that would never be permitted, and even as a mere interested party, defaulting on the Queen is never a good thing should one be found out.

To ensure a swift journey to that wondrous chain of islands, the Guild itself runs an airship that travels between Four Corners, and the small but prospering township of Lafitte nestled amidst the island chain. From that township, supplies, small sailing vessels, and even the occasional guide/sailor who'll drop any parties off at whichever island they desire (they never leave their vessel, they aren't that foolish) can be found for a price. All in all, adventure awaits, and should treasures be found and kept, the adventure of keeping such treasure may well follow soon after.

Such adventures are run using the Dungeon Crawl System, the rules and charts of which are found here.

To join, one merely needs to swear an Oath to the tenets of the Guild, the tenets being concerned with honesty regarding maps, declarations of artefacts, and service to exploring the unknown islands of the Island Kingdom of Ryalta, with a few choice sentences about the possibility of the adventurer's bones being a future waypoint for others who tread their path, and blaze a trail through the hidden secrets of Ryalta.

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